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Sense of mistrust at Southwestern Community College
cvret, As a parent and community member, I ask you to please reconsider what you are saying about SWCC athletics, while it may seem to be spending a lot of money on athletics, the programs at all of the community colleges give student/athletes a chance after high school to compete and succeed. My son who was a sports writer for the SWCC Sun newspaper wrote many stories about SWCC Athletes competing for two years at SWCC and then receiving opportunities to play D1, D2 and NAIA collegiate sports and receive their education. Also about the coaches and educators that motivated, built self-esteem and prepared young adults for successful lives. Our community colleges are an integral part of our education system, especially now that our High Schools are not preparing our students with the practical "lifeskills" taught and learned by us "older americans". All of us should be aware and active in the Education of our youth and Education system. BBQ— February 10, 2016 6:13 a.m.
Port Commissioner rents yacht berth from Marriot while voting on hotel’s lease
Alex, I fully understand and was really being sarcastic about "we the People", especially here in this wonderful little corner of the world, San Diego. While I agree with your analysis, I find it an incredibly sad and negative opinion. I am not a mover and shaker, I believe in community and charitable service and speaking my mind. Again your response, while true, it is just so frustrating to watch the "Takers and Users" of our society (Rich, Powerful and politically connected) keep covering their own and each others Butts (A--ES). BBQ— October 15, 2015 9:43 a.m.
Port Commissioner rents yacht berth from Marriot while voting on hotel’s lease
peter45 et. al. as I do not have a yacht, or even a rowboat, I do not have a clue what the moorage rate is. If Bob Nelson is getting a "Deal" or somehow got priority to access a slip in the "most expensive marina" ie. "most exclusive" than there might be a quid pro quo conflict of interest. Also not knowing Commissioner Nelson or his public relations firm. I would bet the Yacht belongs to his "Company" and it's a major expense written off his taxes. I have an issue with the Power Brokers and their access to the decision makers in our region. Too many decision makers giving funding, jobs and special consideration to each other. "Conflict of Interest" What has happened to government "of the people, by the people and for the people"? BBQ— October 15, 2015 5:46 a.m.
UCSD's costly ad switch: Chargers to Trolley
I am disgusted with the whole concept of a "Not-for Profit" publically supported Institution such as UCSD and the UC Health system committing this much funding to a pure advertising scheme. I can think of numerous ways that $30 Million could be used to promote healthy living through investments in recreational facilities, programs and clinic availability throughout our communities. I ask what's going to happen with the $188 Million that the Metropolitain Water District is receiving? How will that be returned to the public that already paid in? One hopes it's not big raises to the staff of the district as they pat themselves on the back!!!! Perhaps it will be used to improve the water service in the city or for improvements to some of our public facilities, Balboa Park and Morley Field perhaps, both sitting on 30 year old "20 year plans" never started. I will be working on "Shovel Ready" Projects for the next time these crazy schemes involving these kinds of $$$$ show up. BBQ— July 17, 2015 9:11 a.m.
Supermarket slump?
The rub of all this is Haggen got a good deal investing into our area due to the Vons/Albertson merger. They have missed the mark so far but any change takes awhile to be adopted. The real tradgedy is to the workers who chose to stay with their stores and go with Haggen and to the communities the stores are located if they end up closing. While the government's "Protecting" the consumer/us from a Vons/Albertsons monopoly or control of Southern California Supermarkets, the unintended outcome will be fewer jobs and less food outlets in the region. BBQ— July 16, 2015 10:14 a.m.
