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Sweetwater district spent big for Arne Duncan visit
It is a sad day when the SUHSD Superintendent and his Toadies, takes well meaning people and staffers, potentialy good news and accolades for a economically disadvantaged neighborhood and turned it all to mud. First to WTFEd after many months, years I find it hard to believe that there aren't many more like you who know the truth and at least say something. It's about time that some of the Ed Victims start to talk or are their severance packages too big to risk. Dr. Alt where are you? My original talks with you (In your first Month with Big Ed) were so promising, My how quickly Ed got you to cower... To the rest of you is it really that comfortable to be in Ed's shadow? Where are the Heros who could assist in rooting out the BS in the district? Federal whistleblower laws exist for these reasons. Dr. Alt you got more to gain than lose over this. As for the "Sale" of information to South Bay Community Services, both organizations should be ashamed. The potential mis-use of the Funds at SBCS should start an upheaval at that institution of public fund abusers and Friends of Ed aka Toadies. Again I would think twice about being associated with Ed, evan to be mentioned in the same blog is bad enough. One would think that as school with great results and a crappy facility would project better light on program of teaching rather than a falsified, prettied up facility. Again our Districts mis-guided plan of continious "Lipstick on a Pig" ie if we have a pretty new Adminstration Building, then everyone will think we are financially solvent and since it is pretty and clean, we are too. A final note, one of my neighbors used the auditorium at Eastlake High School reciently and commented on how poorly maintained it was. Mostly dirty, where is the district on maintaining their/our investments? Oh I know T-shirts and college Banners. I guess this makes me a "CAVE" man, but until I/we see a coherent plan to improve our District it's hard to support the plan of the day. BBQ— December 4, 2013 6:12 a.m.
All Things BBQ: BBQ House
Ian, I was speaking to a co-worker as I read your story, He is from North Carolina but like you he mentioned the South Carolina bbq sauce being the mustard based, his opinion is the SC Mustard sauce at Trader Joes is some of the best he's ever had. Now where the real bbq comes from in my opinion is it should be what each individual wants it to be. My son makes a pretty fine sauce at home which is a combo of the whiskey, tomato, ketchup variety and a mexican chile infused hot sauce, sweet with nice after burn in the mouth! Is there really any "BAD" bbq? I think it's just a matter of likes, tastes and personal tradition. Keep pedaling, BBQ— November 22, 2013 10:26 a.m.
Sweetwater Athletics Hall of Fame scrutinized
Why in Hell's name does Ed get to set-up any oversite, decision making committee? That's like the fox overseeing/setting up the the henhouse's security committee... Our district is sooooo... disfunctional and based on "good ol'boys (ol' gals?), and YES men, I really would like to know what Ed puts in the Kool-aid over there. The only other possibility is everyone is so punch-drunk from the insane decisions that they've forgotten how to say NO. My theory is called "Chaos Management" meaning: The leader (Ed Brand) keeps everything at the district in such disarray and so confused ie in "Chaos", everyone and everything is disfunctional and nobody can identify that the Leader (Ed Brand) does not know what he's doing. Again the Board of Trustees not holding the reigns very tight and their continued drinking of the Ed Kool-aid! (appologies to the makers of a fine product for the use of their trademark). BBQ— November 8, 2013 11:43 a.m.
Sweetwater Athletics Hall of Fame scrutinized
Thanks for the support, I have had conversations with Dr. Brand, Dr. Alt, attempted conversations with Mr. McCann, sent E-mails to Lyn Neylon at the County Board of Education, attended numerous School Board meetings and other School meetings. Sat as a community rep on a Budget review board a couple of years ago with Ms Russo (Waste of time). Thinking that I am getting somewhere it all falls down to no one seems to care about the problem. People like Ms. Neylon who is supposed to be our representative and the go to person doe not return an e-mail. **I realize it's not that good to lump all of the existing Pols together but with no information or actions to separate them, they must all be in on the great Dr. Brand's Educational Experiment and fleecing of the Public.** So again I ask where/who is the grassroots group which is needed to clean up the South San Diego Region's government entities. I am willing to interact with any of the Groups, Candidates and existing Politicians to define their vision. It's time to find the right people to move forward and clean up our region. BBQ— November 6, 2013 11:14 a.m.
Sweetwater Athletics Hall of Fame scrutinized
anniej, Thanks for your info on the Cox Family, however good or bad, they have not stood up and spoken out about the SUHSD issues, nor have many people "In powerful" political positions, and until they do I will have to paint them with the same brush as the accused felons on the board of trustees. **As you said many times about at least a couple of people "if your riding on the run-away bus and not doing anything to stop it you are a part of the problem"** I again plead to the "Real" leaders of our community to get involved with the issue of our children's education, you cannot have a solid community that is divided by a failed High School System and a government of takers. Our current situation seems to be made up of Politicians that seem to think they are smarter than their constituants and of course they know what's best for us (New Adminstration Buildings, Open Borders and questionable alliances with "For Profit" ie expensive Universities) **As for who is sponsoring the Survey, they would not tell me, but the summation of the overall survey was "Name Recognition" not anything to do with "Issue Recognition", I think that in and of itself sums up the Political Situation in the South Bay Region.** I for one would like a clear view of where our candidates stand on the local, state and national issues so I can make an educated choice, not what "Name" I recognize. This whole dumbing down of the political/election process in the region is discouraging and to be frank demeaning to the people of the District, City and Region. Best to you, BBQ— November 6, 2013 6:02 a.m.
