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Sinkholes in Florida Canyon targeted for quick fix
While on the topic of The US Naval Hospital and it's impact on the surrounding Balboa Park Land, (Reason for the expansion of Florida Drive through the canyon). Can anyone tell me why there is about 50 Acres of City/Balboa Park/Citizen's Land that can only be accessed by driving/walking through the restricted Naval Hospital? Yes there is Public Land that is under the sole control of the Navy used for weekday parking for the Naval Hospital. This land was never assigned to the Navy and they have never paid for it's exclusive use. Along with that after the Hospital expanded in the mid 1980s the Park Land at Hospitality Point has all but been abandoned by the City, the former streets are still there but the few old Bodega style houses that once housed Admirals have been torn down . Hey City Council and Parks & Recreation how about getting proper compensation for the land use, let's see downtown parking is $20 per day, City College is $40 per Term. Sounds like the Navy owes us some cash $$$, for the 100 or so cars parked daily, maybe it could be used to repair Balboa Park!!! The reason the Navy wanted the hospital there in the first place, "Having the Park to help with the convalescence of the patients". BBQ— February 26, 2019 6:39 a.m.
University of Saint Katherine coming to Chula Vista
dwbat, Thanks for the English lesson, but what do you think about the "Gift" of Land by the City of Chula Vista? BBQ— January 23, 2018 6:33 a.m.
University of Saint Katherine coming to Chula Vista
Opps I had a brain fade on Monday Morning and should of properly said Ed Brand not Branch, I guess I was just trying really hard to forget about that period of time at Sweetwater Union High School District. Not that everything there is hunkey-dorey right now. What's up with "L" Street and new Jr High and High Schools out east and the "Olympic" Swimming Pool in IB? BBQ— January 22, 2018 8:43 a.m.
University of Saint Katherine coming to Chula Vista
To Mayor Salas and the CV City Council; This decision to lower our standards to make yourselves more desirable future candidates is not just immoral but lowering our potential to become a first class city. We happen to be one of the only cities on the west coast with viable "Greenfield" and "Brownfield" sites ready for development. Our land along the Otay River Valley and the Bay Front is beautiful and should be developed with care. We should be a big business dream and here you are willing to give it away to a wanna-be near start-up University. We do not need 5000 Christian based students working on Liberal arts if we are to become a first class community, we must have a full spectrum university of 20,000 diverse students developing scientists, engineers, and teachers for the 21st century. I am beginning to think you are falling for the Ed Branch (Former Sweetwater Superintendent) form of "Improvement" that if you cannot play with the big boys settle for the scraps. Do not accept this offer, do not give away our (the citizen's) asset on the first proposal, like many first marriages they end up with disappointment and divorce. BBQ— January 22, 2018 7:02 a.m.
Bridge over Chicano Park's language barrier
Just a couple of general comments, first Chicano park is an excellent example of taking something wasted and making into not only a park but an icon. Look at most freeway intersections and what is under them waste land, Chicano Park was a needed open space in a neglected space. Second the "Mexican People" are Americans just like the "White Folks", deserving of space to live their heritage and struggle just as every other ethnicity does in this "Melting Pot" that is the United States of America. Just because of the general outlook of race, immigration, jobs, etc is as messed up as it is currently, does not mean we get to rewrite history and forget the struggles of the past, be they Hispanic Rights, Civil Rights, Slavery, or the Boston Tea Party. Common grounds to our society is many "Settlers, and Immigrants" came to the US of A to flee some horrible situations weather it was religious persecution, famine or economic issues. We are more the same than different. I love seeing the murals and activity at Chicano Park as I pass by and will make it a point in 2018 to visit more often. BBQ— December 11, 2017 6:34 a.m.
