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Dollars and nonsense in Chula Vista
A pool is one thing, all of the developments have pools, but where are the Pools that have Lane swimming, ability to play water polo, and competitions? Allong with the other "Recreation Facilities". SUHSD isn't building it, the city is not building it. Where are the advantages of fine suburban living? It's pay for this and Pay for that in the East. Having been involved with the OTC from the beginning (if you look ground breaking photos there will be a much younger me in the photos) and having spent a large amount of time at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs in the early 1980s, The OTC In Chula was once at the ideal site for a training center, a bit out of the way and off by itself, those things are great for an High Performance Training center. However it is still out of the way and sort of by itself, albet surrounded by over populated Developments. The OTC will never be able to be a major Recreational facility of Chula Vista it is realitively specialized and definitely out of the way with all of the East Side access issues. Overall Planning just throw it out the window ... the credo of Chula Vista and SUHSD politics. BBQ— November 11, 2014 12:18 p.m.
Dollars and nonsense in Chula Vista
Damn another worry in the community, As I keep saying it's difficult to believe that our elected public servants can be so short sighted and so in the pockets of the monied developers. Density kills quality of life unless it is well planned with community activities and community resources such as access, shopping and Recreation. Everyday there are backups getting onto and off of the 805 at all of the major east-west streets from Bonita to Palm. The impassable void of the Oay river valley to the south, and Bonita/ Sweetwater River Valley toi th north, the lack of a planning to 1: cross them and 2: protect it from this rampant cut and fill development. The east side pays taxes, and additional Mello Roos to maintain our roads, pay outside companies to maintain "city" or common spaces, but we are shortchanged on community funding for Recreation and real solutions to transportation, sorry busses are still a ways out in the Future for acceptance. No real plan for facilities such as grocery stores or ANY RECREATION FACILITIES, the only indoor gym east of Bonita-Otay Lakes Road at Southwestern is Salt Creek, and very little available south and east of Telegraph Canyon- Otay Lakes Road, a few soccer fields and basketball courts. The city council must be counting the Olympic Training Center as Recreation space? What's up with that? BBQ— November 11, 2014 9:43 a.m.
iPads are great for porn and video games
Eastlaker, Did a small internet search on the LA Unified iPad initiave and it is so strikenly similar to Sweetwater you could substitute word for word in the issues. - No or little teacher training - Not enough Bandwidth - Partner Publisher, no Texts ready - Hugh expenses As an engineer working in both Aerospace and Automotive you never put your profits on untested technology. The idea was to use the best available "Proven Technology". So what if it was not "State of The art" as long as it achieved the objective and gave significant improvement for the investment, "Bang for the Buck". I think the Sweetwater "Wise Men" got taken, not enough business sense and they certainly did not know enough about the issue to make good decisions " Wise men know what they do not know" So, no bang for the buck, just big bucks and a 1 minute and 15 second fizzle (4th of July 2013). Best, BBQ, Cave— November 11, 2014 6:12 a.m.
iPads are great for porn and video games
I am trying to remain objective with the new Board coming in, but Chris Shilling's example of his two daughters is a prime example of the SUHSD philosophy of "College Prep" for everyone and "Compact for Success". While the programs work for some of our kids, the strict A through G requirements do not work for others. Without the skills based and society based classes and activities our kids get shortchanged into information robots rather than well rounded individuals. Not afforded the opportunity to explore careers or other choices. How sad is it that many kids haven't seen beyond their neighborhoods or the boring facts in the books rather than how these facts and actions of them created the world we live in. No offense meant to the individual teachers or even adminstrators, but the overall method and measure of outcomes need to be reviewed, beyond numbers and college enrollment. Once again "One Size fits all..." is proven to not work as intended. "The Law of unentended outcomes" and "Murhpy's Law" continue to be proven by the lack of realization that "A wise man knows what he does not know" (and thus asks for help, and better asks for help outside his chosen circle). We need a district and Superintendant that is a work in progress, one with the ability to realize they do not know everything, one without previous political attachments and owe noone but the taxpayers and students their loyalty. BBQ, CAVE— November 7, 2014 10:39 a.m.
iPads are great for porn and video games
Susan, While I hate to play one on one comments, your analysis is spot on. When we watch tv or a movie we can easily objectify the individual or character, making it easy to say that'll never happen to me. When reading an autobiography or fiction we get into the main characters thought process and rationalization for an action or decision and experience the outcome. As I am not a Gamer, so to speak, I do not know how they affect the education and knowlege of an individual, its my generation gap to conquer. BBQ, CAVE, Citizens Active for Value(s) in Education— November 6, 2014 8:17 a.m.
