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Tundra # 7
LMAO. I didn't even know my GF when she bred cats. I'd like to see any of you guys who claim to have such knowledge of the cat kingdom try and physically pull apart two cats who are battling it out. Can't be done. The human will ALWAYS get more hurt than the cats. Like I've said over and over, cats fight. Life goes on. Cry yourself a river, build yourself a bridge and get over it. BTW, SD, Spay refers to the female dog and cat population. Neutering refers to the male dog and cat population. I'm also smart enough to realize the difference between a feeral cat, an alley cat and a house cat.— March 8, 2010 4:07 p.m.
Burning a Candle for Chelsea and Amber
Honestly, and with all due respect you opinions on this case and the DuBois', I'd rather have closure than saving my strength for a most likely grim outcome for the rest of my life. No one is right and no one is wrong in their opinions.— March 8, 2010 4 p.m.
Work for a Government and Rake in Bucks
SP can certainly correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he's an attorney. If he is, I'm not sure what field he practices.— March 8, 2010 3:56 p.m.
Straight up
Don't bother jenjen, CuddleFish likes to call herself a good little "Christian" then turn around and wonder if there really is such a place called Heaven. You'll have to forgive the hypocrite. :-D After all, she's doing what good "Christians" do...— March 8, 2010 3:51 p.m.
We Filipinos eat with our hands, drive crazy on the road, point with our lips
I grew up knowing my ancestory, SD. I was also taught that it didn't matter where my relatives came from. What mattered was the fact that I was born an American. This is suppose to be the world's melting pot but the funny thing is, nobody but us true Americans wants to melt into the pot. As for my labeling "that" guy as a black guy or a Mexican guy or a Jewish guy, so what? Many people do that. We're ALL a little racist. Not even you can deny that. My take on different races is simple:Work hard, live your life and don't pull the race card when the s*** hits the fan and we'll get along great. I have many neighbors from different ethnicities. I talk to them and say hello to them all the time. If one of my ethnic neighbors has the cops called on him and he or she tried pulling the race card out, not only would I call them on it, I'd lose alot of respect for them as well. I'm not saying that there are racist white cops out there. There are. They're the exception to the rule though. As for this issue being so important to me, why not? People from other ethnicities start the discussion everytime I hear, "Why can't whitey leave us (insert ethnicity here-Americans) alone?" ANYONE(black, white, Irish, Filipino, Chinese, Haitian) born in this country LEGALLY is an American. There are NO exceptions to that particular definition to the word no matter how the minorities spin it. This is why PC people like you, SD, piss me off. The rule has been established. No matter how hard to try to inflict your willpower to bend or break it, it can't be broken. You can't put a PC spin on the definition of the word American. You can call yourself Hawai'ian-American all you want. I'll laugh at it. Not because I'm racist but because I see through the PC bulls*** that's slowly rotting this country from the inside. And you're absolutly correct. As an American if I want to call myself a Jamaican-American that's my perogative. However, I have no right to get pissed when people laugh at me.— March 8, 2010 3:47 p.m.
Work for a Government and Rake in Bucks
Hello Rocket_J_Squirrel. I'm PistolPete. I'm an unemployed, bitter, dissenter of everything governmental. I dropped out of Warren Township High School in 1992. In 1998, I recieved my GED from Chippewa Valley Technical College at the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire. That wasn't good enough for society so in 2001 while locked up at Oshkosh Correctional Institution in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, I recieved my HSED. I'm now a high school graduate but still unemployed, bitter and a dissenter of everything governmental.— March 8, 2010 1:47 p.m.
Goodbye, Chelsea. Goodbye, Amber.
I'll refrain from arguing with CF and I'll refrain from posting my thoughts about Chelsea's parents but I will say this, Quillpena...The best thing you can do for your daughter right now is hug her, tell her you love her and try your best to educate her without overprotecting her. It's a delicate balance and I wish you the best.— March 8, 2010 1:20 p.m.
Burning a Candle for Chelsea and Amber
I too don't want to see the name of that park changed. Chelsea wasn't a hero. I know that sounds like I'm being callous but I'm not. You're also correct in saying that community has to re-live that pain over for the rest of mankind. Then again, maybe it should serve as a reminder for future generations. RB will heal from this. Collectively, the community at large will do what they've always done-bury their heads in the sand and forget about it. As for Saturday being a sad for the DuBois', I think it's more of a happy day. They found closure on one of life's biggest wounds-burying a child. It's not a rainbows and unicorns happy day but it can't be any sadder than February 13, 2009...— March 8, 2010 1:11 p.m.
Found a Peanut
I agree 100% with you on kids having a happy childhood. I'm the exact opposite of you. I had a pretty good childhood. With the exception of certain things, I'd say I was smothered too much. The reason why I'm pessimistic about the world is because I was smothered too much. Instead of being honest about life with our children, we let them be innocent. That's a pipe dream. Case in point, Chelsea King. You could argue that Chelsea King was 17 years old and knew enough about life but I'd counter that RB seems to live in a bubble and it does. I lived down the street from where John Gardner grew up and that neighborhood is VERY insular. Chelsea grew up in Chicago. She should've known better than to go out running alone. I am by no means letting her killer off the hook either. Chelsea's death was NOT her fault but it could've been prevented with the right mindset. I'd like to believe that Chelsea's death wasn't in vain but I'd be naive to think that. The citizens of Sandy Eggo would like to believe that if they bark and holler enough about our sex offense laws, they'll magically change. WRONG ANSWER! It all comes back to education. Don't get me wrong, MsGrant, I'm NOT saying our sex laws don't need to be changed. They do. However, if we educate our children about the John Gardners in life, it won't make a difference if they change or not. Most people say I'm racist. I say I'm just being honest about what the average human already thinks but is afraid to say aloud for fear of being labled a racist. All I'm doing is educating the brainwashed masses, MsGrant. If I'm unpopular for my opinions, so be it. Life isn't a popularity contest even if American Idol watching morons like CuddleFish think it is. ;-D You say you had a REALLY s***ty childhood. Don't let the past influence your future. I did for years and it almost drove me insane.— March 8, 2010 1:02 p.m.
We Filipinos eat with our hands, drive crazy on the road, point with our lips
I'm not saying ANYONE should deny their cultural background. I just think that most people don't or won't take serious those people that hyphenate their cultures to try and be proud of something. I come from a mixed blood background. Should I then call myself a Native American-Irish-Scotish-English-American? I laugh at people who tell me they're African-American unless they were actually born in Africa. Filipino-American just sounds to me like you deny your pride in being born in the states. If you're not proud of your country of birth, I have a plane ticket back to the country of your choosing. A couple of posters asked why this article was called, "Filipino Rules" and I explained why. It's the father's rules she's broken-NOT her own. If it was her own rules she had broken, a more appropriate title would've been, "American Rules". It's hard for any minority to claim racism here in the USA when they self-categorize themselves as a minority. Bottom line? If you were born here, you're an American. NOT (whatever nationality your parents are)-American. Just American.— March 8, 2010 11:16 a.m.