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Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
As I review this string of comments, What happened to all of Chulateacher's responses and comments? Who edited the blog? Just wondering the policy for this and the ability to reshape the blog by misquoting and changing the meaning of responses. BBQ— December 18, 2013 6:38 a.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
Thanks for the Twain insight, while I know you and Mr. Twain are right, I would love to have the stupid obviate the situation. chulateacher, another feeble attempt to find hilliarty (Sp, fun) with the irony of the situation, sorry if you feel it is belittling you, re-read the above bbq comment. CAVEMAN BBQ— December 16, 2013 9:50 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
chulateacher are you back? Please leave anniej alone with your innane responses to her opinion. How about telling us, BBQ/CAVEPEOPLE why the current path of the district is acceptable! Why, When I have asked direct questions to you and the FoE I get ignored, What's up with that? Why, When I am trying to engage in open dialog I am ignored, what's up with that? AlI have ever asked is to have an open dialog with the proponents of the current admistration and board of the SUHSD. Other than Dr Alt been turned down. Have I been irate and in The Ed's face on issues? Yes, but the arrogance and audancty (sp) of Ed and the board at the public's only forum to express our disgust with their edicts is beyond frustrating, it's disrespectful to those that have entrusted you/current adminstration to the education of our future, I will not deny. chulateacher please give me a real reason to think that the SUHSD is on a path to give our student's a chance in the future... Please give me and the rest of the CAVE-People specifics, please note: pure college prep, Alligent and Blindly following common core do not cut it, what about overcrowding in the few of the District's non-failing schools, Mis-appropriation of district and Mello-Roos funds, and finally the mis-trust of the current Board and Adminstration? Chulateacher, man/woman up and tell us your rational for support of the current so called leaders of SUHSD. As I have said before convince me/us with the truth as you see it. Again reasonable discourse is the way to enlightenment. I do believe that I/we are reasonable to open if biased ideas, I for one will unashamedly admit to the bias to the lack of real conversation wth our formally trusted elected and hired officials. Chulateacher give the hope that reasonable discussion is in the future for the messed (f'd) up SUHSD. May you see your truth and be able to express it. Want to be convinced, CAVEMAN BBQ— December 16, 2013 9:30 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
I just wrote a wonderful response to gobigal and lost it. Gobigal thank you for perserveiring (sp) to sum up the situation for an employee of the district. I completely understand working in a toxic environment as the teachers and many of the site administrators are currently forced to do. The teachers who continue to be concerned and work for their students need to be commended, Those that are continueing to do their public responsibility should be congratulated and those going through the motions for a paycheck should be understood. The current Board and Upper District Adminstration are completely responsible for the lack of confidence of any of their decisions. All of them hold the ability to correct the situation. Dr. Brand, offer your unconditional resignation due to your heavy handed, ill concieved failure to fix and move the district forward from your original and Mr. Gandara's continued poor decisions. Board indictee's as a unified group, state and realize that you have lost the public's trust to be our decision makers. Perhaps, just perhaps this will be forgotten and you will not get angry glares in the local supermarkets. Friends of Ed, I can only hope you see your downfalland like an addict, recover, follow the reason you became Educators, for the kids and help lead the SUHSD to a future. Without desent, there is no change. Dialog is good, do not forget it!! CAVEMAN BBQ— December 16, 2013 8:40 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
Chulateacher, Bad mouthing your own union, they are protecting you!!! I guess you really aren't a teacher (Board Member, Ed Himself, or just a FoE). Let's not confuse the issue at Sweetwater by bringing in editorials about other issues and other districts, we have enough of our own! I know you do not need me to list them all for you, but here are a few: L Street, majority of the Sweetwater schools on Program improvement, Singular College Prep curriculum. (sp), Alligent University debacle, indictments, Misused Mello-Roos.... ad nauseum... Admit that there is a public trust issue and work to open up discusion and solution.... Isn't that what a Public Servant or employee should do? If the path the Sweetwater District is on is the right path, please help me understand it, not say "We must be OK, just look at them, they are worse than us" or be defeatist about it and say it's not my/our fault it's theirs. Personally I don't really care who's fault it is. We are here at the moment, I would like to hear clearly from the Superintendent and Board of Trustees how we are going to get better with a truthful analysis and open dialog for fixing all of the issues once and for all. Please stop finger pointing at others and point it at yourself, Ed, Senior District Staff and Board of Trustees, you are the people responsible for this mess and the state of the district... No one else!!!! Caveman BBQ— December 16, 2013 2:49 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
