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Nick Marinovich
Hey, all, I actually heard back from Dr "Civil" Brand, He sent me an E-mail and he definately knows who I am. I would say his response to me was "civil" but a bit curt. He said that he was "okay" with me working with Dr. Alt on the questions for the financial Townhalls the district was planning. He commented how He/they the adminstration has improved communication through "Education Summit" (?), "Principal Coffees", and "Budget Workshops", I've attended a couple of Budget workshops and Principal coffees, but they were less workshops more "woe as me", although I will push back on citizens for lack of attendence, maybe we can get through this. He also went into his normal you never acknowledge the excellent things SUHSD does like "Compact for Success", award winning fine arts and athletic programs and even a State champion in Decathlon (I assume he means Academic Decathlon). My reply to these wonderful things as I see all of them being school site based programs, with little support from the adminisitration, I backed this up as my Boys were members of League champion sports teams and the 2010 Academic Decathlon Team from Olympian HS, and until we won district in AD, it was the students, school and the Parents that did all of work. I also stated that these programs are realitivly inexpensive for the results but are always fodder for the budget discussion. (Heck, that's what got me started in this mess in the first place the threat of cutting the budget for sports transportation in 2009 by Grandara & Russo) My boys, wife and I have been very active at our school site, setting up booster clubs, applying for 501c3 status, etc. Dr. Brand what you claim as your success, is due to great site staff, students and parents like me. In the end he suggests we don't blame each other, I don't have anything to be blamed for, and I only blame him and the board for not doing their jobs keeping the district under control and communication open and civil. I'll keep working for the future.... BBQ— March 23, 2013 9:15 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
Angrybirds, I hear what you are saying and I fully agree with you, I am as frustrated with the seeming lack of management and responsibility in the district as anyone. Dr. "Civility" Brand is not high on my to be trusted list, not only due to his public actions, but his lack of follow up on items he asked me to do for him 14 months ago, just as Jesus Gandara, never followed up on items offered to help the district 4 years ago. I am not a rookie to this cause, just a bit more patient, although that is running out. I am working this angle since the door has been opened a crack, I am trying like a good salesman to get my foot in enough to start a dialog that can be used by both "sides" to engage in solutions rather than battles. I have been frustrated before in many attempts to engage one side or another in these types of situations, but I have to put on a diplomatic hat, not my most comfortable one by the way, and try this road for a bit. I am still waiting to hear from Dr. "Civility" Brand, himself, but certainly not holding my breath. I am watching with great interest as the time passes to see what our Elected and Paid officials are doing, also what and how they will tell us about it. My understanding from Dr Alt is the district is planning some fiscal townhalls shortly, now would not be too soon for most of us, but as long as we have a chance send your questions to the blog and I will forward them on to Dr. Alt. If this is all I do its better than doing nothing. Gotta try to communicate in both directions, sometimes slow ;;;; BBQ— March 20, 2013 10:50 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
oskidoll, I included those in the E-mail I sent to Dr. "Civil" Brand last week but I will include the financial ones to Dr. Alt. I personally do not think it is unreasonable to ask and expect some answers to these types of questions with the current state of the district. I also believe I said that on the other blog. But as Anniej pointed out and I agree there will be hesitation and most likely a "Company" spin on this stuff but let's wait and see. BBQ— March 19, 2013 10:15 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
anniej, Thanks for the support, you ladies have my cell phone, please call me and help compile a set of financilal questions you would like to hear about in the townhall forums planned for early April with Dr. Alt. They could be addressed here in the comments or through me. I am trying to get a proper channel of dialog set-up if that is possible. There is no doubt in my mind how hard you and eastlaker, et al work to keep the district on their toes and thinking straight. I just hope there is a chance to remove a bit of the edge and anamosity to really turn the iceburg, so to speak, I too can get riled to the point sub-civility, but I attempt to avoid "Taismanian Devil" Moments where I get too spun up. BBQ— March 19, 2013 8:51 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
anniej, I am not walking in naive, however you have to start where the crack of light is. I agree there is still a lot here to meet the eye here. If all that ever happens is swing for the fence for the homeruns, you make a lot of noise but still strike out a lot, (please don't get me started on sports metaphors, Cartoons are bad enough). As I said Dr. Alt may get an ear full from Dr. "Civility" Brand when he gets back, for even talking "outside" the "club" so to speak. Could be the first time he gets to see Dr. Civility Brand's true Colors!!! Who knows? I realize that you are giving me and reminding me of experiences we have both had with the district, but I believe that each individual has an opportunity to make their impression or play so to speak. So I choose at this time to be reasonable ask the right questions and see what type of answers come back. At that point we will know where Dr. Alt stands, Oh have no illusions that he won't be a company man, but there is still integrity in action, words and deeds, without full agreement and possibly disclosure, with either "Side" here. For me other than an Clear review, (I won't use Honest as that word has other context attached to it) of the current situation and future plans for the district, there isn't anything I want. Depending on what transpires that could change, maybe the Board or Dr. Civility Brand's job (?) I/we could be their worst nightmare. BBQ— March 19, 2013 6:05 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
