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Having a Baby? It's Actually Been Done Before! (Who knew?)
Hi, AG - thanks for writing this. Let's not forget the women (and men) who give up their cats and dogs for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Anyone who would make you give up a pet knowing that you love it is a controlling jerk, and anyone who would do it deserves what they get, which is most likely years of misery with someone who is going to treat you as unceremoniously as you did your pet.— July 11, 2010 3:55 p.m.
Tentative Ruling: Sanders Must Give Deposition
Now it's "Lindsay - Fully Loaded".— July 9, 2010 5:33 p.m.
Keeping Secrets/ The Ties Which Bind
Dr. Peanut approves this blog. AWESOME, Grasca! Did you see the movie on HBO? It was great. And thank you for standing up for the "cat ladies". There is nothing wrong with liking cats as pets. As a matter of fact, I would think it more disturbing to hate them. Being indifferent to them is fine, though, kind of how I feel about birds or fish being kept as pets. I would never own one, but I don't mind that others do.— July 9, 2010 3:54 p.m.
Keeping the Change on Friendship
Yes, LRP, absolutely! I think you nailed what I was trying to express. It seems especially prevalent in Southern California, because there is so much money here and there is more of the "what can this person do for me" mentality. I've noticed that people born here don't even seem very affected by it, but I've talked to lots of people who transplanted and they tell me they can't make friends to save their lives. Always they go back to the same thing. "I met these people at work, but whenever I try to make plans with them, it just never happens or they break them" kind of thing. I've been in SD for almost 25 years now, but I still can't shake my best-bud east-coast mentality. And although I sometimes come across as a meanie, I am actually a very sensitive person, and always try to look out for the underdog. I've even taken a few under my wing myself.— July 9, 2010 3:46 p.m.
Keeping the Change on Friendship
You just relapse?!??! Now, that is FUN-NY!!! I'm sad you're not posting anymore blogs. Bummer. Okay, I am going to take your prescription pad over the blender now.— July 9, 2010 3:27 p.m.
Keeping the Change on Friendship
Awww, nan, you should post that response as a whole blog!! This post was not entirely from my perspective, but from what I've garnered through talks with people for last few years. But trust me, I 've had some really bad "friend" experiences. I worked in a very snarky business, and everyone, and I mean everyone, talked behind each other's backs and then in the next breath were going out to dinner with them. You never knew who you could be friends with because someone was always POed at someone else. It gets confusing. I know someone who only has work friends. They were her life, and then she got laid off. She went into a two month depression, because not a single one of them called her. She used to go out with co-workers and clients almost every night. I made lots of friends at work, but my experience has taught me to treat those relationships very differently than your true friendships. Those are the ones that deserve your attention. As my former co-worker's experience can attest, when the chips are down, your co-workers are going to do their very best to distance themselves from the castout. It's human nature, and I am something of cynic, only because I was exposed through my job to some of the very worst of it. Thanks for that song!! It makes me weepy. I was on a bus in Italy once, and they were playing that song on the PA, and I started bawling. It was really embarrassing. Like I could not compose myself!! My husband was like "what's wrong?!?!"— July 9, 2010 3:12 p.m.
Tentative Ruling: Sanders Must Give Deposition
She's what they call a "hot mess". Actually, Don, she was a very talented young actress who ruined her career by drinking and taking drugs, getting caught, and not showing up for her court dates.— July 9, 2010 2:17 p.m.
Keeping the Change on Friendship
Do you know that until about the middle of the last century, a man could have his wife committed to an insane asylum if she did not fit the norms of the times? Many women seeking divorces were committed. As for judgment, it is rampant. When I talk to some friends, all they do is talk about other people in a judgmental manner. It is upsetting, because you know you have been on the receiving end of that judgment when you were not present. And I agree that to a certain extent, we do all have to get along in the sandbox. But we should also be able to stick up for ourselves without retribution.— July 9, 2010 2:07 p.m.
Recipe for writing a successful neighborhood blog
I love meat, especially vegans. Holding a grudge? I can't really hold anything. No opposible thumbs. Well, I don't know what to say about this third thing. I am a cat. I live in MsGrant's house. Meow.— July 9, 2010 1:50 p.m.
Will For-Profit Colleges Make Us Forget Subprime Mortgages?
Don't you think the advent of this type of education is indicative of the need to have a college degree to get a job now? You have to have a degree to sweep floors. Young people are desperate, and community college classes fill up so quickly you can't even get a tennis class. I just read yesterday about a manager who says he only hires graduate students. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, with easy credit extended to those who can least afford it. I am not saying it is ethical, but it is exactly like the housing market and the subsequent sub-prime mortgage industry. Get people to believe that a degree will buy them a better future and make it really easy to purchase, and they will flock to these schools. And they can't foreclose on your degree. At least a house has some value, even if it's considerably less than the original balance. There is little to no incentive to not default on your student loan, unless you are getting a degree in finance, where your credit history may be a job factor. The securitization of these loans is crazy. They are the epitome of non-performing assets.— July 9, 2010 11:27 a.m.