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College Area excluded from granny-flat permitting?
Just Wondering, there is no intended segregation just the urban conceptualist concept of the self-contained living area, also known in the past as "Towns" (or North Park). They keep telling us the younger folks are shunning the automobile. BBQ— September 12, 2017 2:59 p.m.
College Area excluded from granny-flat permitting?
I am just wondering, if the urban planners are correct, aren't students supposed to be giving up their cars for the urban mass transit lifestyle? Aren't the planners looking at higher density with less parking along the northern extension of the Trolley line along Morena Blvd? Aren't we supposed to be living in self contained neighborhoods (Work, Live, Play)? Which I suppose the College district is an example. To the city council and others beware of unintended circumstances and tread with caution on your predictions. BBQ— September 12, 2017 7:09 a.m.
Where will future Chula Vistans go to school?
So 4 - 5 years ago I attended many Sweetwater Union High School District Meetings with intent to get rid of the superintendents,(Successfully), there was a very large amount of available dollars in the Mello-Roos budget, this money was used as a very low cost loan pool. I suspect we still have around $108 Million in this account, not to mention any additional added since the recent building boom restarted. This money was held at a cost of 3 - 8% from previous bond issues, but was "Bridge Loaned" to the district for 0.125% ish. The stated reason for holding this money and not paying down the bonds was the next school will be built with CASH!!!! I guess the time is now so why the issue? ALSO hasn't land been designated for a South Bay University Campus off of Hunte Parkway? One would think an integrated multiuse facility of a High School and University would be complimentary. BBQ— September 12, 2017 6:59 a.m.
Koch brothers to fund San Diego paramedic takeover
Once again we are all about to be had by the 1%ers, as the Koch Brothers pull an SDG&E on our rate payers a.k.a citizens. After receiving a bill from AMR for $2850 which included the base run $2500, Mileage, Linen and a night run fee for a 3 mile run to the hospital all of this after the Chula Vista Fire Paramedic did all of the triage and initial first aid, I gotta ask what's the profit margin in privatized ambulances? I am currently awaiting to see what, if anything my insurance is going to pay and what their pre-negotiated rate really is. As a citizen and consumer of these services do our elected city officials know how offensive and oppressive these rates are? I would assume Mr. McCann in CV would know after his use of the service a couple of years ago. I do not see any value to the consumer, you and me, if the Koch's see AMR as a good asset, maybe to help pay for their helicopters at Air Medical Group, maybe one or two are not ambulances? BBQ— August 15, 2017 12:43 p.m.
National City students least fit out of 42 school systems in San Diego County
Part of the issue here is not only the quality/affordability/availability of food choices in these areas of childhood obesity is the fact that Physical Education, Sports opportunities and Outside Activities are limited in these neighborhoods. Our society and communities have moved away from sports and activities for everyone to a **Pay to Play** society. This is evidenced on the Soccer Fields and Baseball Diamonds, where to succeed you need to play year-round with paid Coaches, or on Travel Teams. Our communities also have the "***Fear"*** factor for our kids which is perpetuated by the type and frequency of our news reports, scaring parents to having their kids outside without them there, even in a group setting, leading to the sedentary computer games lifestyle. How does a society overcome these things, you ask, this is where Mentorship, Activities and community involvement become vital. There are many little known programs available which if we were to actively join them up in a "United Way" Style funding and cooperative messaging could be an answer to these issues. ***San Diego Velodrome*** (Bicycle Track) in Morley Field, participates in a few Youth Programs which are free to any Youth in the county, ***Velo-Youth*** which is school based and ***Youth Development*** classes. Look them up at **** and ****. **BBQ**— June 15, 2017 12:49 p.m.
