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No tough justice for former Southwestern College official
I'm missing something here, was there another issue with Board intimidation against Ms. Adato? BBQ— January 9, 2014 10:20 a.m.
No tough justice for former Southwestern College official
Which foundation are you talking about? SBCS has a lot of fingers in many funding pots, and a high overhead for staff... The once, all and powerful Sweetwater education fund (or whatever it's proper name was), Ed's little slush pot? Which foundation is the real giver to the students, without a lot of overhead for it's staff? Sorry, I only hear about the bad Foundations. BBQ— January 9, 2014 10:17 a.m.
No tough justice for former Southwestern College official
Well, it has become evident that we have a whole bunch of (Insert your favorite group) Yuppies, Gen X, Me generation, who have been let off the hook for ETHICS.... Gee Officer I did not know I have to stop at a red light. I guess we could blame the lack of ethics on education, church scandals, poor parenting, professional politicians, but the number one thing is the lack of empathy on the part of the wrong doers, the lack of pride in their contribution to society as a whole and finally a public that does not care enough to see proper punishment/retribution for these seemingly small "disgressions" in judgement. When the accused nor the judge see the big picture of a little bit here and a little bit there, the expectations of our officials gets eroded to the point it must be OK. Also they, politicians/judges/public officials forget that if they each take a little it adds up to a bunch. We have officials like Mr. Wilson, who through a career at a public institution was paid in the neighborhood of $3,000,000 salary (30 yrs, average $100,000, of our tax money), in charge of multiple million dollar projects and he cops a plea that he did not know how to fill out a 700 form. What about conflict of interest forms most of us have had to sign for years in Corporate America? This whole saga is just the tip of the iceburg of corruption, under the table dealings and good-old-boy networking rife in San Diego County, especially here in the southern part of the county. We have been given a dis-service by the lack of proper review of these cases and judgements by judge Espana. We have been given a dis-service by our public employees and we have been given a Dis-service by our elected officials for their lack of commitment to the public and their what's in it for me attitudes. ETHICS, should not be a fairy tale, it should be the foundation of all our lives and institutions. BBQ— January 9, 2014 6:13 a.m.
Few details on Sweetwater district's student-data-sharing deal
UT Watchdog story: *Bill takes on officials’ fundraising Gonzalez wants administrators to stop seeking money for trustees* Quote from story: *School and college district administrators would be banned from raising campaign cash for the board members that they serve under a bill to be introduced this week by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez.* Where have you been Ms. Gonzalez? This issue has been ongoing for a minimum of 14 Months and in reality since Dr. Brand's first term as Superintendent of Sweetwater. It is interesting that now the cases have started to be settled and wrong doing has been determined it's a good time to start a bill to prevent it. Ethics, Ethics we're not talking Ethics. to quote a famous Football coach "Playoffs, Playoffs....." Ms. Gonzalez no offense to you, but look around at your contemporaries in the State House, Tickets from Universities, $1000 a plate dinners by your Political Parties etc...., Glass Houses as they say.... This will be interesting how it comes out. Maybe a look in the mirror for the rest of our government officials? I doubt it though, funny how your own stuff can be justified (My "Stuff" does not stink). Just a bit off subject but where did the Ethics go? BBQ— January 6, 2014 5:56 a.m.
Sweetwater school district invites more suspicion
Susan, while I usually refrain from and resist the mutual admiration stuff, I would prefer to see it go away, but... my relatively recient (4 years) indoctrination to this public forum and discontent with the response to the Sweetwater issues, both the public and the adminstration/board move me to thank you.... for doggedly following up on the SUHSD issues. Your straight forward reporting is an eye-opener and really supports ongoing discussion of the issues. Your personal responses to me, unlike requests to Dr. Brand are truely appriciated. Please keep doing what you do.... Best thoughts to you and your family for the holidays. Back in the new year to see what the Devil, he, Ed is up to next..... BBQ— December 24, 2013 1:57 p.m.
Sweetwater school district invites more suspicion
Woodchuck, Maty Adao (sp) and Jaime Mercado are two candidates worthy of assistance, both with the "Education Cred", if they will run, I would be willing to work for them and consider running myself. The key is to only have one viable candidate in opposition to the "existing" leader's choices and work for that "team of candidates". So, I believe that a "CAVE" party get organized. Oh, what would BBQ bring to the board? Ethics, Business background (TMS, Lean), a STEM background, an open ear and a passion to provide experience to education. Lot's to do as a group, Happy Holiday's, BBQ— December 24, 2013 6:55 a.m.
