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DA Bonnie Dumanis addresses San Carlos community
JustPow and others as a great man once told me, Yes, our legal system is F'd up due to how it's used and abused, but it is realitively transpearant and we as citizens get to see all sides. The DAs office is much like DA Carlton Burger's in Perry Mason, they lost a lot of cases to the defendant and Perry, but they still made us look at the situation around us and revealed a lot of dirty laundry. The law should never be used to get even or to promote oneself, it should be used to guide society and ourselves to a level of agreed acceptability of our actions, thus a realitive calm and status quo. Sounds kind of utopian, but that's how I interpret some of my fathers teachings to me, My dad Professional Engineer, Attorney, Real Smart Guy. BBQ— March 12, 2013 2:33 p.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
After an incredabily uninformative School Board Meeting, nothing substantive was accomplished except that Trustee Quiniones actually stood up to the Men on the board!! of coarse the vote to not protect the Adult programs went two for, two against, and one abstaining which means it passed as the president voted not to protect them. The building purchasing issue was cautiously covered and little or no discussion about it in open session happening so it will be interesting what the Trustees decide. If they go for a purchase at this time they are just confirming that they are Ed's (Sorry too disrespectful Dr. "Can't look anyone in the eye" Brand) puppets and haven't a clue or a care about the real operations of the school system. I am appalled at the lack of interest in the real issues in the district by our board and staff. I will say a brief encounter with CFO Alt was a bit of a surprise, and I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now. People of the South Bay Community it's time to tell the SUHSD what you want and quit taking the BS they keep shovelling to us, there is plenty of capital if it's used correctly and efficiently, but it will take a top-down and bottom-up review including the forensic audit everyone has been asking for. "Lean Programs and Efficient Belt Tightening" is how any Business survives these times. BBQ— March 12, 2013 9:05 a.m.
DA Bonnie Dumanis addresses San Carlos community
obviously justpow you don't live in the SouthBay, weather you like the DA or not we've got a bunch of self serving crooks down here who need to be shaken up a bit. between Sweetwater, Southwestern and San Ysidero I'm thinking Chicago in the thirties or Detroit from 1975 til 2010... Political self serving machines, although pretty penny ante down here.— March 11, 2013 1:52 p.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
I read the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, it's interesting that the closed agenda has potential negotiations for 2300 Boswell and the other site. What goes on behind closed doors. I stll plan to address my "NO CONFIDENCE" issue, however I would really like to know where the district thinks it is getting the $$$$ Money $$$$ to purchase Boswell from. Will someone please ask... I am sure that Ed has some answer but will fumble allong. By the way does his name go on all of the building commeration plates? I wonder if he gets a kick back per letter, oh not civil enough....— March 10, 2013 5:36 p.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
To my fellow Blogees, I plan to be at the Board meeting tomorrow night and speak during the open comment time, I am not sure if I can state my case in the limited time available but the jixst of what I will be saying is with the current state of the Board and the Adminstration I have no Confidence that they have a clue where the district needs to go in the next few years. We have issues with previous real estate investments, a new CFO who cannot possibly know the real status of the district financials, Trustees under indictment, spending monies that may very well be still influenced by their alleged misdeeds. A definition of where Mello-Roos Funds may be spent that is subject to interpretation. Schools which not only continue to operate under Program Improvement requirements, but good schools falling into program improvement due to "Open Boundary" Adminstration/Trustee Rulings. Discrepencies in spending with regards to Bond Issues, etc. I will be saying that I for one have absolutely "NO CONFIDENCE" in our current situation. Unfortunately business has to continue so I will have to trust them to be able to maintain an operating school district and an operating budget, but at this point NOTHING MORE. By the way unless you are dense you will know who BBQ is.— March 10, 2013 5:03 p.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
