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Quinones, Ricasa, Cartmill, Cabello weigh pleas vs. fighting
MMMMMM.... What could it be? Without a quorum said he: There have been no OK's to pay contractors, (Ms. Russo for free?). The Board has failed on the 3rd St Property sale, A new Adminstration Building? Not with Ed Fiddling... A settlement with the teachers, not without the right features.. Continued overcrowding in the East, Ed and the board created that beast... Continued Academic Probation in the West, has Ed really done his best? Can't get through, Ed's Review, Will the County Board appoint someone to sit on the board? Who won't follow the Hoard. Sweetwater is screwed up and with any luck, our adminstrator's days are numbered Oh, Oh if the voters will awake from their slumber, take action to end Ed's faction is the only positive reaction. The excitement of waiting Ed out, BBQ CAVE— March 27, 2014 11:10 a.m.
Quinones, Ricasa, Cartmill, Cabello weigh pleas vs. fighting
All, I was not planning to come to the Board Meeting tonight, but review of a few agenda items raises a couple of concerns: Item K-5 Monthly Financial reports, Background Item Page 6 shows Fund 09 (Hawking Charter) Borrowing money from Fund 01 (General Fund), which borrowed money from Fund 49 (CFD). Is this OK? Should Fund 09 (charter Schools) be loaned money from Fund 49 (CFD) ? Because in essence that's what the district is doing! I think some explaination is due. Item M-7 Growth Management Oversight Commission, How on earth is Olympian High School going to handle an additional 440 students (16%) next year with no facilities planning? It is the smallest High School for combined capacity, 2117 with the third highest enrollment (Dec 2014, 2511) and the most out of boundary students (35%)? If I do not make it how about somebody asks... Thanks BBQ CAVE— March 25, 2014 11:29 a.m.
Quinones, Ricasa, Cartmill, Cabello weigh pleas vs. fighting
Susan, What is Pearl Quinones' status? Is she still on the board? If she were to abstain does that still qualify as a yes vote towards the Majority status? All of the regulations on the Majority Votes for expenses and money movement must have Brand on pins and needles, I wonder, if Pearl is still on the board with Ms. Lopez out, if there has not been some collusion (Brown Act, Linked Conversations between Board Mambers) that could be used to cancel any purchase or expense related items agreed to this evening? It will be interesting whose interests the "Lame Ducks" all three/four will back... BBQ CAVE— March 25, 2014 10:26 a.m.
Sweetwater trustees to vote on property sale
Will John be calling for an election?(Satire). I guess that nothing can be done now .... Let's just close the doors and move on, no wait... Is Miss Pearl getting a sweetheart deal too? Can't wait to see the spin on this one... So we've gone 16 months since the start of Sweetwatergate and this is what stands for "progress" in this community, a sad state of affairs. How about some statements from those seeking elected posts and those leaving them, Ms. Cox, Mr. McCann? BBQ CAVE— March 18, 2014 12:16 p.m.
Sweetwater trustees to vote on property sale
I am once again agahst at the "Fine Line" walking of this district, For a Big Guy, Ed has great balance (Satire!), it matters not who at the upper levels of adminstration and the board you look towards, they keep following the same path, just like dairy cows, around the outside fences of the pasture... It is so obvious that the meeting needed to be canceled, the agenda had a chance of having a real discussion and possibly not passing without the stacked deck of Jim and John, who knows? Ms. Quniones might have not be as controllable as she once was and not followed the company (Ed's) line. With all of the "Important" stuff, Adminstration Buildings, Property Sales, Evaluations to be decided it was not worth the risk. And with the ease of using the nearly 18 month old Labor dispute, as an excuse, why not? This district and dare I say region, after looking at the same-old, same-old City Council Candidates is pathetic, where are the real leaders, when will the constituents of the district stand up to this "Bully Pulpit", what will show the District we are mad as hell and will not take it anymore? The only thing is to keep our kids out of school one day per week and watch what happens money in, I guess you'll need to cutback on expenses, ie new Adminstration Buildings, by the way does Mr Cartmill require a Doctors note??? I wonder if we could get Doctors note for all of our kids, I would suggest "Student Stress Leave" caused by the tension and attitudes of the teachers caused by the District Adminstration's appearent strategy (Is there one?) for negotiations. I do not propose this as support for the teachers, I propose this as a way wake up the district to the desires and needs of the community, kinda like an organized "Ditch Day" To all please watch and follow up on these situations.... BBQ CAVE— March 18, 2014 6:03 a.m.
Chula Vista candidates declare intent to run June 3
oskidoll, Interesting articles on Ms. Ricasa in the Southwestern Student Newspaper. It appears that the students on the newspaper editorial staff are wholly against Ms. Ricasa continuing in her position at the College. They feel that if she could not maintain high standards in her public role as an elected offical, why should she continue to be supported by the student body and public at the College. Interesting thoughts, maybe I've been too hard on the SUHSD for not teaching independent thought... nah, after a couple of years away from High School, many of the young adults/newspaper staff have realized that the "College Prep" courses that were foisted on them were BS and only now are seeing the world as it is, not the way Dr. Brand and the Board wanted them to see it.... To make my point, McCann's infamous "I'm a war Hero" speaches.... BBQ, CAVE— March 13, 2014 5:48 a.m.
