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Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
oskidoll, With the use of implosion, does that mean he just becomes so irrealavent he gets even smaller than he already is to the point he is so small that "Poof" he just vanishes? or by implosion do you mean, he finally makes a "real" public statement that is so loud and irrealavent he just sucks in on himself and a pile of politician scat is all that remains? Oh to call McCann a bully is to unbelievable, always running home to Mama Eddy and the FOE, a would be despot I can see. BBQ— June 12, 2013 12:54 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
eastlaker, You are absolutely correct with the greed aspect, however they still look at their little ed-dom through their eyes only, thus the "elitist" claim. By being "elitist" they feel and act (as evidenced in the transcripts and actions) "above" us common folk, they are obviously "smarter" than us, (certainly not more intelligent) Their actions just should not/cannot be questioned by we poor common folk, we just do not understand, they deserve our "idolation" of them..... They sit on their thrones at the Board meetings and thumb their noses at us, shuffle the name cards, mispronounce our names proclaim their understanding of the "Dance Card" and approve whatever "King Eddy" wants. Their selective understanding of the situation reminds one of Marie Antounette over her understanding of famine: "If there's no bread, Let them eat cake" or the great Bugblatter Beast of Planet Trall (Hichikers Guide to the Galaxy) who believes if you cover your face with your towel (read the book) and can't see him, he can't see you, so if they selectively can't see us, obviously we can't see them. A long winded reply to a statement I agree with... Best BBQ— June 12, 2013 12:43 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
I would assume that, because it is Capitalized, "Pollock" is a Family Name. Thus the saying means, "you can do what you want until you bring my (Pollock Family) children into it, now it's personal". anniej continues to call it as she sees's it, for that I give her Kudos. She also would not stoop to the level implied as to using an "ethnic" slur. BTW she does not need me to back her up, she does fine on her own. I also do not blindly follow her every word, but I will say she's in it for the long haul and I respect her for it. BBQ— June 12, 2013 7:53 a.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
My good man timtim, I once again call you out, please give me something, one iota, of how the situation of the current Superintendent and Board at SUHSD is a good thing for the community. You are awesome at belittling and ranting against other commenters, especially anniej, but have never said what you believe in, just like John McCan't. The only thing I have heard him say was "every parent want's their child to go to college". Pretty broad brush... I believe every parent wants their child to get an education, be a productive member of society and be happy. We/you/FOE/Board/Brand need to refocus on the level of Education our Children recieve while under our care in the 7 - 12 model at SUHSD. Not expand a failing model into a reduced content 13-16 Model. If we do not offer a choice in education that includes the trades and hands on experience, those things will wither on the vine. I return to my "Elitist" claim against you, Brand and the Board, as played out in the Testamonies, Egos, Actions, and Votes of the FOE. The idea that Bertha, Jim and John will come out of this OK just adds to the disillusioned "Elitist" attitude, if they have not already been hurt by the situation they must have concrete for souls and as evidenced, little empathy for people who do not see life as they do (Privelaged?). Sometime I would love to hear John McCann and Brand speak about what their vision of the Future of the District is, not about their wonderful accomplishments from the past. As always I continue to offer you constructive criticism, and wish you well in your disillusioned and not so complicated future. BBQ— June 12, 2013 6:06 a.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
oskidoll, The FPPC should be involved with the issue of Ms. Vargas at the board of elections ... I used to be "Amazed" by the scope of all of this, now I'm simply "Amused" that all of these folks thought they were above the rules and regulations, not to mention laws. I also am flabbergasted by the nievite of the citizens of the region. Allowing this to go on for so long. I think my favorite part is this transcends, Party, Ethnicity, and Income, we've got a bit of each. Thank you Ed for quitting the first time so The Gandara could soil your little pond and we could get a clear view of who/what/where this UNETHICAL mess started, it all started with you Ed!!! As you said in the Transcripts, (paraphrased) "...if you knew how badly (Gandara) messed up (your little ponzie scheme) at SUHSD was, you'd have never come back"... well welcome to your nightmare. Now quit and get out of the way.... Ed, Always the best to you and your toadies ... BBQ— June 11, 2013 12:21 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
Looking at the attachment to anniej's comment, has this loan been paid off or was it prior to the latest incarnation of Ed Brand? If not isn't it a conflict of interest for Mr. Cartmill to have been a part of the hiring or re-hiring process of Dr. Brand? Where are the signed Personal Interest Documents? With the possible perjury of Mr. Cartmill's statement, one would think there would be an opening for recall or at least call to question his ethics statement when he signed on as a Board Member. For that matter, "Loaning" one's address to a out of town Building Contractor, would also be a conflict of interest, weather it's your house or someone in your family. Ms Ricassa (sp), don't you think so? The picture gets clearer and clearer, as the stuff floats to the top. I really have to wonder where the office of elections or DA is/was with regards to any of this, oh, I forgot in the pockets of the incumbents. How do these people walk around the community, certainly not with their heads held high. The fix is in our hands, vote out the ethic-less, and bring in people that will look us (Taxpayers) in the eye. BBQ— June 11, 2013 9:56 a.m.
