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State university tax-exempt foundations funnel cash to Brown's tax hike bid, spurn Munger measure
The public’s UC Berkeley harvests family savings, Alumni donations, supporter’s money and taxes. Cal. ranked #1 public university total academic cost (resident) as a result of the Provost’s, Chancellor’s ‘charge residents higher tuition’. UCB tuition is rising faster than other universities. Cal ranked # 2 in faculty earning potential. Spending on salaries increased 29% in last six years. Believe it: Harvard College less costly. University of California negates the promise of equality of opportunity: access, affordability. Self-absorbed Provost Breslauer Chancellor Birgeneau are outspoken on ‘charging residents much higher’ tuition. Birgeneau ($450,000) Breslauer ($306,000) like to blame the politicians, since they stopped giving them their entitled funding. The ‘charge instate students higher tuition’ skyrocketed fees by an average 14% per year from 2006 to 2011 academic years. If they had allowed fees to rise at the same rate of inflation over past 10 years they would still be in reach of middle income students. Breslauer Birgeneau increase disparities in higher education and defeat the promise of equality of opportunity. Additional state tax funding must sunset. The sluggish economy, 10% unemployment devastates family savings. Simply asking for more taxes (Prop 30, 38) to spend on senior leadership, inefficient higher education practices, excessive faculty staff compensation, burdensome bonuses, is not the answer. UCB is to maximize access to the widest number of residence at a reasonable cost. Birgeneau Breslauer ‘charge Californians higher tuition’ denies middle income families the transformative value of Cal. The California dream: keep it alive and well. Fire hapless Provost George W Breslauer. Clueless Chancellor Birgeneau resigned. Cal. leadership must accept responsibility for failing Californians. Opinions? UC Board of Regents [email protected] Calif. State Senators, Assembly members.— September 17, 2012 3:22 p.m.
UC Education Increasingly Out of Reach for Local Students
Birgeneau is Chancellor of elete flagship Cal. With Birgeneau's salary and seniority he has no reason to run with the pack. One has to start somewhere and Birgeneau is a place to start.— June 30, 2012 3:21 p.m.
UC Education Increasingly Out of Reach for Local Students
UC Chancellor's solution to higher education crisis, charge higher tuition to Californians. Chancellor pushes University of California Berkeley farther and farther out of reach for the sons and daughters of Californians. UCB Chancellor Robert J Birgeneau is outspoken on why elite public universities, like Cal, should charge Californians more. With Birgeneau’s leadership UCB is more expensive (on an all-in-cost) than private Harvard and Yale. Chancellor Birgeneau’s ‘charge more’ tuition to Californians makes Cal. the most expensive public higher education in our country! Birgeneau ($450,000 salary) likes to blame the politicians, since they stopped giving him every dollar expected. The Chancellor’s ‘charge more’ instate tuition skyrocketed fees by an average 14% per year from 2006 to 2011-12 academic year. If Birgeneau had allowed fees to rise at the same rate of inflation over the past 10 years they would still be in reach of most middle income students. Increasing funding is not Cal’s solution. As a public university UCB is to maximize access to the widest number of instate students at a reasonable cost with a mission of diversity and equality of opportunity. Unfortunately Birgeneau’s ‘charge more’ tuition to Californians diminishes the equality and inclusion principles which underlie our state and country. Birgeneau’s and Provost George Breslauer’s ($306,000 salary) ‘charge more’ instate tuition denies middle income Californians the transformative value of Cal’s education. Chancellor Birgeneau’s tenure is a sad unacceptable legacy. Opinion to: UC Board of Regents [email protected] and Calif. State Senators and Assembly members.— May 12, 2012 4:22 p.m.
UC President Picks Pockets of Californians
University of California (UC) picks the pockets of California parents clean. UC shouldn’t come to the Governor or public for support. (The author has 35 years’ consulting experience, has taught at UC Berkeley (Cal) where he observed the culture & way senior management work) University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public money, not overseer of his own fiefdom. These are not isolated examples: recruits (uses California tax $) out of state $50,000 tuition students that displace qualified Californians from public university education; spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his & many vice chancellors jobs (prominent East Coast university accomplishing same 0 cost); pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures; in procuring a $3,000,000 consulting firm he failed to receive proposals from other firms; Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps 2010 (M Krupnick Contra Costa Times); tuition to Return on Investment drops below top 10; QS academic ranking falls below top 10; only 50 attend Birgeneau all employees meeting; visits down 20%; NCAA places basketball program on probation, absence institutional control. It’s all shameful. There is no justification for such violations by a steward of the public trust. Absolutely none. Birgeneau’s violations continue. Governor Brown, UC Board of Regents Chair Lansing must do a better job of vigorously enforcing stringent oversight than has been done in the past over Chancellor Birgeneau who uses the campus as his fiefdom.— July 30, 2011 1:36 p.m.
