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Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
Visduh, to me this is so not about party politics as I could not tell you who is who in this situation, this is all about business and good management. When everything was rosey, and development was running nonstop, amuck really, the District/Region was rich and felt like they were printing money, they got lazy and sloppy. After 5 or 6 years of depressed economic situation they got caught with their respective pants at their knees and the building industry whores servicing them. Where's the political issue, it looks like greed and stupidity to me. Yes since the DA is on one side, white and Republican and the Sweetwater 4 ish are, I guess, Dems and non-white there can be all this extra stuff (sh_t) thrown in. I say if you are caught own up to your error and move on at least you still have your dignity and can look yourself in the mirror everyday. As for the public, what can you do, if they don't know what is really going on they will just keep voting name recognition, race and party, never issue or credential. This is where we need to have a series of questions and or reforms that all future candidates for City council or local school boards need to answer so we can each decide who best meets our individual ideas of the future of the region. Campaign Spending and Term Limit are the next steps as would be removing reference to any party affiliation. Finally the effective media blackout by the Union Tribune to most SUHSD issues is insulting and Sir Manchester,should be embarassed if he has anything to do with the lack of coverage of the situation down here. All I have to say is "ROSEBUD", BBQ— March 14, 2013 10:09 p.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
To the Giligan's Island Theme: Just sit right back And you'll hear a tale A tale of a fateful trip, That started from this tropic port, In this tiny Room. The mate was a mighty fightin’ man, The Super broad and cocksure, Four others sat up front that day, For a Civility Lecture, Yes, A Civility Lecture. The Meeting started getting rough, due to a civil informed crowd. If not for the courage of the fearless Board The truth might be found The truth might be found The Meeting went off plan because we had the Facts But Adult Ed was still voted down 2-2-1 With McCann, The Super, too. The millionaire, called Cartmill Pearl, The star, Arlie and Bertha, too, Here on Sweetwater Isle. So this is the tale of our Trustees They've been here for too long a time. They have had to make up a bunch of things, It's an uphill climb. The first mate and his Super, too Will do their very best, To make the public comf'terble While they feather their nest. Their phones, Their lights, their motor cars, All paid by you and me. Like Rock and/or Movie Stars How stupid can we be. How stupid can we be So join us, to Hear what’s new citizens Are we broke or what? Is Boswell St Affordable? or Are Pink Slip Unavoidable? Here on Sweetwater Isle! Frustration, Reality, Comedy and TV what a better combination, BBQ— March 14, 2013 10:47 a.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
Eastlaker, somehow I missed your 10:55 comment, no joking or sarcasm here, I had a boss back east running an automobile assembly plant with about 800 people per shift 3 shifts per day building about 1200 vehicles, it was the oldest operating plant in the US. He ran the plant by what is best described as Chaos Management, there was always some pending disaster, everyone running all the time. One day we missed production due to some internal screw up that should have been prevented by upper management, this guy was able to cover for it due to a snow storm that hit corporate offices but did not touch us a bit. Luck of the Irish, which I think he was..... Chaos management uses confusion and lack of focus like a magician uses diversion and slight of hand to keep the audience or workers in this case off balance so it is difficult to see that the boss really does not have a plan or a direction. To me it's obvious we have that case here in the South Bay Region, not just SUHSD, if any of our other community leaders had a plan they would be commenting on the condition of the High School District as a strong Public School System is the foundation of a community, it's one of the top reasons people purchase homes where they do, That's why I link so many of our issues with SUHSD back to the South Bay Region as a whole. I do not want a bigger arguement, I want a bigger viewpoint. BBQ— March 14, 2013 6:18 a.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
It's so difficult to believe we live in such a large region when you look at all of the political incest. It's almost like some of these people are conjoined twins, ok joined at the hips, the business of politics, I wish some of them would get a real job!!!!! The real bummer is as been pointed out the big fish keep on swimming while the guppies, SUHSD Trustees are the ones under indictment, don't take me wrong they deserve to have their time at trial but there are others who are in even deeper that no one is even looking at. My thoughts keep pulling me back to the penny ante antics of Gandara's and the Trustees allong with the Southwestern CC Crew and all I can think of is "Mayberry", very podunk. Sorry first TV Generation. BBQ— March 14, 2013 5:59 a.m.
