Columnist on passed along a message today that NFL "sources" apparently want to put on the table: Message is that Spanos has out-politicked Kroenke, and owners are leaning toward approving Chargers/Raiders move and Carson stadium, but NFL is worried that Kroenke will force a fight in court.
More speculation from the article: Chargers might move to NFC West with Arizona Cardinals moving into AFC West; Rose Bowl will only permit one NFL team to play there temporarily and the other would presumably play at the LA Coliseum.… — May 21, 2015 12:37 p.m.
NFL team could play in L.A. in 2016
Don, you're right, stadiums are not profitable. For the 49ers stadium, Goldman Sachs loaned $850 million, and GS then got their loan refinanced with bonds floated by the Santa Clara Stadium Authority, which I assume means that GS got their money back plus interest and fees when the bonds issued. That points out one of the biggest questions about Carson: Can the Chargers and Raiders, two of the most cash-poor NFL ownerships, really finance a stadium with no significant public money involved?— May 21, 2015 3:04 p.m.
NFL team could play in L.A. in 2016
Counter-take on the above. The LA Times NFL writer, Sam Farmer, responded with this comment: "You might hear some reports that the NFL has already decided the LA site/team(s). There is a scientific word for reports like these: Bogus."— May 21, 2015 12:59 p.m.
On the value of fish wrap...
Much of the information about the U-T sale implies the conclusion that Tribune is not necessarily paying the reported $85 million for the U-T. I will speculate that little if any of the non-stock portion of the deal is cash. But maybe we will never know for sure.— May 21, 2015 12:47 p.m.
NFL team could play in L.A. in 2016
Columnist on passed along a message today that NFL "sources" apparently want to put on the table: Message is that Spanos has out-politicked Kroenke, and owners are leaning toward approving Chargers/Raiders move and Carson stadium, but NFL is worried that Kroenke will force a fight in court. More speculation from the article: Chargers might move to NFC West with Arizona Cardinals moving into AFC West; Rose Bowl will only permit one NFL team to play there temporarily and the other would presumably play at the LA Coliseum.…— May 21, 2015 12:37 p.m.
The upscaling of North County
I feel badly for local employees of these stores who are displaced by these real estate Monopoly games. It's a game to the executives at the real estate company that owns the strip mall, but it's not a game to the affected store employees. On the other hand, I don't think franchises of giant national chains are equivalent to "mom-and-pop" businesses, nor do they contribute local color and character like the Figaro's Pizza and Swami's Cafe mentioned in the article.— May 20, 2015 10:23 a.m.
This Chargers stadium proposal? Watch it.
If the Rams alone move to L.A. (or Rams and Raiders), then St. Louis becomes San Diego's competitor for the Chargers. I don't think San Antonio is a likely candidate in the near term, because the Cowboys and Texans owners are among the NFL's most influential, and a San Antonio franchise would siphon off Cowboys and Texans fans in central Texas.— May 20, 2015 10:12 a.m.
Pit bull kills dachshund; Solana Beach man kills pit bull
The judge did the right thing in Mr. Palmer's case. The DA's office should have also prosecuted Ms. Lynn, the pit bull owner.— May 20, 2015 10 a.m.
This Chargers stadium proposal? Watch it.
San Diego had to have its proposal ready for this owners' meeting, because St. Louis showed its own fancy drawings and pie-in-the-sky financial projections at the previous owners' meeting.— May 18, 2015 6:56 p.m.
This Chargers stadium proposal? Watch it.
"the Spanos family might not be contributing anything, and would enjoy a huge boost in the value of the franchise" But the boost in franchise value from moving to LA might be much greater, even if the Chargers become the 2nd-banana team in LA (which they would be; either the Rams or Raiders would have more LA-area fans). The LA Clippers basketball team sold for $2 billion, and the Clippers are far behind the Lakers in fan interest, and NFL franchises are more valuable than NBA franchises in the same market. Even if the LA-area Chargers are "only" worth $2 billion, that is more than the SD Chargers would be worth even if SD gives the Spanos family a completely free stadium in which to play. So, is the San Diego proposal really going to keep the Chargers from, ummm, "bolting" for LA? Or is it a possible play for another franchise after the Chargers leave, maybe the Raiders if the Rams and Chargers win the race to LA?— May 18, 2015 6:13 p.m.
U-T to be sold to L.A. Times parent for $85 million
Does anyone else remember that less than two years ago, Manchester and Lynch were bragging to anyone who would listen that they were astonishingly successful and had investors lined up behind them who were going to finance their purchase of the LA Times and/or the OC Register? I think they actually made a bid for the Register.— May 8, 2015 2:06 p.m.