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Sweetwater district meeting marked by chaos
Susan, Just to not be accused of never criticizing your normally factual articles, the amount for the consultant was only $20,000. Please do not take that wrong, the fact we already have the Counselors who do that job everyday, it's another fabulous waste but what's another $20 Grand of Taxpayers money to Ed and the Board. On another note, as I reviewed the February Financials (Item K5 Back-up) I found a couple of very interesting things: From May of 2013 The district has been borrowing up to $48 Million at a time from Fund 49 (MelloRoos, CFD). When reviewing this I found a couple of very disturbing things 1. We are currently receiving **0.0779%** interest – Ms. Michel says that is the rate the County Board of Education would lend the district money. 2. Repayment and reborrowing: for example **repayments totaling $18 M on 8/27/13 & A new Loan of $25M on 8/28/13**, question is this to bilk the mello fund out of the meager interest it’s due? 3. Total interest paid to the mello fund for various amounts over 7 months was **$43,108**. **By my simple math $48M at 1% interest for 7 months in a Bank would have earned $280,000 (vs. $43,108 paid by district)** Again **Dr. Brand, & Ms. Russo** have been telling us this is **Free/Cheap money** available for use by the district at its disgression. **I counter that that each bond issue the mello funds should be paying off are sitting at 3-5% interest.** This makes **every dollar** not reinvested back into paying off the Mello Debts or reinvested back into CFD Infrastructure **really costing us the Taxpayer, 4-6% annually.** (To float the district) This translates back to **$1.92M - 2.88M per year of costs or lost income to the Mello Funds.** A second issue arises in The Planning and Facilities Budget (Item M1 Back/up). Not to mention the mistakes in math etc. in the Plan, which I told the board about. **Review Page 2, Prop O active projects, note the number of prop O projects that have CFD listed under Other Funding,** **Bonita Vista High ( a non-CFD Facility) 25%** of the HVAC & Track upgrades, an unknown Percentage of other upgrades. **63% of the Technology upgrades are going against CFD Funds**, $2.6M of $4.1M, I thought the CFD Schools had the highest level of Tech available? **If the District wants to play percentages by enrollment shouldn’t general funds or Prop O dollars pay the 30% plus of the general upkeep, expansion and wear/tear on CFD Schools by non-CFD Students.** Just a couple of observations for the districts own documentation. By the way, I brought this to the attention of the two ladies on the Board and Ms. Quniones said "What am I supposed to do about it?" I answered her, "It's your job to protect the financials of the District as a Trustee, do your job!" Best to all, BBQ, CAVE— February 19, 2014 1:49 p.m.
County board of education occupies Sweetwater
oskidoll, I agree with you 100% I just want to obviate that election by area seats in itself will not cure any current issues with the district. The key is as you say trying to reduce the cost of running for public office and ensuring representation again nothing wrong with those goals. I am not sure that the overall change will be better without the Public ie Citizens taking back control of the Public School District, being fully aware of the role & responsibilities of a Board Member, and the recent history of the District. Again I am not against the area election process but with everything there are risks and rewards, with smaller "Wards" or areas it could be easier to effect the election with inputs of money. I fall back to Chicago under Daley... so where do you go? The answer is not just area seats it's full election reform to include pre-election conflict of interest reviews, term limits, overall campaign funding limits, removal or at least reducing compensation for being on the board, change responsibilities of board members to require one open office night per month prior to board meetings to gage public opinion on agenda items. I am sure you can think of additional items, but area seats is just a part of reform of the Board and the district. BBQ CAVE Citizens Active for Value in Education— February 11, 2014 2:53 p.m.