Dog owners busted in South Park
HOLEY BALOGNEY.... Grape St park has been a defacto dog park since before 1988, Judy the Beauty from The Big Kitchen and I used to "run" our dogs there from 1987 -1992. It was of no real consequence other than the lack of cleanliness from the lack of clean-up by dog owners. I believe that in general clean-up has been adopted by most dog owners over the years....(I usually picked up more than Libby and Dempsey's share) Again it is who was here first? Dog Park or Condo Owners, open space is open space and we all pay for it through taxes, etc. NIMBY in action after the fact. The draconian efforts by the police and county animal enforcement was just as described draconian. Remember dogs are people too or is that dog people pay taxes too... If all the police have to do is over enforce dog laws we must truly live in "America's finest city" BBQ— April 27, 2015 7:10 p.m.
600 more families for Otay Ranch?
I started a response yesterday and lost it to a network issue, VigilantinCV and AlexClark, are both on target. CV is rapidly becoming a bedroom community, as such we have all of the associated issues. Bad Transit, congested roads (East-West congested, North South Non-continuous), lack of community amenities (No Community Recreation Facilities south of Otay Lakes road), impacted schools (due to Open Boundaries), No commitment to the original zoning and planning. There are currently Two Major Developments in work near the proposed changes north of the Otay Ranch Mall, Milenia just south of the Mall and the development just south of Otay Ranch High School. The effects of both are starting to be felt on La Media, Birch, 125, Olympic Pkwy, and Eastlake Pkwy. It is obvious that none of our city council live or use the roads in this area. What's to happen when/if we get a university on Hunte Pkwy? Are we headed to suburban grid-lock? Just yesterday, Saturday about 11:00am there were 50 cars going west on Olympic Pkwy at La Media on one 3 minute signal cycle, that's 1000 vehicles an hour, ON A SATURDAY!!!! Wake up city council, what makes you think you are smarter than your predecessors? What has changed other than the greed of the Developers? Where is the overall assessment of the impact of these changes? Do not start fiddling with the plans, remember what happen to Nero and Rome. Stay the course, slow the development and improve the quality of life in East Chula Vista, before it is too late. BBQ— April 26, 2015 7:59 a.m.
Only a fence between them
CVsincethe70s, I look at the record and see this is the first time you have ever commented to the reader, welcome, if it really is not the first time just a new Nom de plume, Pen Name, shame on you. Before calling the author and others names, review their other work before condeming them to shoddy journalism and or bias. You certainly leave no doubt about your bias, yet, I do not know who you represent Susan has been a major contributor to the changes at Sweetwater, weather you like her politics and style or not, she at least gets people to look into what's going on and hopefully acting out to find and make their own opinions on the issues. For this I am grateful that we have the alternate information site. As for Charter Schools, I am sure there are many with fine rational for their existance, specialized ESL for one or specialized STEM, however I do believe that their is a darker side to some Charters and that is GREED. I am not aware of SilverWings Charter and will not comment on where it sits in the continum of Need to Greed, however there seem to be issues with its location and possibly with its communication, only based on this article. I have issue with the need for a school to be completely separate from the district which I pay taxes and currently Mello-Roos (Charter). I also have issue with a union that will not properly vet teachers and programs to provide what is needed by the community a school building resides in, ie variable class sizes and or teaching hours to provide the necessary skills to our students for their success. However, If a community wants specifics in their local school, there are School site councils and other avenues other than the paneca of Charter Schools, which can often have limited public oversight. I like to have an opportunity to see where my taxes go and elect the people in charge of over seeing the spending, which is one reason SUHSD has a completely new Board!!! BBQ, CAVE— February 25, 2015 1:11 p.m.
Land sakes, Sweetwater, get it together
Maty, I see a CFD Audit Meeting listed for Saturday Feb 7, at 8:00 am in the Board Conf. Room. Is that the meeting you were talking about?— February 4, 2015 12:50 p.m.
Land sakes, Sweetwater, get it together
Maty, First I've heard of the Mello Audit Meeting, Info? What happened from the facility use study meeting from December? It was a bit chaotic when I had to leave. Thursday's meeting I will be late but plan to appear, to much going on with Mr. Calhoun !!!! BBQ, CAVE— February 4, 2015 12:08 p.m.