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What am I doing in Eastlake?
As a point to the Eastlake lovers that so reward the schools with adoration, I too moved out here for the schools, Please pull your heads out of the sand and look into the Adminstration of the Sweetwater Union High School District. The way the indictees on the board and the superintendent are going, what we bought into with our Mello Roos and home prices will be squandered, our district which is already a laughing stock for mis-management will be a shambles. As I tried to state before get involved and participate in the governmental processes for the two school districts and the city of Chula Vista, we still pay our fair share if not more... BBQ— August 1, 2013 1:14 p.m.
What am I doing in Eastlake?
I'm sure I have felt all of the things Ms. Salaam has said in this article, the Otay Ranch/Eastlake community has many great things going for it with affordability near the top, but the "Corporate America" Look and selections are near the bottom. The things I miss most from previous, read older, communities are the Family owned or more eclectic choices, while I frequent Oggy's I long for a Crazy Burger and a small Brew Pub. While I occasionally shop at Trek Bicycles I really want an Adams Ave Bicycles, etc Why do I long for these things, I want to know who takes home the paycheck and the profits, I want to see my favorite places on Drive-ins, Diners and Dives, I like the interaction with the owners and workers at a true owner operated establishment. I realize that since the start of "Eastlake" a meer 20 odd years is not much to start any real community traditions, I believe it is time to do so, live the diversity. We need to connect the dots between life, living and our unique cultural and sports opportunities. We also need to take charge of our community by linking with the rest of Chula Vista to protect the city itself from fragmenting into east vs. west politics. We need to revive the Sweetwater Union School District by making ourselves aware of the BS going on behind closed doors. We need to protect and grow our community with our activities, our spending and our intelligence. 20 years ago cycling out a two lane Otay Lakes Road I joked with my friend Scott about who would ever want to live out here, but when my family and I returned to the SD area look where we are, decient schools, reasonable housing costs, and reasonable expectations what more for a middle-class family? BBQ— August 1, 2013 6:09 a.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
Bingo.... That is the real question... The thought process and the public vetting of this scheme is where it all falls apart in my opinion! The whole discussion of the MOU documents (HA HA) signed by the Board and the speed of the "Deal" spell out improper actions on the Staff and the Superintendant. If this is such a great thing for our students, where is the public outcry and support, the only support is from Ed and his cronies. As reported the other options are available, why does this, Alliant U seem to be the prefered option that gets special treatment? BTW are they paying for use of the Facilities for the seminars? or are we subsidizing the Alliant U recruiting effort? retorical questions.... BBQ— July 10, 2013 1:33 p.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
I went on the Alliant University website and found announcements for seminars for students wanting more info on Alliant at Sweetwater, unfortunately they are both on Thursday evenings and I have other commitments, perhaps some of you could attend and see who from the district attends and what the "OFFER" or Incentive is for students. I am interested in the costs and financing, allong with the classes offered at the "New" Southbay Site. July 11, 2013 | 6:00 pm Castle Park High School | Cafeteria 1395 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91911 July 18, 2013 | 6:00 pm Hilltop High School | Cafeteria 555 Claire Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Just keeping Ed Honest. BBQ— July 10, 2013 5:45 a.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
Dr. Cox, Thank you for your response, at this point our frustration is not aimed at you or even the project, it is with the SUHSD for their lack openness and information on the project. If there are no secrets than why does it feel that way. A few questions, What are the dates the "agreement" to pursue the Alliant at Sweetwater was signed or agreed to by the superintendant? What Sweetwater High School District Facilities were offered to Alliant and when were they to be available to start classes at Alliant at Sweetwater? Are there any any student number Quotas or Goals spelled out in the agreements? As Part of any agreement has Alliant University lowered the academic standards to accept Sweetwater students? How many students at Alliant are attending on student loan type financing? What Bank or Financial instution services the majority of these Loans? How many Sweetwater officials, teachers etc. will be a part of the future staff of Alliant U at Sweetwater? I am sure there are many more Questions the community would like to ask, How about coming down and speaking to us in a Community Townhall? Thanks BBQ— July 8, 2013 11 a.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