From Personal post, Wednesday Dec 11th about County Board of Education Ability to act on SUHSD Board in case of no Quorum: *To be fair I recieved a return call from Dr. Lyn Neylon this afternoon and had a nice talk with her. The upshot is that the County Office of Education is aware of the goings on at the Sweetwater district, unfortunately there is not much they can do until a couple of things happen, First the convictions come through and there are no longer enough board members to have a quorum, at that point the county board appoints interium Board Members. Please note this only happens if there is no longer a Quorum on the Sweetwater Board. Again if the Indictees juggle the system in a certain way and all do not recieve sentencing at the same time and say 2 are still on the board when the first two are sentenced, they still hold the selection of replacements. We need to inform Judge Espana of this possibility so the penalties fit the crimes. I certainly do not want McCann and two soon to be convicted Board members to select their own replacements. The only othertime the County Board steps in is when a District has two failing audits in a row, at that point they put in an overseer of the district financials, Like currently in San Ysidro. Sweetwater has not had a bad financial review yet, but I think it's comming. Best info, BBQ* Caveman BBQ— December 16, 2013 1:28 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
Too Bad, So Sad.... If what dbdriver has said is true, the egos of these people, to believe they could possibly have the Public's Trust to stay in their positions on the board, is on par with Dr. Brand's ego. I guess as they say Birds of a feather... Please see many of my past comments, about the lack of Ethics and the pure selfishness of these people! Now it's time to start moving on and find the Citizen/Board members who deserve the public's trust and use it to move this District back to respectability.... Caveman BBQ— December 16, 2013 1:20 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
Chulateacher, If you go back to anything I have written in the past you will see a running trend of not blindly defending Ms. Lopez. I have always kept in mind and stated that she too was caught up in the indictments and when everything is done, she will be a part of the whole miserable never to have happened situation. However I will say that as an indicted Board Member she did stand out from all of the others including John McCann, (not indicted) by asking questions of the Dr. Brand, et al and responding to citizens directly. That is something to notice and respond about. No matter what the outcome of the "Pay for Play" no one on the existing Board or the upper echelon of Management in the district has Ethics enough to be in the positions of trust they currently hold! With that I hold on to my right to free speech and will use whatever forum I can to make people notice, learn and make a choice as we come out of this mess caused by the current and past trustees and management of SUHSD. Best CAVEMAN, BBQ BTW I like the Caveman, part, Thanks Ed,— December 16, 2013 12:49 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
Chulateacher, By painting Ms. Lopez in the corner aren't you forgetting the rest of the "Pay for Players"? Where is your "it should all be equal and let's not forget..."? I have not heard you say peep one about the Dr. Brand followers, Just the push back for Ms. Lopez, what's up with that? They have all been accused of the same crime but the only one who is, to use your own term, "A Threat" is Ms. Lopez? Could that be she is not the same as the others, not following the "District ie Dr. Brand's Line"? Just a Thought about equality and vengence.... Best to you, CAVEMAN, BBQ— December 16, 2013 11:43 a.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
dbdriver, While Bertha did not cow-toe to all of Ed's wishes and held her head high at Board meetings, she is still under indictment and subject to the same laws as the rest of the gang. I am awaiting to hear the outcome of the court meeting today to find out just how little the DA's office and the Judge thinks these charges are now worth. The damage done to the SUHSD, the integrity of our elected and public officials along with the respect for the judicial system may be huge. Even more interesting will be the amount of money the District ends up paying of the Trustee's legal bills.... Best to all, CAVEMAN BBQ— December 13, 2013 10:54 a.m.