Responding to Criticism, UCSD Creates New Vice-Chancellorship for Ensuring Diversity Among Diversity Programs
Alansdca52...time for the faculty at the 10 campuses to stop ducking the problems and passing responsibility for them to others. The Academic Senate and Council need to get out of bed with the the Chancellors and Provosts. Like with an addiction, admitting you have a problem is the first step toward correcting it. University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public money, not overseer of his own fiefdom. Recruits (using California tax $) out of state, foreign $50,000 tuition students who displace qualified sons, daughters of Californians from public university education. Spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his & vice chancellors work (prominent East Coast University accomplishing same 0 cost). University accrues $150 million of inefficiencies over his 8 year reign. Pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures. In procuring $3,000,000 consultants failed to receive proposals from other firms. Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps 2010. Ranking : QS academic falls below top ten Tuition to Return on Investment drops below top10. NCAA places basketball program on probation: absence institutional control. These are not isolated examples: it’s all shameful. There is no justification for such irregularities by a steward of the public trust. Absolutely none. Birgeneau’s practices will not change. University of California Board of Regents Chair Sherry Lansing must do a better job of vigorously enforcing oversight by President Yudof than has been done in the past to Birgeneau who treat the university as his fiefdom. Until demonstrable action is swiftly applied to chancellors by the UC Board of Regents/President Yudof, the University of California shouldn’t come to the Governor or public for support for any taxes, additional funding. I have 35 years’ consulting experience; have taught at UC Berkeley, where I observed the culture & the way senior management works. No, I was not fired or downsized & have not solicited contracts from Cal.— July 30, 2011 12:23 p.m.
UCSD's New Vice Chancellorship for "Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion" Draws Critical Blast
Diversity yes. $ for diversity during the greatest recession in modern times, no. University of California (UC) tuition, fee increases are an insult. Californians face mortgage defaults, 12% unemployment, pay reductions, loss of unemployment benefits. No layoff or wage reductions for UC Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Faculty during greatest recession of modern times. There is no good reason to raise tuition, fees when wage concessions are available. UC wages must reflect California's ability to pay, not what others are paid. If wages better elsewhere, chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured, non tenured faculty, UCOP apply for the positions. If wages determine commitment to UC Berkeley, leave for better paying position. The sky above the 10 campuses will not fall. Pitch in (with deeds not words) for all California Democrats, Republicans UC! No furloughs. UCOP 18% reduction salaries & $50 million cut. Chancellors’ Vice-Chancellors’, 18% cut. Tenured faculty 15% trim. Non-Tenured, 10% reduction. Academic Senate, Council remove 100% costs salaries. It is especially galling to continue to generously compensate chancellors, vice-chancellors, faculty while Californians are making financial sacrifices and faculty, chancellor, vice-chancellor turnover is one of the lowest of public universities. The message that President Yudof, UC Board of Regent Chair Lansing, UC Berkeley Birgeneau are sending is that they have more concern for generously paid chancellors, faculty. The few at the top need to get a grip on economic reality and fairness. The California Legislature needs a Bill to oversee higher education salaries, tuition.— July 29, 2011 6:37 p.m.
Responding to Criticism, UCSD Creates New Vice-Chancellorship for Ensuring Diversity Among Diversity Programs
University of California Berkeley wasteful and not reansparent. University of California (UC) tuition, fee increases are an insult. Californians face mortgage defaults, 12% unemployment, pay reductions, loss of unemployment benefits. No layoff or wage reductions for UC Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Faculty during greatest recession of modern times. There is no good reason to raise tuition, fees when wage concessions are available. UC wages must reflect California's ability to pay, not what others are paid. If wages better elsewhere, chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured, non tenured faculty, UCOP apply for the positions. If wages determine commitment to UC Berkeley, leave for better paying position. The sky above the 10 campuses will not fall. Pitch in (with deeds not words) for all California Democrats, Republicans UC! No furloughs. UCOP 18% reduction salaries & $50 million cut. Chancellors’ Vice-Chancellors’, 18% cut. Tenured faculty 15% trim. Non-Tenured, 10% reduction. Academic Senate, Council remove 100% costs salaries. It is especially galling to continue to generously compensate chancellors, vice-chancellors, faculty while Californians are making financial sacrifices and faculty, chancellor, vice-chancellor turnover is one of the lowest of public universities. The message that President Yudof, UC Board of Regent Chair Lansing, UC Berkeley Birgeneau are sending is that they have more concern for generously paid chancellors, faculty. The few at the top need to get a grip on economic reality and fairness. The California Legislature needs a Bill to oversee higher education salaries, tuition.— July 29, 2011 6:35 p.m.
UCSD's Higher Surf to Beget Higher Tuition?
University of California system wages and salaries need to reflect depressed California wages. The public pays toward the costs of the University of California and the University of California is not untouchable. As many Californians face foreclosure, unemployment and depressed wages it's about time that the timid University of California Board of Regents and University of California President Mark Yudof reined in administrative and faculty compensation. As a Californian, I don't care what others earn at private and public universities in the United States. If the wages are better elsewhere, UC-paid employees need to apply for the positions. If wages are what keep UC paid employees committed to the University of California, leave for the better-paying position. The sky will not fall. Wages at the University of California need to reflect California's ability to pay not what others are being paid. California is in the worst deficit in modern times. Current UCOP, campus chancellors and vice chancellors, and faculty are replaceable by like talented people. Here is what we should do: 18 percent cut in UCOP salaries and $50 million cut. 18 percent is cut in campus chancellors', vice chancellors' salaries. 10 percent cut in faculty salaries, as well as increase the research and teaching load. The UC Board of Regents can begin now to bridge the trust gap with Californians by offering reassurances that UC salaries reflectdepressed wages in California. Everyone is replaceable at the University of California. The sky has not and will not fall. Californians are reasonable people. Levy no new taxes until an approved balanced budget: Let the governor and Legislature make the tough-minded (not coldhearted) decisions of elected leadership. Then come to Californians for specified, continuing or new taxes. Thanking you in advance for your partnership and for standing up for Californians and the University of California.— May 9, 2011 10:27 p.m.