County board of education occupies Sweetwater
oskidoll, Your statement **"...(Does Cartmill seem to care about conditions at Southwest High School or Montgomery Middle? )..."** I ask does Cartmill or anyone on the current board or upper staff care about any school in the district? Their actions indicate they don't! As for area voting, I too have some concerns about it similar to Visduh. Looking into what it costs just to register as a candidate is approx. $1800 to $2000, hum under new rules at least three donors ($750 limit). Do you think that might limit some candidates? I support Area reps or some combination of the above, but physical location of ones house (or voting address) does not determine their desire, ability or ethics, so this alone does little or nothing to counteract the current weak board and forceful Superintendent. ***Only proper vetting of candidates and public awareness will move the district forward***. BBQ CAVE Citizens Active for Value in Education.— February 11, 2014 1:50 p.m.
Castle Park Middle School principal punches back!!
Studentsfirst, If you were to attend a board meeting you would see, first hand the lack of discourse the SUHSD Board and Adminstration have with the public. Instead you look here to defend or Cheerlead the programs of the district and the district personnel. If you so believe in the direction of our paid staff and elected board, you should be at the Board Meetings supporting the agenda items and the budget expenditures. Yes, many of the commenters here are the same people that stand up in the Board meetings, we are here because at least here we get you to participate. Again, anytime you'd like to meet and talk, its not social, but cordial with a goal of dialog, so drop the immaturity, bring your opinion, ideas and an open mind. Peace, BBQ CAVE— February 7, 2014 5:54 a.m.
Castle Park Middle School principal punches back!!
Thank you for the correct spelling, I R an engineer, not historian, Oh you missed my YOUR that should have been you're. BBQ— February 6, 2014 2:18 p.m.
Castle Park Middle School principal punches back!!
Studentsfirst, Welcome to the crowd, I have invited timtim and others from the comments section, Dr. Brand, Mr. McCann and many others to sit down together and have a dialog. I am proud to say that at least one person, I have most likely mis-represented and mis-understood has reached out to meet in person and talk. You know what I think we agree more than we disagree about the district!!! We have different perspectives and backgrounds, talk to and respect different people but the issues are all the same. So if you want to sit and talk about the issues and possible solutions, I'm up for the event or just a drink. Name a evening (6:30ish), Beer or Coffee, and a place, I'm there and maybe my new friend, too! It's all about communication. BBQ,. CAVE, Citizens Active for Value in Education— February 6, 2014 1:49 p.m.
Castle Park Middle School principal punches back!!
John Brinkley, I am also a proud member of CAVE in both it's acronyms and welcome you to the real CAVE, Citizens Active for Value in Education! In many ways it is no different than the original CAVE in asking for the District to move away from the single-sighted "College Prep, Test Scores, Lowest common denominator" circulumn of the present SUHSD. If the Board, Adminstrators and Visionaries (so called) of the District could once, just once show the "value" verses the "costs" of a program before announcing it's a done deal ie Allient, Grand Canyon, Hawking Charter, CPM Charter. If they used the public to gauge the direction of the district, ie the purchasing of a new Adminstration Building, priority of repairs, getting schools off of program improvement, Adult School Classes . If they were up front about their failures and mistakes, H st, 3rd Ave, Dirt pile at Southwest HS, I-Pads. We might be able to celebrate successes or at least understand what we learned or achieved from these things. All of the name calling is for naught, we have a seriously damaged Sweetwater UHSD, due to a very weak Board of Trustees, (Indicted or not), a stong willed Superintendent, that has taken advantage of the weak board, an uninformed public and self-serving employees. Time to join forces and correct the issues, A New Strong Board is the place to start. It needs to consist of; intelligent, open minded, a-political, community oriented citizens, who are not afraid to be leaders and decision makers. Dialog is good, BBQ, CAVE Citizens Active for Value in Education.— February 6, 2014 12:15 p.m.
Castle Park Middle School principal punches back!!