iPads are great for porn and video games
Reader2, Very well put, all of the "Technology" in the world is useless without the ability to tell right from wrong, basic knowlege of how to communicate and empathy or compassion. These soft skills are very absent from our education process. The hard skills of Hands on learning are also missing, without active experimentation, art, shop classes, unless you think hacking the "Technology" is a hands-on skill. Missing these basic concepts of education, what do we think our kids do in school; all day? It's no wonder they can hack their iPads and play games. Well not a Hillary Clinton fan I will paraphrase her line **"It takes more than a (Insert your favorite entity, Village, School, Church, Parent) to raise a child, it takes a Broad based, caring, ethical, compassionate community to raise our children and thus our society.** Again it is time to review our standards of what is responsible behavior and care to our children, what is responsible trusteeship of our schools and government, and finally the proper guidence and operation of our not for profit and Government supported community services organizations (South Bay Community Services, United Way, etc). Alot to chew on for one individual but not a community. Be involved, stay involved and do not settle for "Thats the way it always been around here." BBQ, CAVE, Citizens Active for Value in Education— November 6, 2014 6:09 a.m.
iPads are great for porn and video games
Well after what seems to have been an eternity, the old regime is gone from Sweetwater, I would like to remind the one and only Mr. McCann that he just squeeked into his new spot, that's no mandate from the public, we'll be watching..... So onto the iPad mess, I am sure there are many people at the district adminstration office that have alot to say about this subject and others, maybe now they will finally be able to tell the Emperor (Brand and Board) "(T)He(y) has no clothes on".... unless there are some types of strings tieing their hands and honesty. I have little doubt that Dr. Brand has put much fear into that office and the workers, so I am not expecting much free flowing information. Many of us knew the issues with wholesale implementation of the "Technology" and the integration issue that occured this Fall when iPads met the High Schools... General math classes have a mix of studentsmixing the iPad Freshmen with the non-iPad Sophs, Jrs, Srs. Much like "open borders" a solution causing additional problems, perhaps we should have introduced iPads at the west side schools first for two reasons, 1) fewer students involved and 2) the same incentive to have students enroll, as was the first intention of the ill-planned roll-out. Much work to do, many people to interview lots of tangled webs to unweave, good luck to the new Board of Trustees, may you live up to your promisses, many of us are watching and relying on you to right the ship at SUHSD. BBQ— November 5, 2014 2:42 p.m.
Enough nepotism and cronyism
Unfortunately I have commitments on Thursday. I hope the turnout is good. Can anyone supply a review of the Area/Seat 3 candidates and their platforms? A lot of things too little time before the election. BBQ— October 22, 2014 2:36 p.m.
Manchester's Grand Del Mar approved by commission
Welcome to San Diego Politics, where the under/over the table donations buy down your public debt. This is just politicians and Rich folk playing with our monies. Instead of $600,000 in fines etc that could (I use "Could" very loosely) benefit the public in Parks, Maintenance and Infrastructure, it ends up in Falconer's and others "Campaign Funds" as Pennies on the Dollar. When is enough, enough for theses politicians and rich folks in this community? BBQ— October 4, 2014 7:12 a.m.
Sweetwater board candidate stumps on civility
Erupting, first off the voting districts are more or less even by population, thus giving the goofy borders, they do not reflect any real differentiation with Mello Roos or any other "Special Districts". The confusing part is the Map on the District website defines the districts as A - E and we all seem to refer them as Seats 1-5, purposeful deception? By the District map I live in district "C", Eastlake, Otay Ranch and further east, I think this is the same as "3" or seat 3. I will be out on Olympic Parkway at 805 with Anti Cartmill and Anti McCann posters, both as said political self important hacks, kind of like the Paris Hylton of the South Bay. The only reason I can think of for Mr. Cartmill to run again has to be ego and the need for a few more months "Service" to achieve full vesting in the Calif. Education Health benefits, important for someone who is "Self-Employed" As for John McCann where else can he get a job with his illustrious back-ground? BBQ, CAVE or is that "nattering nabob" Jim, if you even bothered to read the paperwork given to you by the Adminstration staff you would have seen the holes in the reports, if you'd have been a "Trustee" you would have questioned them before rubber stamping them (Obvious Oxymoron)— September 26, 2014 10:54 a.m.