Don't call these kids at University City High vocational students
While I agree with your ideal, I will tell you two of the classes that affected my future the most were 6th Grade, combination of Home Econ/cooking, Wood Shop, Home Econ/sewing, Metal Shop and 9th Grade Industrial adventure, Metal, Wood shops, Automotives (rebuilt lawn mower engines) and Machine Drawing. These skills have never steered me wrong, I am an Engineer by trade but the basic skills and concepts are fundimental and transfer to life skills. Again well rounded individuals.— March 13, 2013 10:36 p.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
oskidoll, I too am really not an agitator and can be found in that photo, I never realized how intimidating I could look standing glaring at the panel. Sorry I missed the casting call "Hasta La Vista Babe" if we can't laugh at some of this tragedy or travasty it would be a real bummer. BBQ— March 13, 2013 10:25 p.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
anniej, I know McCann has his inlarged head firmly implanted within Dr. Brands posterior and I agree he will never be mayor. My point is I think Brand, Cartmill and McCall seem to think that hitching their stars to each other is a way to keep moving up, but unless it's full of gas, most poop still sinks to the bottom of the toilet. Sorry to be so graphic with a lady like you but I figure if it smells bad, don't pretend it's roses. The previous Comment was complete scarcasm... McCann for Pope... More Scarcasm, maybe sacrelige (sp)....— March 13, 2013 10:05 p.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
Hey eastlaker, it's becoming obvious to me that when McCann becomes Mayor of Chula Vista, Cartmill and Brand will be appointed to be on the Land use, zoning and development boards, as they already know all of the ins and outs of the Real Estate, and Development trade, that along with having cozy relationships with the major players including all of the Lawyers. They should be able to walk right in and start working, no training required. Hey guys live in a glass house remember to wear your clothes.... Sweetwater workers sooner or later someone will tell the King and his Jesters , they're wearing no clothes...— March 13, 2013 1:57 p.m.
Sweetwater school district cuts program and teachers
I attended this meeting and was impressed with the support of the ROP/CTE Students, I once did not see the value in SUHSD having the role in the Adult Classes but I have changed my opinion as of Monday. Just this morning I wrote the following in response to the article on "Hands on High School" and it so fits in this situation: *As I am not sure I want to get into another running dialog on where we are screwing up in our educational system. As a Mechanical Engineer, I see a lot of Mechanically Illiterate People in our growing electronic world. I include my own three boys to a certain extent, which I take on myself, but like school and universities, have said for eons about General education we need well rounded individuals. Well we have gone to the extreme where our students never get to understand the feeling of having a tool in their hands, weather it’s a wrench or a spatula (sp), needle and thread, a musical instrument or knowledge and training in useful skills. The connection of hand to mind is a powerful teaching tool not only to learn a career but to foster a bond or desire to delve deeper into a subject or idea, really to create. Tools develop the ability to problem solve through logical progression, weather its bolt-washer- nut or flour-egg-water. We do ourselves and our students, a disservice by not providing, supporting and in some cases requiring basic classes in these skills in our Middle and High Schools. (and Adult Learning)* I have personally had this discussion with Dr. Brand in his office over a year ago, he said he had a "Group" discussing these issues that met regularly but I've never been formally invited, even after he asked me to set-up STEM programs for him, which I tried but he never followed up on that either. I guess I don't have enough political or financial power for him, just an engineer, dad, coach, volunteer, concerned citizen. Please voice your concerns to the SUHSD Trustees, Southwestern CC Trustees, City Councils of the South Bay, we won't take this BS ANYMORE, we want fiscal management and programs that meet the needs of our community. BBQ— March 13, 2013 7:32 a.m.
Don't call these kids at University City High vocational students
As I am not sure I want to get into another running dialog on where we are screwing up in our educational system. As a Mechanical Engineer, I see a lot of Mechanically Illiterate People in our growing electronic world. I include my own three boys to a certain extent, which I take on myself, but like school and universities, have said for eons about General education we need well rounded individuals. Well we have gone to the extreme where our students never get to understand the feeling of having a tool in their hands, weather its a wrench or a spatchula (sp), needle and thread, a musical instrument or how knowlege and training in useful skills. The connection of hand to mind is a powerful teaching tool not only to learn a career but to foster a bond or desire to delve deeper into a subject or idea, really to create. Tools develop the ability to problem solve through logical progression, weather its bolt-washer- nut or flour-egg-water. We do ourselves and our students, a disservice by not providing, supporting and in some cases requiring basic classes in these skills in our Middle and High Schools.— March 13, 2013 6:11 a.m.