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Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
Hey you know some names, can you remember mine? Not an old face, realitively new to the fight. Most likely not, since you never interact with anyone, that contradicts the status quo. People that might give you a different point of view than the myoptic "Amigos". Do you really believe all the stuff Dr. Brand is doing? If so, you should be standing up and defending it not putting down the opposition just because they oppose. If you have something to add to the debate that defends the Board I'd be happy to hear it, if you just want to sit and follow along without adding any worthwhile input you should not be part of the debate or discussion or bitch session whatever you want to call it. Again as I have said it before Steamrollering ideas through does not make for good relations or Politics, understanding and debate do, hence talking, blogging etc should be part of the process and encouraged not dismissed. Again I give credit to those who come at their own time, risk and reputation to stand up for their ideas, and speak, usually ignored as witnessed by card shuffling, blog writing etc by the Super and the board. I do not agree with everything they do but I will defend their right to do it. As for the Board and our employee Dr. Brand, if they are intimidated by their required role, they should resign. How about some intelligent discussion of the direction the District is going, before it becomes bankrupt? Again up for debate good thoughts, BBQ— May 15, 2013 2:01 p.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
timtim, it's different when you get called out isn't it, I'll bet you loved to play with the big kids but was the first to run home to Mommy when things got tough... My lunch is almost over so to reiterate (sp), be careful who you call out, when you accept a responsibility be able to stand tall and do what's right,not the easiest or best for yourself.... You, the Board of Trustees, former Super Gandara and Dr. Brand called me out to this process, I'll continue to stand tall and call your bluffs .... Start looking out for the community or be left behind... Best to you and the rest of the Amigos... BBQ— May 15, 2013 11:50 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
timtim a running dialog this could be fun as it is my lunch time... I am not a "Friend' to Ms. Lopez, she has the same rights as the rest of the indictees, at least she hasn't sold out and that I have to give her credit for. She at least "trys" to get reasonable answers, something McCann does not even understand, by the way timtim I am not afraid to introduce myself at a Board meeting as BBQ, How about you, timtim? BBQ— May 15, 2013 11:02 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
timtim my how the shoe changes when you get to call people names and step out on your soapbox. First off the Review process within the district is flawed as witnessed by the fact that our two Cheer Coaches were allowed unfettered access to students and facilities without passing the background requirements of the District, not to mention being given at least a verbal contract from a district employee. Does this sound like due diligence? Doesn't the district have the responsibility to Vet their employees? Doesn't the district have the responsibility to protect our students? How about the bad steering box on the School Box not fixed for over a year or unqualified Bus dirvers sent into the Mountain Areas for field trips? Should I really have to go on? Second you are comparing rotten apples to rotten Bananas, of course I am outraged at the situation, but I also have not heard word one from the district/Brand/Board of Trustees acknowleging the issue, an issue the district, yes, and the SEA should be addressing. So again timtim are you listening to "all" the parents in the district or only condeming the ones who are holding you to a reasonable standard for the position we assume you hold? BBQ— May 15, 2013 10:54 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
Having listened to the Recordings of the Alliant University discussions from Mr Cartmill and reread the agenda item,. I feel completely lied to. The agenda item lists that if approved the students would be eligible to start classes at Alliant Sweetwater in September. Mr. Cartmill flat lied, did not understand what he was voting for or just played follow the leader, any of the above being contemptable. Where is the leader he supposedly once was? Ms. Ricasa just wants her perks, McCann is hopeless, believing his own babble, Pearl looked lost or intoxicated, maybe because she sees the hopelessness of her situation, while Ms. Lopez is "trying", hate that word, not succeeding in being a moral conscience, to let's take our time to understand this "Agreement". Where is the overall academic plan for the district? What input is being used to determine this academic plan? Who is out in the public trying to understand what the customers want? I believe the answer is obvious there is none, these people especially Dr.Brand live in a sound proof glass house each telling the other they know more than everyone-else. Where is "Of the People, By the People, For the People"? This group thinks they are the "ONLY PEOPLE" BBQ— May 15, 2013 10:31 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