To my fellow bloggers, Last week I sent out a couple of requests for live conversations with Dr "civility" Brand and Dr. Al Alt, CFO SUHSD, well Dr Alt gve me a call this afternoon and I will say we had a good conversation about where he sees some of the issues concerning the district finances and asked what I thought he should cover in some upcoming community outreach seminars planned for the next month or so. He was preparing to address CFDs, Mello-Roos Reserves, District borrowing from said funds, prop O etc. He asked what other topics I thought should be covered from a financial point of view, I said an accounting of unused or under used properties, including "L" st, Current mortgage status, bond issue status (Where do we and how much money does the district currently owe). He sounded very earnest about open conversation with regards to the current status of the District. I spent a bit of time explaining my point of view, the lack of communication between the adminstration of the district and the people/citizens, i.e. the soundbite info on almost everything. I will tell you the conversation was open and seemingly candid, not practiced or planned. He has the benefit of the doubt from me and I stated that to him. I hope that he has not stepped in the poop so to speak when Dr "Civility" Brand returns. I am still hoping that Dr Brand (Civilly) will contact me later in the week and I can continue advocating for the public. Send me your ideas and I will be happy to ask the questions. BBQ— March 18, 2013 9:45 p.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
Reader2, Thanks for the picture, I was sure I'd been in that building, my HOA management group is on the first floor of the place, it's a dump, at least the first floor is, the moldings on the wall torn out, the ceiling tile in disarray, like something wrong with the plumbing or electrical or IT connections. Just the thing a "Bargan", that Ed, Excuse me, Dr. "Civilized" Brand would think about buying. Again where's the fiscal responsibility? Where's the plan? Where are the hidden parking places so we can't tell who's in the office or not? I am waiting to see who, if anyone over there contacts me today and you can be assured that it will all be public record. I may even go buy a new tape recorder, do they still have those things? SUHSD adminstration and Board, I'll be watching you, watching me watching you, (I don't see a key for infinity, silly me). BBQ— March 18, 2013 6:17 a.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
anniej, hear hear.... I am still very worried about the impending vacuum and the many unaware citizens in our community, and those that are already sucked (bought off/ bought in) into the dark side. There's a difficult road ahead, for us all To Dr. "Civil" Brand, to Quote Bugs Bunny, "maybe ya Shoulda toornd left at Cuckamonga" BBQ— March 17, 2013 1:12 p.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
Speakthetruth, your name implies that you are above reproach, however the way you just replied is as full of inuendo as everything else concerning the SUHSD, I am sure even you Mr, Truth, have something that someone may think is wrong in your past, god knows I propably do. The real issue is not Mr Marinovich's credibility, or being beyond reproach, it is how Our School Officials treat us the public (their Shareholders and Customers). Mr. Marinovich has every right to express his opinion on anything to do with the District, even as the head of the Prop O Review Board, he volunteers his time to be on that committee to keep an eye on contracts that were let under suspicous circumstances, I happen to be glad he's there, a lot of so called professionals keep changing the plans and scope of the projects, kind of shooting from the hip as we go along, Changes without all of the proper review signatures (?). The only changes to any of the original agreed upon designs should be due to unknown or unsafe conditions found during construction, and then we should be consulting the Engineering Company for why there was an issue. Adding projects due to desires verses original plan is very costly, finish the first plan before adding on, Contractors love when you add something, they can now charge you a higher fee to recoup on items they under bid to get the job. Back to the original issue Mr. Truth the lack of respect the Board and Dr."Civil" Brand pay to you and me is beyond appalling. Remember follow your own advice about throwing rocks and be sure you are also above reproach. BBQ— March 17, 2013 1:01 p.m.
Sweetwater school district board seeks to silence opposition
WTFEd please quit screwing with the public the public if you have what you say you have you could end up a hero if not a wealthy man. Use the federal whistle blower laws to come clean and convict Dr. Brand (with all Civility). I believe you stated that you were already in contact with an attorney, use that connection to resolve the situation. I realize it is a risk to your livelihood, but I too risk my job and programs I am seriously involved with to continue this hunt for "Truth Justice and the American way", Neither nof us is a Superman but all of us together can keep this issue from stiffling our future. I would like to retire sometime and know my Children have the ability and education to keep me alive for at least a few years. Follow your convictions— March 16, 2013 11:52 p.m.