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Sweetwater trustee reports stolen property to police
Well, after a weekend of coaching San Diego Athletes at the state cycling championships, and attending my son's travel baseball games, feeding my family and attending a sick wife, I obviously have a full life, Monday brings work and the next issue to push against. Mr timtim/McCann, if you really believe none of us have a life beyond blogging for something we believe in you are really egotistical!!!! PleaSE GO BACK TO and continue to play your games and best of luck in your future. An opportunity squandered is an opportunity wasted. Said from a moderate conservative voter, probably your normal demographic. Everyone else see you Wednesday. BBQ— June 23, 2013 8:39 p.m.
Sweetwater trustee reports stolen property to police
timtim, First off it is a wednesday evening, I do not know the make-up of the group but it will be some of the 300,000 you claim the 6 do not represent, it is also a group of your constituents (sp), it is an opportunity to interact with the community you claim to represent. Feel free to interact with Al Alt or Ed for my number and we can meet at a convenient time for us both. I am doing this because I care about my community and yes I have a vested interest, I still have a son in the district, I also have a significant amount of my net worth tied up in a house in this community and the strength of the school district is a main selling factor. So again stand up for who you claim to be, a "Leader', by the way a true leader deals with his critics, not avoiding them or calling them names especially when offered an "Olive Branch", by protection I mean for you to have an opportunity to speak your peace with as little interuption as can be achieved. Again I sit a jilted peacemaker, Best to John/timtim, madame timtim and the little timtims, BBQ— June 21, 2013 10:19 a.m.
Sweetwater trustee reports stolen property to police
timtim, Even you know who I am as I have introduced myself at Board Meetings as BBQ, I guess that just proves that you do not pay attention when the public speaks.... May BoT Meeting, ORANGE shirt. But Ed and Dr. Alt have my personal telephone number and I am sure they will give it to you. But just as you will not use your name in this blog, but insist using others's names I will continue as BBQ, in this venue. When you choose to meet me outside this venue, I am sure you and I can have a civil conversation, I will not say it won't be lively, you have a lot of "Xplaining to do" to get out of the mud so to speak. I will reitterate, the John McCann I know is the one I see, and that image is not good... I am offering an open mind for you to realign that image. To quote you, "I look forward to your response" Best to you, BBQ— June 21, 2013 8:43 a.m.
Sweetwater trustee reports stolen property to police
Dear John McCann aka timtim, After reading the posting on the UT site, I am convinced that you are the infamous timtim, your use of "Circus" and the allusions to "Hypocracy" in the statement well they did it why can't I? So with all of that said, other than in passing during some of your press the flesh/sound-bite visits to various charity events I have worked as a proud member of the Chula Vista community or innappropriate graduation speeches made by you over the last few years, I still do not know who John McCann is! I have been trying to be as independent as possible when it comes to giving each person involved in the SUHSD mess the benefit of the doubt, ask Dr. Alt and even Ed, you get one shot with me, so I am calling you out for the third or fourth time, this will be the last time! Please come to the Southwest CV Community meeting next Wednesday, here are some of the items I would like to hear from you, **What is your, John McCann's vision of SUHSD for the next year then 4 years?** **What is the true involvement of John McCann and "Fund Raising" from district vendors or through Dr. Brand?**** I could ask more questions but those two simple questions, will tell me **your value to the community and your integrity.** I am sure there are a lot of other people that have different questions. Just as I am sure that there will be a response from other bloggers that say BBQ can't you see the leopard's spots? I as stated before will defend/protect you from whatever if you decide to attend, but if you do not I can only assume that **everything** you have done or will do is suspect to influence. Good luck with this difficult decision, stand up or cower and hide, it is your turn to be a **"Leader" not a "Supporter".** Please note that I have refrained from sarcasim or being snarky in this note, I would have loved to add "You get Three minutes to make your point" as you can see I could not let that one go, it's in my nature to look for something funny in a bad situation. Best to the McCann/timtim family, BBQ— June 21, 2013 6:33 a.m.