SoccerCity backers go off the charts, both ways
Monaghan, Boy you've not only tried the koolaid but have all but offered to sell it like snake oil. When is this community going to wake up to the scams of the 1% on the rest of us. We are being asked to "Give" a Public Asset (Mission Valley Property) substantially undervalued, for the "possibility" of a MLS Team! What a scam, with all of the money already "Invested" in petition drives, "Professional" endorsements "Landon Donovan" and as stated in this article lining City politicians pockets, there is something smelling pretty fishy. I would love to see the overall business plan for FS Investors, I would bet the value of the MLS Franchise and the other big "Incentive" the river park is peanuts verses the overall gross value FS will net. Let's (The Citizens) be frugal, looking towards the long term best uses for the land and the community as a whole. Keep some land for the future, maybe expand SDSU, we gave UCSD a lot of acreage in the 60's and 70's, see what has happened up there! Perhaps a worthwhile stadium rather than a "Carson, Stub Hub Center" smaller than a few full size Arenas! Hey maybe even space for Industry incubation or the arts, we already have housing and Public Transit in the area. My point is why not look at the big picture and share the potential bounty of redeveloping the 166 acres amongst more "Local" Investors rather than putting everything into one "FS's" basket. BBQ— June 12, 2017 7:15 a.m.
SoccerCity's open special influence money frenzy
Why are the city council and the developers acting like children with a quarter at the candy store? The money (In this case a major undeveloped/redevelopable parcel of land in Mission Valley) burning a hole in their pockets. Being pushed to a artificial deadline set by business entities, MLS and FC Partners (?), for a lifetime project on an irreplaceable piece of Community Property just sets us up for the same situation we have with Petco Park, Qualcom Stadium (The Murph), the Chargers and any number of poorly planned developments in the city and county, many right there in Mission Valley. We as San Diegans seem to have an all or nothing attitude about development. FC Partners (?) are not proposing "Soccer City" out of the generousness of their Hearts, they're going to make a S--T load of money off of the largess of the citizens of the City, County and Region. If "Soccer City" is such a worthwhile endeavor, it would stand up to proper vetting, planning and schedule. If a MLS Soccer Franchise is such a good investment the partners would buy the land and build their own facility, not have it part of a scheme to scam the public, "We'll develop this if you give us that, oh, by the way we still control the Team, Land and get the profits. While I am in favor of utilizing the Mission Valley site, there are much better "Public" and "Community" uses than this single use facility and gifting the rest of the site to FC Partners. The City Council should take a long look at future uses of the site with the benefit to the community (99%ers) in mind, not the 1% that wish to eat from the community trough. **BBQ**— June 5, 2017 7:12 a.m.
Swimming in Copley cash
Mike Murphy, Looking at the net worth of $91 Million, with a gain of $20 Million in two years along with disbursements of $2.5 Million annually, $315,000 plus benefits for salaries seems reasonable to me. The few charities receiving are also diverse enough that I doubt there is much "inside" donations. I do however struggle with Board Members receiving compensation from a Philanthropic Foundation, but this one, all in all, looks reasonable. BBQ— May 3, 2017 1:35 p.m.
NFL owners approve Raiders move to Vegas
Having been up to StubHub Center over the last couple of months to Coach at the LA Velodrome, there is not a single bit of Chargers signage or indication of their plans to play there. I find this amusing after all that the Spanos clan did down here. Certainly not a great business model, I expect the "Chargers BIG Adventure" will become a case study of how not to manage a Sports franchise in Business School. BBQ— March 28, 2017 7:18 a.m.
City Heights planners displeased with bikeway plans
Pjamason2, The issue is safety and access, I'm not an advocate of us vs. them which this boils down to more often than not. If a reasonable alternative exists or could be made to exist it should be reviewed. As for access to El Cajon Blvd there are cross streets every couple of hundred meters. If you can read a street sign you know what block you are on and can access your location/destination. I favor cycling as a transportation source but not if it makes the cyclist a target which makes many of these proposed routes less tangible in the eyes of the non-cycling/commuting public. If a proposed route is already congested with many stop signals and cross traffic how does making it worse benefit the cycling community? I would personally rather see Orange and Howard become "Traffic calmed" 30 mph through streets with minimal stop signals, so a nice steady cycling commute could be achieved, just a thought. Sorry about your lack of compassion and cooperation with the rest of the community. BBQ— December 12, 2016 6:36 a.m.