Hotter water for San Diego's fire department
dwbat, I have had the same discussion with my 24 year old son, "Hate Speech" is a crime but different opinions and open dialog are the only way to "solve" the differences. Neither extreme will ever back down however those hovering in the middle need to have the opportunity to hear the irrational arguments of the extremes. By not allowing the "Haters" to speak and obviate the weaknesses in their arguments we allow speculation and can be targeted as the suppressor. Yes words can hurt, but ideology can kill, dialog like it or not is the only way to move ahead. BBQ— September 26, 2017 6:24 a.m.
Hotter water for San Diego's fire department
AlexClark, Fire Departments are not the "Last bastion" there are plenty of other GOBCs in the world and a lot of them aren't only "Boys". We have many groups that have singled themselves out as being "Correct" or "exclusive" weather on the Left, Right, Color, Orientation or Religion we keep harnessing ourselves with a lack of empathy, understanding and compassion for freedom. Discrimination including limiting of expression of ideas that may not appeal to us limits us as a nation. In Berkley of all places, we see the Left formerly Pro-free speech now actively protesting anyone's opinion that offends them. Open dialog is the only thing that leads to diplomatic solution to an issue and is the basis of the Democracy that is the United States of America. It is truly that the Twitter, Facebook generation including the President does not realize the internet algorisms censors the information they receive, sending only opinions that match what they have already looked for. Without peaceful uncensored communication nothing can be solved only enraged. BBQ— September 25, 2017 10:36 a.m.
Trump says NFL too worried about players' safety
Having been a gold medal winning athlete and having our national anthem played for me in a foreign country as tribute to great performances and the history our Anthem represents, I do not take the Anthem lightly. It is an honor to have that bestowed on you as it is an honor to stand one step down and honor someone from a different country get their reward respecting their country's anthem. However in this case I stand /kneel with our current Athletes (Over-Paid/Elitist or not). As I near 60 years old, I still learn everyday and my latest learnings are all that is evident may not be true. Weather it was about my grandfather the Police Commissioner of Detroit in the 1960s (who ordered the Police dept not to shoot looters "I'll be damned if we will murder someone for robbery") or the still messed up discrimination and race relations in this country, I am proud to align with my fellow athletes and my family in looking for ways to better our country and society. To all that criticize using the only platform these athletes have, look at Charlotte and the platform the far-right used, at least no one has been killed due to the NFL Athletes. To all beware the internet where the algorisms only send you what you normally look up, you are missing the other side of the story! BBQ— September 25, 2017 7:05 a.m.
Hotter water for San Diego's fire department
Funny/sad this is the same story of a good friend of mine in 1988. My friend "M" had completed a BS degree in Public Health from SDSU, a competitive athlete and as fit as most men, had the same experience with the SD Fire Department. After being injured during training she rehabbed and returned to the same attitude, "You'll never complete training or be a Firefighter". The truly sad part is we will never know what "she" might have brought to the SDFD with wisdom, diversity, education and compassion. I will say I have other female friends that did become firefighters and had good careers, however, weather it is discrimination due to sex, orientation, race or religion it is still discrimination. All discrimination is wrong and usually defended by narrow minded, non-diverse, poorly educated and uninformed people, our current president included. BBQ— September 25, 2017 6:37 a.m.
Short-term rentals thrive in East Village
First realize we have a housing crisis in this area, housing costs and rents are outrageous, if based on income vs. expenses we rival New York and or Vancouver. Which brings me to the conversations I had over the weekend , one couple that live in Brooklyn at times between roommates airbnb'd an extra room, this allowed them to start their own business and stay where they wanted to live. When the airbnb host lives onsite it is very different than an absentee host. The second couple owned a Condo in Vancouver as a vacation site, visiting a few weeks a year, well Vancouver added a tax for absentee residents of $10000/ year and they decided to sell and use other accommodations next time they visit, freeing up a condo for a full time resident since Vancouver has the same issues with housing we have. Maybe its time to look at alternatives outside the simple boxes our elected officials and NIMBYs seem stuck in. BBQ— September 12, 2017 3:26 p.m.