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Land sakes, Sweetwater, get it together
So the district goes on with the Real Estate folly. I can only assume the need to move quickly with these things are: 1. Pending payment of L Street Principle 2. Money from City for Rezoning process 3. Requirements or payments for Eastside Adminstration Building, lease/purchase. I suspect that, the City contribution looks like a good deal until you look at what actons it is forcing, no adaquite review of the need, method or outcome of the continued property swap. Also, what did the interium board actually sign up for with the New (Ed Brand) Adminstration Building? 5 years ago I asked the CFO, Ms Russo, if every Dollar cost the same or had the same value to SUHSD and she said yes... I nearly laughed in her face, the cost of money, weather it is in interest, favors, rushed planning or programatic needs varies a whole lot!!! We must stop his chaos management process at the district, regroup and plan the future, not just react to the past blunders weather they were legal or not!!! Again could we be throwing caution to the wind for the want of a few dollars??? BBQ, Citizens Active for Value in Education— February 4, 2015 11:40 a.m.
Catching up with John
While not a McCann fan or being able to recognize Ms. Salas at Sprouts, we are as they say where we are. So rather than continue the name calling and who is who's lackey, how about we start taking a good solid look at the pending issues within Chula Vista. I will admit I am not on top of what the next few years will bring with regards to the Council. Other than deteriorating infastructure, a stalled Bayfront project, expansion of projects in the eastern end of the city, what issues will the illustrious council have to contend with, Contracts, Taxes, disaster plans? Please we are spending too much time on the players and not the plays (Decisions/Votes) or the game (Long Term Planning). BBQ— February 2, 2015 6:04 a.m.
Don't mess with Texas' labor pool
As an ongoing thought, many organizations have commitees often headed up by a Board Member that oversee the operations. These commitees are made up of a senior staff person, a board member, labor (Teachers, staff) and qualified participants. Each Board Member should have a responsibility to the board to be "Up to Speed" on their commitees actions and recommendations. These commitees should be: - Finance - Facilities/Real Estate, - Staffing and Wages - Grants and Funding - Curriculum and Programs Note a commitee could create sub-commitees, but the Board member still has responsibility to report to the board and public. Just a thought for added oversight, prior to hireing a new superintendent. BBQ— January 30, 2015 8:41 a.m.
Don't mess with Texas' labor pool
miagd, I question your statement " **The majority of the district knows who should be superintendent."**. Who is this person? I have a very hard time believing that anyone already **"Known"** in the area could walk into SUHSD and make a difference. All of our **"Known"** candidates have some link to the nepotistic, good old boys network of two bit ,movers and shakers here in the San Diego South Bay. *A nephew here, a wedding party there, here a link, there a contract....* We see a lot of well meaning people (On the surface) having past relations with many others of questionable ie potential profit motivation. An open process to vet candidates with well written requirements and job description is the first step. Board control of the second level of staff is also of critical concern, those employees need to understand who they really work for, the board and the people not the superintendent. BBQ, CAVE— January 30, 2015 6:01 a.m.
Okay…we'll take Steve
I am not sure if this is a soap opera, "As the South Bay Turns" a comedy, "Parks and City Council", Horror, "The Undead Council" or SciFi, "The Outer Limits (of CV politics)". I said this before about SUHSD, if it was not so important, it would be funny.... As a friend used to say "the things around here used to amaze me, now they only amuse me..." BBQ— January 22, 2015 3:24 p.m.
Okay…we'll take Steve
Two things come to mind for me, 1) Chaos management, keeping things so confused that no one can tell the manager is inept. 2) The thought that any club that has politicians as members, I would not wish to join. As for number one SUHSD is/was a prime example, confuse/contrive/con were the three Cs of that organization, and the head confusee is now on City Council???? Number 2 really stands out for me that I hate being around all of the egos and big headed politicians. Weather they show up to a volunteer activity I am participating in or a Board Meeting with the artificial separation and superiority of the dias in the meeting rooms. Where are the opportunities for meaningful dialog with our leaders, true input from the disenfranchised and forward progress without bankrupting the public or lining the pockets of someone or another? BBQ— January 21, 2015 2:35 p.m.
Okay…we'll take Steve
Hey, we all live in a very small pond where you don't need to be a 1% to be a mover and shaker. That goes to say the rest of us need to be extra vigilent of the snake oil salesmen (and women) around us. If it's too good to believe, it's probably bunk..... BBQ— January 20, 2015 3:10 p.m.
Condition: bleak
I too will say it's night and day between the former Super and Board, and what seems to be happening now. How long have we waited for a true appraisal of the real estate situation? Thank you to the new board for taking this seriously. It just goes to show ya, "Figures don't lie, but liers figure". How many more bad agreements and contracts did SUHSD enter into over the last 10 or 12 years? Allient, Grand Canyon, South Bay Community Services????? Again a lot to dig out, how about hiring Al Alt back as a consultant, I think he already knows where most of the stuff is hidden, that is if Diane Russo didn't rehide them while she was around. BBQ— January 16, 2015 1:06 p.m.
Horton's at the door
Susan you are so correct on the necessity of additional dialog. My suggestion to the citizenry of Chula Vista, Sweetwater Union and CV Elementary school districts is to be involved with the representatives you have alligned with or voted for. My example is if you believe that John McCann is your man (Not Mine) and has your interests in mind, contact him and be sure he knows what you are thinking about the issues of the community, not just the ideas of the so called power brokers at the lincoln club or David Malcom, or the Political elite. He and the others are supposed to have available office hours to earn (?) their $50K per year. Pester the heck out of him/them to look at issues from a citizen's point of view, demand your "FaceTime". The politics and politicians of this community/region are way to "comfortable" not only with each other and the "power elite", but with the ease of doing what they want, due to the lack of scrutiny of the press and public. **BBQ**— January 15, 2015 5:58 a.m.
Dollars and nonsense in Chula Vista
So, reading the other development story in the Reader this week about the SunRoad Projects in Kearney Mesa and parking, what's Chula doing? It appears nothing with regards to parking. As developments move away from having Driveways they need at least one additional parking spot per residence beyond garage spaces. Two adults, two cars (Minimum), plus the reason for a larger garage is for all of the other things we have from bicycles and motorcycles to excersize equipment, surfboards or workshops. Yes those things are part of life and living in Southern California. Maybe soon to be former Mayor Cox has forgotten about those things stareing into her new Diamond. BBQ— November 12, 2014 1:32 p.m.