Jane spoke to Lucy and Daina.
"Listen to my dear girls very carefully. Your parents-" She paused as she saw that both the girl's great eyes fill with tears at the mention of their parents. "Your Parents," she went on, "either could not or did not make any provision for yourself. You are therefore both dependent upon me, as you have no other relatives. Without me you would therefore become public charges; I suppose you understand that?"
"Yes, Ms. Jane," Daina replied, tears coursing down their beautiful cheeks as they bowed their head. "We know you have been very good to us and I want you to know that Lucy and I both appreciate it very much."
"I am glad, Daina and Lucy, that you realize this," she said. "Now your conduct will govern your own fate. I am sure that I won't be disappointed in you, girls"
"I hope, Ms. Jane," Lucy replied, "that you will never have cause to regret your noble action in taking two unfortunate girls under your tender care; I assure you that we will both respect and adore you and will do our best to please you in every possible manner."
Now, there is are a little good news and bad news for you. What would you like to hear first?
Both seemed to be in a shock, as Ms. Jane continued 'let me give the Good news to you first. Mr. Deepak Kumar, who is one of my students in the Personality Development class. A few days ago he expressed his love for me and expressed his desire to marry me, though I liked him and I was interested to settle down in life, I did not accept his proposal as, I have been bestowed with the responsibility of taking care of both of you. I said to him that I like him, but I cannot accept his proposal as I have to take care of my two little angels. I also don't have many resources to make a provision for both of my girls whom I regard as my sisters. In case he can make a provision of you two, I can consider his proposal. He told me that he may not have adequate means to make a suitable provision for two young girls. Yet he can help in this regard and to this, he introduced me to his close friend Mr. Aamir, whom I also knew earlier as I used to teach his sisters.'
Ms. Jane continued I am very much inclined towards accepting the proposal of Mr. Deepak Kumar and in this connection, only I have met and discussed the matter with Mr. Aamir, and he has very kindly acceded to my request and has agreed to take care of both of you but he has stipulated two conditions;
Firstly, that, you both will stay with him and he will be taking two unfortunate girls under his tender care as your sole guardian and you two will do your best to please him in every possible manner.
Secondly, I have to surrender my maidenhead to him. I will have to stay with him, as his wife under a marriage contract for at least a month. And afterward, I may be separated from him, as and when I will be required to live with my husband.'
'You both girls know very well that how much I love both of you, and I am always ready to do anything and everything for your well being. So I have no problem whatsoever, in surrendering my virginity to Aamir.
I always wanted to give my virginity to my husband on my wedding night as a wedding gift to him. Since it will be a wedding contract with Aamir and I shall be Aamir's wife under the contract, so I have absolutely no problem in surrendering my virginity to Aamir, as I always liked him.
Now it is all up to you girls to go into his tender care and you agreeing to his terms. In case you both don't agree I will not be able to support you after my marriage to Aamir or subsequent marriage to Mr. Deepak Kumar. Or you want me to stay unmarried all my life taking care of you.' said Ms. Jane.
'No, No, Ms. Jane you must marry' Said Lucy and Daina affirmed by nodding her head. 'You must not let this chance go, Ms. Jane', said Daina.
'Otherwise, getting reduced to a pauper and a public charge is indeed an unpleasant thing and a sad thing for young girls," she said musingly, as though talking to herself, but artfully watching between her lowered lids the look of extreme terror that crossed the girl's features.
"Oh, Ms. Jane," quivered the distressed maidens, reproachfully, "how could you doubt us? He has taken us into his wonderful home and surely you must not think we would ever be ungrateful to you or him." They almost said in unison.
"It is easy enough to say that you pledge yourself to obedience and respect, but perhaps your ideas and his might not agree at times, and then what would be your reactions?"
"Oh, Ms. Jane," Daina replied, "I am sure you can believe me and vouch from my conduct in the past when I say we will do everything in accordance with his slightest of wishes." And what about you Lucy asked Ms. Jane. 'Ms. Jane, you know how much I have always respected you. Of course, I will be do everything that you say and now onwards as Aamir, may say or wish, You know Ms. Jane how much I love him. I will treat each of his command or slightest wishes whether spoken or unspoken or what I can guess from his gestures as your wish and I am sure we can make him love us, we will be such good girls."
"Well, here is the situation, then; he is not a harsh man, but I do not propose to be taken advantage of on that account. He will agree to take you girls into his home on the same basis as though you were my sisters, but he will not be crossed in his wishes or plans for you. He must be the judge of your conduct; He must be the court of last resort as to what you will or will not do; He must be consulted in every plan and he will not be disobeyed; you must agree to conform to his every wish. For his part, he will treat you kindly and take the best care of you that his wealth may command. Your course is open to you; you may remain here under those conditions, or you may make whatever alternative or other arrangements you see fit."
"Oh, Ms. Jane. Of course, we will both be his obedient and do everything he says and surely, we can make him love us, we will be such good girls." They again asserted. 'He will be now onwards our Sole Guardian'.
She said "Girls, Congratulations on both of you for getting such a kind and loving Guardian for rest of your life"... Girls also congratulated Ms. Jane for her engagement.
"Well then, that's settled," she said. Let us inform Mr. Aamir accordingly, he will get all the papers prepared.
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