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“John McCann and Ed Brand should resign”
After reading the latest opinion of Judge Espana that upon a verdict of guilty... Quote: "“that person is suspended at least until the day of sentencing and then on the day of sentencing, that that office is vacant.” If this is true has any business of the District been conducted while a "Should have been Suspended" Trustee been sitting on the Board? I am pretty sure anything done at the April Board meeting is suspect, how about Ms. Quniones time? Again if we had trustworthy people on the SUHSD Board they would have excluded themselves long before now, they whould have followed the system to replace Ms. Ricassa, or the County would have stepped in months ago. As for the open seats on the Board I assume they will be filled at the fall election with terms to regain the sequece of alternating openings ie, Ms. Lopez's seat will be for one year... Are the temporary fill seats subject to the new districting of the seats? By the way how is that going, any appearent gerrymandering going on? Can the new/temporary board call for a Superintendant search? How about an independent search committee? A couple of new subjects in the ongoing saga of Sweetwater.... BBQ CAVE— May 9, 2014 6 a.m.
“John McCann and Ed Brand should resign”
Oskidoll, The term "Small" is relative and so fits many possible definitions in this situation. Mr. McCann is small in many ways except in his audacity to claim the higher ground at SUHSD and the successes which occured in the District in spite of he and his fellow Board Members. He's small except for his ego, thinking that only he is above reproach for asking and recieving campaign contributions from District Contractors, and claiming the fact that he alone was responsible for the removal of the Gandara at a significant cost to the District. He's small until you start talking about new district offices, on Ed's tail, spending anywhere from $15M to $30M depending on who you talk to, in spite of a few years of deficit Budgeting spending about $30M of what was a reasonable $40M Reserve Fund. He's small when you talk of fiscal conservatism which he claims until you really look into where is the money? I guess it never changes when he shows up as a City Councilman to "Christmas in October" Projects in time to have a snack and glad hand, but not to do anything constructive like volunteer to fix someone's house. Small is a good thing when he is no longer in the public limelight he'll be easily ignored. Hey do his campaign signs say "John McCann" or can they be recycled for MaMa McCann's run for the Board? No McCann in South San Diego Politics!!!! BBQ CAVE— May 8, 2014 1:32 p.m.
No teachers’ union, no political agendas…
Just ate lunch, then read ths BS Propaganda from Johnny baby, and want to hurl... He is a legend in his own mind, taking credit for actions that the students and teachers accomplished without contracts, guidence from a corrupt board/adminstration, deficit funding of the district, 2/3 of the schools still in academic limbo from the state... So John, if we are is such good shape, Why are we changing to "Common Core" and how is the transition going? So John, if we are in this good of shape appearently the grandure of the district office is not a problem, so why waste money on a new one. Oh John, an audit of spending, real estate, Consultants, I believe you have promised those things, what's up with that? John, actions or lack of actions speak louder than words, your actions have spoken for themselves. Please quit guilding your failures with the student and teacher's successes!!!! People of San Diego South Bay, look around is SUHSD better than it was 4 years ago? Go through the archive of Susan Luzzaro's stories, they speak volumes. BBQ, CAVE— May 6, 2014 12:19 p.m.
Corruption cut from Sweetwater schools?
So much stuff.... First Thanks to anniej and Bertha for their diligence to date, however in this case where one shoe fits all, Justice. Bertha got caught up in the net with the preps, as my mother always said "Be careful who you hang out with...", Guilt by association. Thinking about the current situation what would the best thing for the district be for the rest of 2014? Assuming that the last two indictees, Jim and Bertha are not required to resign, is it better to have the three running the place and continue to stumble allong with the Brandanian-Two- Step, or have Bertha resign, the county BoE come in and Bertha run for her position in the fall? Base the resignation on it is the best thing for the district at this time, spin it, "what isbest of the community." Allong with guilt by association, we need to look into the future with open eyes, not perception of the current situation, I was asked to be on a committee by the Gandara, am I suspect? As for the timing of the contract renewal for Ed, it is my understanding that Ed needs to inform the board of his desire to stay 90 days (?) ahead of the termination date(Sept 24) and the Board has to confirm or deny their intentions within 45 days (Aug 8) of the end of the contract Sept 24, only with Ed saying he wants to stay and the Board doing nothing does the contract automatically renew. Might need a lawyer look into it, but it was a two step process with both parties needing to act. Again the fall is coming, note double intrada (SP), the demise of the current Junta and the elections... Best to all, BBQ, CAVE— April 30, 2014 6:10 a.m.
School officials Gandara and Sandoval plead guilty
Dear John, Let's see where to begin.... How about we rewrite your Quote in the Campaign ad in the above comment, showing your record as a Trustee at Sweetwater Union High School District: *...I am running for City Council **(SUHSD Trustee),** because I think our elected officials are letting us down **(As Trustee, I let you down).** We need to restore ethics and transparency at City Hall **(SUHSD, I had a chance and failed)** and to make sure our elected officials are working for you, the people and not for themselves **(Maybe not directly to my pockets, but with self-interest and interest of the SUHSD Adminstration vs. the taxpayers and students).** Less taxes **(except for Mello Roos hikes during recessions and mis-approriation of said Mello Roos "Taxes").** Less Traffic **(how about distracted Driving?).** Less crime **(unless it's white collar and fellow Trustees or campaign signs on public Land)**. Less news stories of our elected officials failing to lead... **(Censorship or Higher standards? Have you looked in the Mirror lately?**)... and failing us. **(You've got that right, you've been in the position to make changes!)** We need more positive results. Period... **(The only way to ensure positive results is to remove career politicians, like you from office).*** By the way I like the disclaimer that you are not endorsed by the Military, similar to those now required by members of the public when addressing the SUHSD Board, after your employee, Superintendent Brand called a member of the Public's government Employer and complained about her personnal research and opinion of activities at the District... Mr. McCann, be careful when you point things out, they often come back with you standing in the pile of excrement you helped create. BBQ, CAVE— April 9, 2014 6:14 a.m.
