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Ted Leitner has on-air meltdown at SDSU game
haha. meltdown??? that was the best part of the broadcast! yeah, listen to uncle teddy give the smackdown to that incompetent idiot rent-a-cop security guard. lol— March 26, 2014 4:40 p.m.
Filner pleads guilty to one felony, two misdemeanor counts
Filner was an old man. he may have had woman problems throughout his life, but it seems he became less restrainted in his old age. he's old. Filner is a good reason why there should be a mandatory retirement age for politicians. also, his reported need for medication to control his moods should have been much more widely exposed before he became mayor. did San Diego really want a wacko who has to be medicated to actually run this city? it's surprising that was not a significant election campaign issue. probably would have been labelled dirty politics, but that should have been exposed. Filner went off his meds and then got all wacko in his old age as a sex-crazed creepy old pervert.— October 15, 2013 10:27 p.m.
Filner pleads guilty to one felony, two misdemeanor counts
Filner = Felony it's official. one would think that would shut up the folks who defend him online. but no, the Filner Felony Fans seem to be in denial about what's happening to their hero. Filner was more like an idol, not a hero, to his followers where his worshipping fans cannot believe that he could do the wrongs that he admitted doing - because, really, the world is against them all....— October 15, 2013 10 p.m.
Qualcomm's Jacobs fishing for funds for Fletcher
haha. like the image of that: filner getting politically stabbed in the back. lol— September 8, 2013 3:27 a.m.
Qualcomm's Jacobs fishing for funds for Fletcher
oooh, the backstabbing "connections" drama continues.... meh— September 8, 2013 3:17 a.m.
Qualcomm's Jacobs fishing for funds for Fletcher
ah, where would a candidate (like a fletcher or a faulconer) be without their connected moneybags backers??? at the bottom of the heap with no hope of ever getting elected like that annoying tilting-at-windmills mikey aguirre and all the other sign-me-up-i-want-to-run-for-mayor-too candidates. lol— September 8, 2013 3:08 a.m.
Developers chasing city deals cashing in heavily for Faulconer
the eventual race will probably be Faulconer (R) versus Fletcher (D) where all of the other candidates will have to fall to the wayside. that includes saying bye bye to the annoying Mikey Aguirre who is really tilting at windmills thinking that he has a winning candidacy. Faulconer (R) vs. Fletcher (D) should certainly be a better race with a better result than the original November 2012 run-off election with Demaio (R) versus Filner (D). the ridiculous Demaio-Filner pair of candidates in the November election could have resulted in San Diego getting a possible masturbating-in-city-hall-restroom mayor but instead got us a headlocking grab-ass woman-harassing mayor.— September 6, 2013 12:52 p.m.
Aguirre: "Put essentials first and wants second."
uphill battle for mikey. he is yesterday's news. an old face with an unattractive antagonistic history who tends to come across as an angry white man politician. ha, we recently already had filner in that role. and mikey will repeat as his own version of being an angry annoying firebrand. but if his role in the election is to bring up the issues that are mentioned here, the so-called "needs", then good for him. but that's just talk and he'll have show that he is a doer who can get those practical "needs" done if he were to even have a chance of winning. otherwise another candidate who has a bigger longer "needs" list of getting things done may win while also harping on the "wants" issues to show future progress. you can count me as waiting for mikey's eventual press conference when he "suspends" (quits) his campaign.— September 4, 2013 5:10 p.m.
U-T owner Manchester moves more big money into San Diego GOP
ah, that's too bad about carl demaio not running for mayor. because imagine if he won, and if the conan o'brien show found out about the news about demaio realizing his full potential in the restroom at city hall. could have resulted in silly comedy skits on the conan show where the "masturbating mayor" goes up against the "masturbating bear." lol as for papa doug manchester, who will most likely be publishing front page editorials for the candidate that he ends up endorsing, it's probably a good symbolic time for ending my subscription to the UT. yes, still subscribing to the UT, but only for the sunday paper, particularly for the comics for my sister and the advertising supplements for my elderly mom. old habits are hard to break, yet going to finally break off the subscription since you really don't get a discount at all, where the subscription price is actually higher than buying the paper at the newsstand because you are also paying for the online version. so, even if no longer paying for a subscription, will still be holding my nose while putting quarters in a newspaper machine to get the sunday fish wrapping paper for my loving mom.— September 3, 2013 1:44 p.m.
Did interim mayor Todd Gloria have the authority to rescind stop-use order for Jack in the Box?
to interim mayor todd gloria: thank you for killing that filner order. grateful drivers, from throughout san diego city and also from elsewhere in san diego county, who are driving through the neighborhood where that jacks is located, during their daily commutes have been waiting to go through that drive-thru at that jacks. they are anxiously honking their cars' horns while impatiently waiting to get their jumbo jack burgers (and yes, they do want fries with their burgers) and will happily pay any sales tax that may go to the city of san diego. goldie the city attorney is sure to place his retroactive legal rubber stamp on todd's order rescinding the filner order to the applause of honking drivers wanting to get their burgers at that jacks. lol— September 1, 2013 12:19 p.m.