It has been a great long fourth of July weekend, relaxing having fun, volunteering, etc. Now back to the Indictments and issues of the day. First I will ask the question again, any Alliant Documents? Any additional info on Alliant recruiting? Halsey, Brand, McCann stuff? I kept an eye out for John et. al. at the CV Firefighters Assoc. Pancake Breakfast on the Fourth, but none to be found. Sounds like San Ysidro School District had some extra-fireworks over the weekend, think anything incriminating was burned? No need to answer, I think it is obvious..... Finally to JMBrinkley's reply last week about education not being a business, I respect your opinion but a $350 Million per year organization IS a Business, and as such is subject to the abuse we have seen in the SUHSD. There is too much opportunity for the BS and floating of money and capital. As I was stating in my previous comment the business side, operations, must be handled by a talented business staff who have goals, limits and controls set by an effective Board of Trustees. The product side, education, must be handled by a talented group of Educators who also have goals, limits and controls set bt an effective Board of Trustees. Neither the Business or the Product side should have the ultimate decision making capability, both need to be led by an effective Board. Public's input is first excersized by voting for people that can be an effective Board, who can set the Vision and Controls in place for the District. The Public input can then be used to influence the Board in the directions that the Public wants, by attending Board meetings and interacting with the Board, no free rides. I know for many this seems utopian but that's how it works in the world outside the Twilight Zone of Sweetwater. \ BBQ— July 8, 2013 6:01 a.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
Any word on the release of the Alliant University agreements? Again Ed Brand "I always follow up ..... " to quote him as said to my face or on the phone... Public Records? ... at Sweetwater, it is "Public Schmublic"... Another drama in the story of Sweetwater Union High School District ... "As the Cesspool Turns" BBQ— July 2, 2013 9:52 a.m.
Week in review: Sweetwater Union High School District
First and foremost, thanks to all for their analysis and opinion on these subjects, I have not been around as long as many of you. A couple of my thoughts: SUHSD is a Business, it's product is 7-12 education, as such the expansion of product offerings to K-12 Charter schools and 13-16 Education is poorly advised, especially while the main product 7-12 is in such disarray. I am a believer in operating the district as a business, using the "Professionals" we currently employ both in the adminstration offices, and in the schools. Proper vetting of all employees and Board is required due to the past practices, Conflict of Interest counciling and declaration forms. The only way to have this is with a Board which has the aspects of a "corporate" Board of Directors composed of Leaders who have business credentials and education experience. We currently do not have anyone on the board with enough business sense to control the Big ED. they all sit in awe of him and his "Connections" and he just continues to manipulate them with visions of grandure (Brandure?). This district is out of control financially, minimal reserves, down over $40 Million in three years, San Diego County Board of Education, it's time to review the Budget, the accounting and the financial rating forms of this district, Dr Alt is just the puppet delivering the paperwork but the ED pulls the strings. Public as said by many others Beware of strangers bearing gifts, in this case beware of the incumbant bearing gifts, time for new blood at SUHSD and it is not recycling another South Bay Politician. BBQ— July 1, 2013 6:39 a.m.
Sweetwater runs afoul of state Public Records Act
As a reply to Wabbit about Shinoff, unfortunately lawyers by occupation, like Police, work with people who are often "criminals", and "criminals" talk about who is the "Best" in the business, so by association the "bad' apples turn-up in the same basket. The compelling thing about the "Blogger vs. Behemoths" is something my father (a lawyer) said about civil cases "**many of them (Civil Cases) become personal, one Party trying to punish or get back at the other party**" I think Shinoff and his Associates have forgotten this and at some point quit making a mountain out of a molehill. BBQ— June 27, 2013 2:48 p.m.
Sweetwater runs afoul of state Public Records Act
Could we make a few Polo Shirts, I wear those to work and work in Chula Vista. BBQ— June 27, 2013 2:40 p.m.