anniej, it's the old shell game being played fast a loose, I am prepared to start a lawsuit against the district for their interpretation of the use of Mello-Roos Funds with the ability to suppliment the general fund funded projects by the 30% ish factor of Mello Roos Kids, we all pay into the General Funds too.... Also with open Boundaries there is no incentive to purchase a house in the Melo-Roos Zones to have better facilities, by the way Olympian High School has some of the worst facilities in the district considering it's in the Mello-Roos Zones as is the overall condition of Eastlake when I've visited there. I agreed to pay into a facility improvement fund when I purchased my property on a promise that the funds would benefit our local communities and the value of my property. I've not seen one 'Improvement Plan" on the Eastside in the last 6 years or property purchased with a plan for development into a school site. Lot's of talk about a new Middle School, something we could use, no plan, now lot's of talk about a k-12 Charter School, not a good plan... take care of immediate needs first... overcrowding .. sub par test scores... etc. Wake up world....— March 9, 2013 10:05 a.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
First a couple of questions, if the district decides to move the offices to the "Eastside" can they justify using Mello-Roos funds to pay for the property in larger than the percentage use equation? ie. 30% of the students live in Mello-Roos special zones so 30% of the new building funds can be taken from said funds before general funds are used or can 100% of the property be purchased with Mello-Roos funds since its in the Mello-Roos Zone? I Smell SCAM!!!! It's not what I pay Mello-Roos for!!! This is not a facility that improves the value of my property by giving my kids or kids in my area a better learning environment. Trustees until you are forth comming with the true state of the district all you can expect is derision (sp) and contempt at any of your financial ideas much less decisions. Where is the long term plan for the development of the district? We deserve an overall view of eastside-westside- all around the town. This should be included with the overall education plan for the future of our children, how do all of the pieces fit together. How does the great and powerful SUHSD connect with all of the other programs available in the county and state? I don't think you "Administrators" even know about half of the programs our kids are involved with. Do you SUHSD and the Citizens of this area get the picture, there is no accountability, the district is a monopoly that is unregulated since we do not ask it to justify itself, we do not hold it accountable for anything. It's a sad state of affairs.....— March 9, 2013 7:31 a.m.
Sweetwater Union High School District & Realty Co.
So all of this comes out from when as I mentioned to former CFO Russo a couple of years ago, the District was "Fat, Dumb and Happy" with more money than they knew what to do with, we had vice principals running ASB ... free flowing programs like "Huck Finn" multiple Honors Programs and greedy speculators oh I mean superintendants running the show with little supervision. I've likened the situation to the US Auto Industry where the Management was so afraid to rock the boat in the good times thay gave away the goose so now when the sh.... stuff hits the fan they can't get it back in control and we the people have to bail them out. These people have lost sight of what their job is, that's to educate our children, not build edifices and monuments to themselves. Between the Cities, Southwestern Community College, San Ysidro and Sweetwater Union High School Districts we look like a bunch of bumbling idiots down here. Fiscal mismanagement can you say South Bay San Diego County? Ego can you say South Bay San Diego County? Ethics or Lack there of can you say South Bay San Diego County? I'd keep going but I'm getting depressed as is the price of my House due to all of our elected so called Leaders ineptitude. What is the answer, go back to basics do the jobs you were hired or elected to do. Work with each other to develop common practices that feed one another. Dr Brand come clean, SUHSD Trustees come clean, Dr Nish come clean, Southwestern Trustees come clean, all the rest come clean, only then can we move forward productively as a community. Thanks for the chance to vent. BBQ— March 8, 2013 11 a.m.
Sweetwater school board to address campaign spending limits
WTFEd, I tried to post earlier, but it did not register, you are doing the right thing, Federal Whistleblower laws should protect you, if you do it correctly and it soungs like you've started that way. I always encourage athletes that I work with to be ethical and do what they are comfortable with. Do what you are comfortable with and you will always be able to live with it. There are people in the community that know that everyone associated with the district is not unethical just the guys on top.— February 23, 2013 9:26 p.m.
Maty Adato at the December 10, 2012, board meeting
WTFEd, you are doing the right thing, remember with Federal Whisleblower Laws, it is better to be ahead of the curve, not trying to catch up after the fall of the ruling class. This aristocracy is on the way down weather they recognize it or not. Kudos to you!!!!— February 23, 2013 1:50 p.m.