Sweetwater trustee reports stolen property to police
Woodchuck, I am not sure I know where the South Library is, but I will figure it out. I would love to be a part of the change. timtim how about going out of your comfort zone, I promise to protect you and listen to your (you're) point of view. BBQ— June 19, 2013 8:53 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
At risk of once again being called a "Mal-content" and "Hypocrite", first I would like to congratulate on SUHSD on getting some "**Good**" Press. The National Journal article paints a good picture of our district from the perspective it was written and for the Students that qualify and use the Compact. Attached is a paraphrased note I wrote to Noreen Kahn, the author of the National Journal Article: *Noreen, I would like to thank you for the article for the ‘Compact for Success” at Sweetwater Union HSD and SDSU. While I agree it is an innovative program, it has all but devastated any non-college track program in the system. It really reduces choices of our students to conform to the College track system verses the “traditional” role of High School to expose students to a broad based curriculum which includes things like, Metal shop, woodworking, automotive, cooking, all of the more Hands-on training and skills. I am a Mechanical Engineer with an MBA but what convinced me to be an Engineer(?), the afore mentioned skills and, hands-on classes in Middle and High School. The Sweetwater Union HSD recently cut all funding for ROP and Training Classes in the district, ...saving $3-6 Million dollars out of the $340 Million Budget, can you say 1 – 2%, not a good bargain if you look at the big picture. I am sure I will be branded a mal-content for not gushing over this innovative program which helps 1500 of approximately 8000 High School Seniors be accepted to University, however without a full broad based curriculum many of our Students have been short-changed on the fundamental experiences that guide a course of study in University that will become a meaningful career. I have heard a Trustee in the District say “ …every Parent wants their child to go to college..” ... I wish for my children to get an education, be a benefit to the community and be happy. Without choices in the formative Years (7 – 12 Grades) I do not believe my Children got a “complete” Education in this District. So before other districts jump on board a program like “Compact for Success” be sure that you have programs that fulfill the needs of the 80% of your students that do not make the “Compact for Success” standards. Don’t become an “Elite-Single –Track-System” that college right out of High School is the only track. Sweetwater has become that district, ... the course availability deemed appropriate and the direction of the Superintendent, the Board of Trustees and to Administration.* Once again at risk of being chastized by timtim- if you don't look at the "costs" of a "Great" program with regards to the rest of the world (80/20 Rule) how can you determine if the program is truly "Great" or meerly "Good". I would say "Compact for Success" is a "Great" program but at what cost to our other 80%? Looking at things from a different perspective..... BBQ— June 14, 2013 2:26 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
timtim, I have rethought a bit about your last few comments, you are right I am being a little hypocritical, I am sorry, I should not use other peoples appearance or inability to announciate a cohearent thought in my comments. However is it not Hypocritical to stand on your past every time something does not go your way? Is it not Hypocritical to call yourself a Community Leader and only blindly follow? Is it not Hypocritical to Promise change (Clean-up?) in the District, and fall into "it's just the way we do things around here"? Is it not Hypocritical to belittle your competition or fix the contest by spending more and littering the community with your campaign stuff? We should both (all Three including John) take a higher path and respond to some of the important issues? Number One who is looking out for the Community, the kids, the employees and the taxpayer? It was John McCann's job and if I were to rate him now he's a "Needs Improvement" a best, more likely on "Report or Corrective Action Required." Best to you and all the little timtims... BBQ— June 13, 2013 12:36 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
timtim if John McCann ever made a statement or went outside his comfort zone to get opinions from other than FoE and political allies he would possibly be an OK type of person. You are the one that keeps putting him on a pedistal to have the barbs thrown at him. If he is indeed who you think he is, he would be out and about working on cleaning up the mess he has helped create, not hiding behind what once was. Our district and community needs Leaders with vision for the future, but, like the other Board members, I am sure John has no vision for the district or our community, other than his own self interest... Hey, this is the first time you've come out to play when called, In the past I have asked reasonable questions of you and Mr. McCann, will either of you ever answer any of them? BBQ— June 13, 2013 12:02 p.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
timtim June 12, 2013 @ 7:55 p.m. Anyone notice that Kim Jong has been silent in North Korea guessed it John McCann was deployed over there...coincidence? I think not timtim, I think you may be on to something here, McCann finally has someone he sees eye to eye with while standing up.... both in stature and in retorical, hysterical, threats and BS.... They could be long lost twin brothers even in hair style, I can't wait for the next "Team America" puppet film _ perhaps "Team Sweetwater"? I'd include some dialog but if you've seen the original, it would not be fit to print. Hey go take a nap when your wife's family (the relatives) come to visit....pretty much the same when you sit on the dias at Board meetings... BBQ— June 13, 2013 11:30 a.m.
Sweetwater board candidate has his sign damaged
timtim, McCann, whoever you are, weather you are indicted or not, your good friend Dr. Brand, who you **did** bring back and Gandara who you **did** give a sweatheart package to, (not your money, not a worry!), will throw you under the bus, as Ed already has in his testamony, saying (paraphrased) **"...Two weeks after I came back, McCann asked me to ask SGI for a $20K donation to his campaign..."** by the way if it's not ture will you **testify against** Ed at his purjury trial? So I will ask straight up, have you/McCann **ever** received Campaign Donations from **ANY** district contractors or from **ANY** other members of the SUHSD Board or Adminstration, or **ANY** political party or PAC? If not you/McCann are just **spineless** to stand up against the FOE (Friends of Ed), if so you are just as **culpable** (guilty of poor judgement) as the rest of the Board and every vote can be looked at as **suspect**, ie influenced by **Money**. By the way whatever happened to the **Campaign Funding Reform bylaws** for the Board? It's not convenient right now is it, all of the incumbants will need every cent to try to get re-elected. When timtim/McCann stands up and faces the community with real answers, he might be able to walk the walk and talk the talk, not just play lip-service to Ed and FoE. Once again a little common sense and you will be a free man, free of lies, free of debt to others, free to have your own opinion and ideas! What a thought free of being a Toady... Unclutter your life, talk to your inlaws... BBQ— June 12, 2013 2:39 p.m.