Sweetwater trustee Arlie Ricasa to resign
Eastlaker, My comeback to why we need Vocational and practical training in school are these. I am an engineer who graduating from High School in 1975. How did I know I wanted to be an engineer? First in 6th grade, (1st middle school class in our district), we all, boys and girls took a quarter each of wood shop, (winding electric motors), metal shop (learning fabrication techniques), Sewing and cooking, (learning household budgeting). As a Freshman 9th grade we had a course called "Industrial Adventure" again a qtr each of Metal shop, (I ran a foundry and a friend and I Designed and fabricated a sno-bike), Wood Shop, Automotives, (we toredown and rebuilt lawn mower engines) and finally Mechanical Drawing. Other than math and physics I use many of these skills to this day. Our current path in education pushes us to 'Common Core" and "Critical Thinking" while these slogans sound good, reality is the creativity of the student gets pushed deeper and deeper inside and does not come out. I saw this with my two older boys, graduates from Olympian HS. Critical thinking requires experience, it requires failure along with success! This is to give the ability to judge proper verses improper behavior. It requires understanding how gears mesh to transfer motion, the difference between Potential verses Kinetic Energy! It requires hands on so the feel of a fastener or an assembly or lump of clay can be used to describe or explain something. Why? Because these are analogies to a properly functioning society or work situation. Yes a lot of deep thinking and philosophy worthy of a lot more debate, No doubt Bill Gates is a genius but does he get his hands dirty? I ask that of a lot of people and more and more americans don't. My utmost respect for Mechanics, plumbers and electricians, heck all of the trades..... As for common core, One size does not fit all, (Analogy) From my years working as a bicycle mechanic, a universal bicycle part will not fit any bicycle in this universe..... That's my take for what it's worth, look back at previous comments and you'll see a trend. CAVEMAN BBQ— December 19, 2013 3:05 p.m.
Sweetwater trustee Arlie Ricasa to resign
My fellow commentors, There are so many issues involved at the Sweetwater UHSD that it is impossible to think that one would not have happened without the other... Do we have the Chicken or the Egg coming first? Included in Dr. Brand's aura and abilities is he is a master of manipulation and spin. This travesty of the public trust of "the Gandara" and the corruption of the Trustees was putty in Ed's hands. He has used the intimidation factor to cow what once were "Concerned" Board Members, to the Untrustworthy "Rubber stampers", Congratulations Ed.... meant with respect allong with disgust that you did it and it was allowed to happen. That's the chicken, Egg #1, was laid during the first Ed Brand Regime, with the attitude that the economy and development would go on forever. Policies set in the 1990-2005 period were impossible to maintain, the district was "Fat Dumb and Happy" relatively awash in money. The staff and Board spent it like drunk sailors. Onging staff and Board did nothing to correct the issue. Fiduciary or fiscal responsibility, what's that? Egg #2 was believing that the real estate market would never collapse, again, Ed and his "Pals" really were not the financial & Real Estate Wizards they "thunk" themselves to be. Allong with creative used of the Sell Lease, misunderstood "agreements" with Chula Vista City Council for zoning variences, etc. Please note the 7-11 committee is still trying to straighten this mess out... Egg #3 was trying to fit all of the Kids in the district into their utopian vision of "College Prep" Curriculum. Our kids will not be ready for college at age 18 without the proper foundation and skills . The district has systematically demolished the "social, skills and training" aspect of education through elimination of any vocational or practical training at many campuses and the ill-concieved "Open Boundaries" concept that eliminates the neighborhood school concept, which worked in the past because the needs of each neighborhood could be more effectively addressed put the extra resources where they are needed. Egg #4 damaging ties to Southwestern College and the other community colleges in the area, the best Upper Education resource available to our students, through poorly planned and executed "Agreements" with Grand Canyon University and Alligent University. Ed's desire for "Sweetwater University" again Ed not looking clearly out to what's available or using council of people that might have a different idea than his (Not Invented Here or Claimable to have been invented here). Ed laid all of these eggs and our Trustees, District Staff and FoE incubated them. Analogy or not, don't stand anywhere near Dr. Brand's shadow. CAVEMAN, BBQ— December 19, 2013 11:09 a.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
eastlaker, first 30% of the Ipads are bought with it, but other than that, we have not allocated to purchase land for an Additional Middle school, the east side campus' maintenance is abmismal, we do not have the facilities that our near-by Districts have, Technical/vocational training shops or Swimming Pools. I do not know if the district is still paying down the existing properties, but I was once told at a community forum by Mr. Calhoun that we were going to "Save" the money so the next Building could be completed without taking out a bond or loan. Looks like our Board and Management cannot keep their hands out of the cookie jar. Where is the long term plan for facilities and technology for the district? Ed? Board? Mr. Calhoun? Asked for never seen... BBQ— December 18, 2013 1:42 p.m.
Santa and Grinch visit Sweetwater District meeting
I heard the same from a very reliable source. The biggest fear now is the piece-meal method of resignation allows Dr Brand to hand select the Board replacements as a quorum remains at the Table. Even after her "resignation" Arlie still haunts us. All one can do is hope the Trustees can find some ethics and not blindly follow. We'll know when the "replacements" show up, hey wasn't there a football movie called that, Hmmmm, BBQ— December 18, 2013 1:33 p.m.