Wow, this is the first time I've ever been called an extremist, as a moderate republican, midwesterner I might have to give up my middle-class card.... Mr. Bliesch your record of teacher and site adminstration transfers, ASB Monies, self-promotion does not give one the confidence that your not just being self-serving in this Charter School Transformation process. My sources say you and Ed are cut from the same cloth ... You both are bullies, surround yourselves with yes men, bad mouth or try to silence the opposition and have never come out to explain to the public why all of these "Great" things... **"...very positive district initiatives: Alliant, Promise Neighborhoods (Arne Duncan’s visit in September), Partnership with SBCS, Hawkin [sic] Charter and the potential move to charter by CPM.”..."** are "Great" and continue to be completed in the Vacuum of SUHSD Adminstration with little or no public input or discussion, many without Board approval? The Board, if you can call it that, is at least as culpable in the lack of information coming to the public, completely at fault for allowing the Superintendant and staff to run without guidance or limits and finally rubber stamping agenda items without proper vetting. This series of cover up, I'm smarter than the world, bad mouthing e-mail tracks again do not give a great representation of youself or your program. If you cannot stand up and explain the purpose, plans and need for CPM to become Charter, why should anyone support it?. A great leader leads people into "new" uncharted territory with vision, agreement and guidence, not bullying, coersion and name-calling. Open discussion is a great thing and you may find there is more agreement and assistance by being open and accepting. Even from some of the **" white elite negative extremists** from Chula Vista! As Socrites (I Think) said " A wise man knows what he doesn't know" and thus seeks out others to assist him. Peace to you, BBQ. CAVE, Citizens Active for Value in Education— February 6, 2014 8:22 a.m.
Sweetwater Union and Chula Vista Elementary districts to merge?
Well I guess it's the early start to election season, all of the incumbants and political wanabes need to start getting their names out in front of the public, McCann with his one man Facilities Inspection and now Ms. Salas with the "Unification" discussion. My first thought is where have you been over the last 4-5 Years? But really longer than that 10 years, during which many of our elected officials sat back and watched Sweetwater Union High School District fall apart? From the original L st, 3rd ave Zoning/Land swap debates, to deficit budgets, and Alleged Criminal behavior, not a peep. Now an idea to Unify a very good elementary district with a poorly run, weak High School District? Where were the demands for an accounting of the SUHSD operations, Prop O, Mello Roos, all things that lower the value and strength of our cities and the rest of the south bay area? These things are and were the City Councils and other elected officials (County Board of Education, Sweetwater Trustees?) responsibilities.... The only value I see in the Unification talks is it will open up a dialog amongst the public and the public will see the shambles this adminstration and board have left the SUHSD and the communities of the South Bay. To our sitting Politicos ... finally you are getting it, but the timing and motive are suspect... This should never have been a reelection or promotion stunt to get your name out there. SUHSD was the job you all should have been on top of to protect the reputation and once strength of our community. See you at the discussions. BBQ CAVE, Citizens Active for Value in Education— January 31, 2014 6:05 a.m.
Classroom shenanigans in Sweetwater school district?
Anniej, I have also seen just a bit on this proposal to combine, then separate the district into "City Based Districts" ie Chula Vista, National City and South Bay. Concerns are that until the full state of Sweetwater UHSD is evaluated who in their right mind would want to affect Chula Vista Elementary School District? Funny how the world ie Chula Vista and National City, Councils are only now talking about the systematic corruption in the Sweetwater District, that's "been rampant for many years:" paraphrased of course... A fine endorsement of Community Oversight, Dr Brand, Ms. Russo, Dr, Gandara, Dr, Brand, Mr Cartmill, McCann, Ricassa, and all the rest here on Sweetwater Island, (Sarcasm intended). Please note to all of the City Councils and the votersin the district, you've let us and yourselves down too.... by not speaking up sooner or reviewing the status of the District before voting. Let's move forward, first restructure (Vote In) the board with new people and ideas, evaluate the issues, develop a plan to fix them, and get them fixed, before starting over by combining the districts. BBQ, CAVE Citizens Active for Value in Education— January 29, 2014 8:24 a.m.