John McCann's ad for Chula Vista City Council
Dear John, Let's see where to begin.... How about we rewrite your Quote in the Campaign ad in the above comment, showing your record as a Trustee at Sweetwater Union High School District: *...I am running for City Council **(SUHSD Trustee),** because I think our elected officials are letting us down **(As Trustee, I let you down).** We need to restore ethics and transparency at City Hall **(SUHSD, I had a chance and failed)** and to make sure our elected officials are working for you, the people and not for themselves **(Maybe not directly to my pockets, but with self-interest and interest of the SUHSD Adminstration vs. the taxpayers and students).** Less taxes **(except for Mello Roos hikes during recessions and mis-approriation of said Mello Roos "Taxes")**. Less Traffic **(how about distracted Driving?)**. Less crime **(unless it's white collar and fellow Trustees or campaign signs on public Land).** Less news stories of our elected officials failing to lead... **(Censorship or Higher standards? Have you looked in the Mirror lately?)**... and failing us. **(You've got that right, you've been in the position to make changes!)** We need more positive results. Period... **(The only way to ensure positive results is to remove career politicians, like you from office).*** By the way I like the disclaimer that you are not endorsed by the Military, similar to those now required by members of the public when addressing the SUHSD Board, after your employee, Superintendent Brand called a member of the Public's government Employer and complained about her personnal research and opinion of activities at the District... Mr. McCann, be careful when you point things out, they often come back with you standing in the pile of excrement you helped create. BBQ, CAVE— April 9, 2014 6:08 a.m.
Ed talks out of school
oskidoll, I completly agree with you on the November voting issue, it's what will happen over the next six plus months that is more immediate concern. Will Ed and the Boys continue down the slippery path they are already on? I suspect so and the District or the New Board or Us the taxpayer will have to pick up the pieces. The "Mini" Board could for example give Ed a new contract with a termination clause that is too expensive or painful to enact, or a messed up purchase contract for a new Adminstration Building, or a 3rd St. sales Contract without the proper Board reviews. Any or all of these things are possible, what about "L" St? We cannot wait out these issues with the "Mini" Board. Again what are the real short term solutions? BBQ CAVE— April 2, 2014 2:54 p.m.
Ed talks out of school
eastlaker, Based on Mr. Wynnet's (District Legal Counsel) opinion stated above, one would think that Major purchases, contract (including the Superintendant's), or scope issues w.r.t. Prop "O" projects would all be "Financial" and require a unanimous vote of the remaining (3 of 5) Board Members to be approved. If the District moves forward on any of these issues without a proper Board they have failed in their fudiciary (sp) duties protecting the public from improper expenses and purchases. I do not think it's beyond Ed and the boys to try something but will anything be legal? I am most fearful like the Allient Agreement we, the public, get stuck bailing out the illegal contracts approved by this "Mini" Board. Again where are the authorities over school districts in this state? BBQ CAVE— April 2, 2014 8:08 a.m.
Ed talks out of school
So after watching the "Camping Trip" press release last Thursday, complete with sleeping bags and toiletries (sp), I knew it was another of the Board and Ed's spins.... Ed has more spin in his office than Curly Neal did on the ball when he played for the Harlem Globetrotters, unfortunately he makes John and Jim look like they play for the Washington Generals (1 win/10000+ losses). Usually an organization in negotiations lets the agrieved side (SEA) announce a settlement or at least a joint announcement with both sides smiling and shaking hands. This out of touch, nearly quorum-less, group of so-called experts keep illustrating their lack of sincerity for having a quality School system. With the lack of negotiations, inability to move anything forward until January? Why do we still have them on the payroll? Maybe if the Teachers strike we should layoff the Adminstrators. Where is the County or State Office of Education? We are at a stalemate and require cooler minds, heck any minds to give the district, Ed and the remaining board members a big push towards normalcy. Education should be the Business of SUHSD adminstration and the SEA, both sides need to quit their grandstanding and fix the district. BBQ CAVE— March 31, 2014 11:30 a.m.
Quinones, Ricasa, Cartmill, Cabello weigh pleas vs. fighting
Reader2, Thank you for the post, it follows offering "experience" to our students. Even though our district offers "Technical Tracks" the overall emphasis on "College" is a poor deception for many of our students. SUHSD technical tracks are not readily available for all students, and even if a student has the ability to attend College, the hand on experiences of technical training prepare them for their future education. Hear hear to Camden Central High School, just because we are a "CITY" based school does not mean we only need Books and ipads! BBQ CAVE— March 28, 2014 5:44 a.m.