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The East Village PLAN??
Thanks Founder. You are right. This issue has plagued San Diego for a long time & still the City officialdom does nothing except talk, study, table (back burner). Today, walking home from Broadway & 9th. I was on the east side of 9th where there is a parking lot. The stench hit me & it was all I could do to mouth breethe until I crossed F. I have been trying to get someone, somewhere to acknowledge this as a health hazard. The Health Dept. is only concerned if I KNOW that someone is sick! We live in a fiscally irresponsible City that spends money on Studies, with little or no concern for the lives of their constituency.— September 1, 2010 7:16 p.m.
Homeless "rights"
Thanks to you 3 for reading. FatCat, I have empathy. I used to take food (sandwiches, fruit) and I have been talking to many of these people for years. There are lots of 'reasons' for where they are. But, I have seen the population of homeless increase and the changes in 'attitude'. I get shouted at and have been surrounded by 'young' people. Either the police don't have the resources (Probable) or the back-up (local politicians/laws) to do anything. I am just plain sick & tired of the City officials who are on top of the blame game. Did they think these people would go away?? A police officer told me to be the squeaky wheel, calling every day, if need be. So, I have. Thanks for the suggestion, Nan. But, I have allergies!!! One more posting on this issue! Will get it in today. Mindy, Escondido is just too far from the action!!!!! I have been downtown since 1998 and I plan to stay.— September 1, 2010 6:59 a.m.
My ranting about the Padres Season Ticket 'plan' had more to do with history (problems encountered since Petco opened & no one willing to do much) and the fact that I had a medically bad week! So, I had a telephone discussion with my season ticket rep., Jeff Wuller. There was much animosity on both sides until we reached a place of understanding. There was no intention to sound like they were giving us a one time, winner take all, ultimatum. They want to keep their season ticket holders. I sent an apology (very rare!) to Jeff. So, I will return to my seat and be happy about it!!!— August 17, 2010 2:04 p.m.
More On Immigration
I handled claims for El Centro & Brawley hospitals. The same thing with Mexican women coming across the border so their child would be a US citizen & they could stay here. There was also a network of lawyers who filed claims on behalf of many of these women (who often had no pre-natal care). Since litigation is so expensive, the claims were almost always settled, but the women got very little of the money. I have no problem with a friendly border. But, somebody has to pay for the hospital care, education, etc. The reason for ILLEGAL immigration lies in the same trough as the bankers who caused the economic meltdown, GREED. If the laws had been enforced for the past 40 years, there would be fewer problems & a lot fewer ILLEGAL aliens. But, that did not happen. So, the problem is Huge. And, I believe it needs to be handled NOW. Your first sentence ........i had no idea. I suppose you refer to my stand against ILLEGAL immigration??? My response is that I am against ILLEGAL anything. Thanks nan, for your comments.— July 10, 2010 11:48 p.m.
More On Immigration
Mexico is a "third world country" that has had many, many years to get their act together. They are a corrupt government that does nothing to help the impoverished people who live there. The letter is obviously tongue-in-cheek but designed to make people think. Have you read the Mexican Immigration laws????? Thanks for reading. I did write a great response to your other comment but it is currently residing in computer space. I always wonder what I did to make it disappear (it just happens to me!!!!!!!!)— July 9, 2010 3:42 p.m.
Padres Baseball
Thank you MsGrant. I agree!!!— July 6, 2010 5:27 a.m.
Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime
Hi nan, good to have people reading! SDaniels, I am somewhat of a snob when it comes to Patriotism. I believe that people who live in a country should speak the language. I do not know if Ms. Pinault speaks other languages. I did reaearch and learned that she went to school in Louisiana and lived in Texas until age 17. I do not assume she is a citizen here. I actually assume her home is in Mexico as she comes from a wealthy Mexican family. The real issue? I don't like her!!!!!! OOPS there is my arrogance sneaking out. I do know the world thinks of us as "ugly Americans". So be it. I consider myself lucky to have been born in the USA (thanks Bruce). I happen to like our FREEDOMs. Sorry, got up on my soapbox again!!— June 29, 2010 9:08 p.m.
Oh where oh where can he/she be?
Well, well some new names, faces(?), commentors. If you can't handle criticism, blogging or writing of any kind is not the place to be. I have very thick skin so I am hardly ever truly offended. Back to PistilPete, he seemed to be angry when he posted. Also, I do not see a problem with befriending a felon, you pick your friends because you like them. People can/do change. And, if you live in San Diego, you know our City seems to attract corrupt officials. Right now I am unaware of any investigations into the current regime. Of course, I refer to the City Council and Mayor as the "DO NOTHINGS". So, which is worse,doing nothing or getting caught????? Thanks all for reading.— June 22, 2010 1:41 p.m.
Strange bedfellows: Baseball & money
That's the thing, we don't usually get missives from this organization. The wording on this one just hit a wrong note. I have had my ticket for 12 years or so. I am a truly diehard baseball fan & I will figure out a way to renew. The ticket rep. wants to meet with us (end of August). That may be good timing because these players from AAA (most of the team) will be reaching the mark of 144 games, which is the number of games in the AAA schedule. An additional 18 games could certainly affect their stamina and the way they finish the season. Win/lose records do mean something and it is a definite negotiating point. I pay a lot of money to watch Major Major League Baseball. Last year, it was a joke as the Padres fielded tryouts for potential AAA call-ups. That was about as far as you can get from fan friendly. The team should have sent all of us a partial refund. I will continue to give updates on this issue. I keep wanting the new management team to talk to us & give adequate answers. We did not have that before. Thanks for reading.— June 16, 2010 4:54 p.m.
Questionable Quality Social
I hope she (Ms. Wise) goes over there. I would like to know what she thinks. I think it was on (I think)where a guy wrote a glowing review. And, I heard it thru the grapevine that a restaurant critic gave it 3 stars. That is a rather mediocre score. I just did not like it.— June 16, 2010 4:20 p.m.