UT- Kaiser eyes Scripps Ranch land for hospital Friday, August 26, 2011 ... Diego has tentatively agreed to buy Alliant International University’s 60-acre c ... agreed to buy Alliant International University’s 60-acre campus in Scripps Ranch wi ... nd of the year, representatives from Alliant and Kaiser said Friday. Alliant, w ... om Alliant and Kaiser said Friday. Alliant, which served 1,500 students with a ... UT- Kaiser picks Kearny Mesa site for new hospital Thursday, December 1, 2011 ... udy and picked the county operations property in Kearny Mesa as the site for its n ... ital, rejecting an option to buy the Alliant University campus in Scripps Ranch. ... jecting an option to buy the Alliant University campus in Scripps Ranch. The decisi ... n was met with disappointment by the university and relief by Scripps Ranch resident ... This is what I saw and heard, unfortunately it looks like Kaiser is not buying the Alliant Campus, but if they were willing to sell 18 months ago, who knows what they are planning to do today. BBQ— May 14, 2013 1:18 p.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
Not sure what story to believe but a later article shows Kaiser planning to build in Kearney Mesa not Scripps Ranch, however they did have an intent to purchase a few years ago. Just in the interest of fair reporting/blogging. BBQ— May 14, 2013 10:31 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
Eastlaker thanks for the comment, one other item last night in all of the confused question/comments etc. Dr.Ed not to be confused with Mr.Ed (insert both have Horses a---es) inserted how important STEM or STEAM programs were, for those not into accronyms, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics, Ed, Dr not Mr, stated that Alliant would set-up a STEM curriculum for SUHSD. I find this Ridiculous as they have little STEM in their current curriculum. If you want to know what employers or Universities that teach or use, Engineering and Technology, you should ask them what they are looking for and have them assist you in creating your programs and curriculum. College grad educators should understand education, but it does not mean they know STEM or proper business. SUHSD, use your staff to set the (7-12) Education programs and hire professional managers to manage the business, deficit spending has to end. Taxpayers demand the proper checks and balances of a well run district, and let's get out of the program de jour. BBQ— May 14, 2013 8:53 a.m.
Sweetwater school district to team with Alliant University?
After another frustrating Board meeting where the "elite" omniprescient, omnipotent, four (McCann, Ricassa, Cartmill and Brand, said with complete derision), steamrolled the public with another underplanned, misguided, gotta happen now scheme with Allient University (a bit of an oxymoron), I'm resorting to one of the only opportunities to speak my mind. After speaking to the fact at the Board Meeting that the College Route (which the chosen ones are advocating, hell stuffing down our students throats) is only as good as the foundation we are giving our kids and that this route is not for everyone, HE-double-Hockey-sticks, 80 % of our students will not attend University right out of High School. We continue to cut the very basic industrial and job skill programs that were the core of our nations greatness, between vocational training, ROP and Adult schools we have taken the tools right out of our students hands. Board of Trustees do you think Engineers, Doctors, Surgeons, became that way because they read about holding tools and following directions, no they did not, they at some point learned to manipulate tools, hopefully under the guidence of a craftsman in wood or metal shop or a gifted teacher in cooking or sewing classes, where kids can explore what it feels like to create something, get an idea what a career might feel like or even decide that those thing are not what they want to do. We have given up on these essential skills and experiences in our Education system, by only advocating the University route, which all of you have taken. The soon to be enacted Allience (Pun intended) with Allient University is first a costly alternative to existing programs which we should be fostering and second the dumbing down of the whole college/university experience by reducing the GPA required to start classes/attend/pay for to 2.0, again the Higher GPA students will recieve a "Discount" or Scholarship. (can you say Used Car/Time Share Salesman). If this is such a great deal to our community why do I feel like the timeline of Four months is inadequate to enact a curriculum. Oh by the way Allient University sold their campus in Scripps Ranch to Kaiser or one of the other Hospital Groups about four years ago, are they getting evicted? Maybe that's the reason for the "Quick-Contract" and the free classrooms. To my community this disregard by the Four Amigos to the real needs of our students, Community, Region, State and Nation is appalling. "Beware of the Snake Oil salesman, at a minimum what he is selling won't hurt you but remember it most likely won't make things better either". BBQ— May 14, 2013 6:19 a.m.
Chancellor University tried to recruit homeless
Ladies and Gentlemen, unfortunately, we may be better off putting up with the Brand BS until the Board elections next fall, I would hate to see the current Board of Neo-felons signing a contract for a new Super, bringing in another political insider, ie Cheryl Cox, or the like .... When can we get educators creating education programs and Managers running the operations and fiscal side of the business? I am a keen supporter of 'Lean" Management ie Toyota Operating system, also Modern Operating Agreements, which Labor (Teachers) and Management (Adminstration) really look at the best way to compensate for the work being done and the quality goals achieved. I may be naive when it comes to the Teachers union but if the Auto Industry and the UAW could be "Re-Aligned", there has to be hope for SUHSD. To all of the voters of the san diego south bay; " the definition of an Idiot is a person who does something the same way over and over and expects to get a different result". Time for a change in Adminstration, through change on the Board, I can't wait for the depositions and trials. BBQ— May 12, 2013 6:10 a.m.