Sweetwater district meeting marked by chaos
OOTT, With Mayor Cox soon to be Former Mayor Cox, is she bucking to become the next Superintendent? The timing does not quite line up... Ed's contract in Oct, Elections in November and mayorhood ending in Dec? While I firmly agree that new Leadership is needed, I am not in favor of South Bay Political Musical Chairs. We have seen too much cronyism, strange deals, nepotism and dare I say incest within our political arena. New leadership is needed weather it's at Sweetwater or the local City Councils, Definition of an Idiot is doing the samething over and over and expecting a different result. Time for change. Best, BBQ, CAVE— February 28, 2014 5:50 a.m.
Sweetwater district meeting marked by chaos
As I reread my last comment about Managing the district as a Business, I question Mr. Brand's favorite accomplishment/program "Compact for Success". Let's look at ROI (Return On Investment). Out of 45,000 Students approx. 1000 apply or recieve recognition (Accceptance) into SDSU, a little over 2%, Oh we have 19 students at Alliant (0.04%) we have equalivant of at least one adminstration person working full time on this, ($140,000/ year with benefits), we have counselors, adminstrators, projects in schools that push this program. The district spends an a lot of time and effort to promote college, yet we still have schools in Program Improvement, one in its 12th year, 3 generations of high school students, and 16 years of effected students. The district does not interface well with the primary post high school education sources, the community college districts, where a majority of our students go weather its because of financials or grades or lack of preparation in the Sweetwater Schools I have yet to hear of any information about the local trade schools from the district, unless you consider Alliant University a "Trade School". Our district, the board and Mr. Ed Brand certainly do not know who their customer is and what the output product should be. To use a portion of a Quote from former principal Bliesch, many people in charge of the district are: "...Elite Extreamists..." who only see the world as they want to, or feel their path is the only or best path... College bound... Why have they lost the goal of Education, the joy of learning, and the openness/desire to explore the world outside the realitively small world of Accademia? My answer is that's all they know, little or no real world experience, staying inside their North County Walled Houses, keeping the doors shut on 5th St., adding additional security at the new adminstration building. "Let them eat cake" seems to be the attitude around there, remember what happened to Marie Antoinette.... So rather than being a first adopter (i-pads) we should be using proven techniques, use Continous improvement rather than Radical Change (CPM Charter), and a revised "Lean" management system to maximise level and output of our "Product", educated students with a desire and ability to accomplish their goals and achieve/create Great things. Please to the public and the District, a little soul searching for what the Districts real goals are and should be, a little reflection on what works and what does not, remember a bad policy or program is only truely bad if you don't learn something from it. Use these things as criteria for selecting replacements to the Board of Trustees in November, use some of this as idea and discussion starters for yourself and with friends, take back the District from the "...elite extreamists.." who are in control now. BBQ, CAVE— February 20, 2014 6:54 a.m.
Sweetwater district meeting marked by chaos
johndewey, While I agree with your premise, I cannot agree that Ed runs the district as CEO. Modern corporations adapt, yes even General Motors and Chrysler, to the demands of the customer and the economy(Bailout and all)! Ed has always seen the world as only he can, in his best interest. This district has yet to adapt to the fact that the US economy and especially that of Chula Vista is just coming out of a severe depression (approx. 6 years). Ed of all people should recognize this ie. the L st. debacle. 4 years ago I accused Ms. Russo and the adminstration of being Fat, Dumb and Happy.. with regards to the budget. They never saw the slowdown of the Real Estate bubble, leaving a District with blotted/overblown programs such as the current ASB issues, Vice principal level advisors and nearly $500,000 budgets, managed by educators and students, to be exploited by unscruplious (sp) adminstrators (CPM?). I do believe that the district is a business, it's tools are the teachers and it's product is the students. The public are both the investors and the customers. Ed has never realized this situation and embraced the public and openness as a good policy for success, as he fights the interested public, he fights his customers and investors (Good policy?) . As I stated above, Ed really is not much of a Businessman, Mechanic or an Educator, as he does not really know his customer/investor, tools or products. Ready to debate with Ed, FoEd & Ms. Russo. BBQ, CAVE— February 19, 2014 9:44 p.m.
Sweetwater district meeting marked by chaos
Susan, The meeting is Tuesday, Feb 25 at 6:00 at District office, I think in the Board Room, wouldn't it be great if we over filled the place? I was tempted to hold my analysis posted above for the meeting but it would be great to have Ms. Michel (Ms. Russo?) use this as a chance to research it and answer to the issue. I have asked her to bring the demographics of students at the Eastside CFD schools to find out how many non-neighborhood students there are in each school to see what the district's financial responsibility lies. Oh, I am not against students and families looking for the best for themselves, but wonder why in this district cannot solve the Program Improvement issues so their home school is a viable choice! I have to thank/curse Ms. Russo for getting me involved with the district about 4 years ago, when I asked her about the value/cost of money, and she told me every dollar was equal, sorry I think my last post shows they're not. Hi Ed, BBQ, CAVE— February 19, 2014 4:41 p.m.