Sweetwater Athletics Hall of Fame scrutinized
Yesterday, I was contacted by Champion Research and asked about some issues in Chula Vista and about name recognition of several possible candidates for City or other positions. I answered that I felt the biggest issue in Chula Vista and the South Bay Area in General was the out of control Sweetwater Union High School District, which goes without saying in this forum. When asked about name recognition a couple of names came up, John McCann and Bert Grossman along with Elizabeth Cox and a couple of sitting Council People. I gave a complete description of my distain for John McCann and Mr. Grossman as being inept, self-serving, self-aggrandizing Neo-politicians. As for others that have been mentioned anyone that has the name of Cox would be low on my personal choices list, sorry Elizabeth but career politicians or their relatives need not apply. As for everyone else on the list your name recognition now goes in my mind as related to McCann and Grossman, weather you are or not. If the sponsoring organization of this survey is anti-McCann or Grossman, putting your candidate in the same category as McCann and Grossman is not a good strategy. Ladies and Gentlemen running for political office, it’s time you stand out, state what you believe in and be honest with regards to the corruption rampant in our region. Being a Friend of Ed Brand, is not a good thing! By the way I would categorize myself as a moderate conservative, put that in your book republicans… BBQ— November 5, 2013 11:26 a.m.
Cops kick out public from Sweetwater board meeting
Visduh, While I hear you loud and clear about the Judical (sp) System not cleaning up the district, I still fear that any candidates for the open positions have not heard that: **We are fed up and not going to take it anymore** Beyond that we (The people of SUHSD) want Trustees who come out to hear our opinions about the issues, complete the due diligence for each issue and be able to defend their position. We want integrity on our Board of Trustees and our paid adminstrative staff, no more hide the truth, bury the issue in closed session, bait and switch. We want Trustees that are for restoring Education into our School District, not building edifices to themselves or platforms to run for future offices. We want Trustees that are all about fixing what is broken, righting the ship and steaming forward into this 21st century. These candidates will be selfless people that are willing to stand up and be counted on for their Integrity, openness, acceptance, understanding and intelligence. And be willing to explain their votes and decisions Where are these people? It's definately time to start rounding them up to run for the Board of Trustees. Time to make the change. BBQ— October 30, 2013 12:37 p.m.
Cops kick out public from Sweetwater board meeting
byagency, the kicker here is this line about Ms. Hernandez; **A judge will decide whether Hernandez will be barred from holding office for four years after her term on the school board ends**** How much more havoc and plundering will happen if our so-called "Trustees" are not relived from office. Again we (The People of SUHSD) are putting a lot of faith into the Prosecuters Office. An Office that appears to like Headlines but doe not have the strength of committment to follow through. Based on the guilty pleas from the Bond agencies it's obvious they gave the Trustees cash and things of value. So how difficult is it to prosecute the indictees? Ms Dumanis any thoughts? BBQ— October 30, 2013 8:30 a.m.
Cops kick out public from Sweetwater board meeting
From the UT this morning: **Two more defendants in the South County schools corruption case pleaded guilty Tuesday, both to misdemeanor charges. Former Southwestern Community College District President Raj Chopra pleaded to a charge of not filing reports detailing income and investments for the 2009-2010 year. Chopra was initially indicted on nine felony charges. Five were dropped by prosecutors, two more were dismissed by South Bay Superior Court Judge Ana Espana Tuesday morning. Micheal Attanasio, Chopra’s lawyer, said his client will likely get some form of community service and probation as a sentence. He called the resolution of the case a “terrific result for Dr. Chopra.” Earlier in the day San Ysidro school board member Yolanda Hernandez pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor perjury charge. She was initially indicted on two felony charges of perjury and two of filing a false instrument. A judge will decide whether Hernandez will be barred from holding office for four years after her term on the school board ends** It appears that the other shoe is falling with two more defendents pleading out of the case, however they appear to have gotten "Sweetheart Deals". I would expect that the rest are smiling away, with expectations of similar deals... I for one believe that our expectations for true transpearancy and high standards for our elected officials, and cleaning up of the District has been and will most likely continue to be compromised by a judge who does not see the whole picture, of institutional and inbred corruption that is a part of the SUHSD and South Bay Education cultures. The **entitlement culture** of our trustees and adminstrators is outrageous and must be brought to light. Any elected official who puts their own Comfort, Future, and Fame ahead of the job which they were elected and failed to do their required due dilligency (Filing proper paperwork) should be prosecuted to the limit of the law, Not some dumbed down misdemeanor!!! A slap on the hand will not resolve anything with regards to the **Conflict of Interests** within our governmental bodies. BBQ— October 30, 2013 6:13 a.m.
Cops kick out public from Sweetwater board meeting
anniej, I think the answer to NAME THE DUMMY is all of us.... Your other blog is spot on about the big bucks, try this on for size, PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS, who works the most with PIs? You got it.... LAWYERS, do you think it would be difficult to "launder" the Defense Dollars through a PI Firm. Where is the work order explaining the PIs deliverables to SUHSD? How many times do we have to go through this Bait and Switch, hide the truth shinanigans (sp) from these two bit neo-felons and ED? BBQ— October 29, 2013 9:40 a.m.