Sweetwater scandal: Ed Brand’s claims contradicted
Anniej, I understand completely what you are saying, unfortunately even the best people and kids sometimes get lumped in with the people they are associated with. Bertha, god bless her, she did try to stand up to the Gang but is not strong enough on her own. I do give her credit for that. I would love to see a reason to fire Brand, however another sweetwater sweetheart deal is too much for me to stomach ... He says he'll quit if he does not have the backing of the Board, I realize it is another fabrication on his part. I am within inches of starting to run for the Board myself just to piss him off big Ed off., The only realistic method of change with a reasonable outcome is recall and I frankly don't know what is needed to get rid of the whole mess of them!!!! Where is the County Board of Education? I thought it was thier job to oversee the local districts. The Transcripts are lovely stories of the dishonesty, collusion below the table dealings of this District, why can't we suspend the board's ability to make long term expeditures and agreements, where is the way? Frustrated but still working on solutions, BBQ— June 6, 2013 3:38 p.m.
Sweetwater scandal: Ed Brand’s claims contradicted
jibaro, unfortunately I have to agree with you about immediate change of the Superintendant and board, what we really need is to have some of the decision making and spending controlled through out these criminal proceedings. Where is the County Board of education censoring the actions of this rogue board and out of control Superintendant? As for other references to the Brown act, I keep looking for meetings in the transcripts where more than two people on the board are in attendence and really have not seen one, maybe at the Butcher Shop after the Board Meeting? I have not read the part about the tied up vote for the PLA yet, but it is clearly obvious at a board meeting that the "fix" is in for all votes. Sorry Bertha, even though at this time you try to stand up to the Junta, it's too late, play with the Devil you get burned. John McCann, you are the lowest of the low, a liar a theif and a disgrace to all of your fellow Service Men, standing on their hard work and sacrifice, the Hero McCann, then you poop on them with your self serving, um, "Public Service" um. Obviously reading the transcripts, there is no honor amongst theives at SUHSD. Please review my previous Comment about starting to develop questions or response audit for the existing and future Board members, perhaps it would be a good start to the new Superintendent Search process. Pay to Play in this district has a double meaning, from pure greed to shakedowns for "Contributions" to selling your integrity not to mention soul to be part of the "Gang of Sweetwater". Best to you all, in your final come-upence (sp) BBQ— June 6, 2013 5:57 a.m.
Sweetwater scandal: Ed Brand’s claims contradicted
anniej I saw a couple of McCan't, I mean McCann signs reciently posted on Olympic Pkwy, near Otay Ranch High School. I have not gone by Olympian or Eastlake, weren't Graduation Activities at Sleep Train Pavillion This week? What a Sneaky little/short man, I'll bet he spoke at a couple of the school activities, about how pure and great his actions on the board have been, oh and that he's a hero military man. BBQ— June 5, 2013 4:44 p.m.
Sweetwater scandal: Ed Brand’s claims contradicted
Hear, Hear eastlaker, if you would go back through my many entries into SUHSD blogs you'd hear very much the same thing. I will reiterate some of my thoughts; 1. Determine the public's opinions and goals for SUHSD 2. Develop a series of steps and timeline required to achieve those goals 3. recast those goals into a series of meaningful questions that each and every candidate for the Board be asked to answer. 4. Publish those answers in the Reader and UT allow the people to really determine the viability of a candidate. I believe that this type of format would allow a newcomer to enter the process without a big budget or war chest. This would allow uninfluenced people to serve the community. I also feel that the political alligence of the Board candidates should not be a part of the overall process for a position like Trustee. It sounds so simple but it takes a big push to change a system, especially a corrupt one. Slogging my way through the Transcripts, BBQ— June 5, 2013 1:59 p.m.