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JT's Limelight Comin' Down the Mountain
Please show Joe the same courtesy. It's the adult thing to do.— May 12, 2011 6:34 p.m.
JT's Limelight Comin' Down the Mountain
Talk, LMAO!!! When have you EVER wanted to"talk"?!? That's comical! I have no interest in talking to you, nor do I have any reason to contribute to your crazy insanity. You are the LAST person I want to waste my breath on. Besides, anything anyone says to you, you twist to use against them. Total waste of time! Please, just let go of the obvious jealousy and leave us alone. We aren't slandering your bar, immerse show Joe the same courtesy. It's the adult thing to do. But if you keep up the games, karma is gonna hit you.— May 12, 2011 6:29 p.m.
JT's Limelight Comin' Down the Mountain
Seriously? I get deleted for telling the truth [edited]? Papaturtle has absolutely NOTHING to do with the situation, nor does he know anything about it! The above post is slander and defamation.— May 12, 2011 5:19 p.m.
JT's Limelight Comin' Down the Mountain
This comment was removed by the site staff.Tick, Tick, Tick...
Ken, Being in the music scene, we would think that you would put your efforts into working together with other venues, rather than criticizing and trying to destroy them. As far as the UT article goes, that's already been dealt with. That writer also doesn't CONSTANTLY attack the Turtle every chance he gets, the way you do. Besides, you're the idiot that put the guy up to it anyway! The UT article never would have existed if it weren't for you! Stop trying to blame shift, because we all know that this ENTIRE thing is all ENTIRELY your fault! As for what the Turtle is doing with their new permit, frankly, WHY do you even care??? And especially so much? But do tell, how have you been so "in the loop" as to all the Turtle's business happenings, and always seem to know exactly what's going on, way before everyone else does??? Something seems kind of fishy here, and the smell is coming from your direction . . .— May 19, 2009 2:28 a.m.
Tick, Tick, Tick...
Final Words: The Jumping Turtle is home. Ken is a complete jealous LOSER, with a pathetic broom closet of a "club" that he could only wish might someday in the very very very distant future, maybe possibly it might one day be just maybe an 1/8 of as great as the Jumping Turtle. Personally, I wouldn't hold my breath, but hey, Ken, if you would like to hold your breath, kudos to you! Keep holding it cause it's gonna be a VERY long time! So Ken Leighton, here's to you! You're a pathetic, worthless, bitter, jealous little boy with a MAJOR lack of integrity! If you REALLY want to be productive in life, you need to get up off your sorry butt and go out and do something positive for once. Stop writing slanderous articles in the Reader, then sitting there hiding behind your computer throwing idiotic accusations at us, and calling the cops and the city to tattle on what other clubs are doing, because you're jealous that you are too pathetic to ever come even remotely close to being as cool as them. Go find yourself a hobby. Maybe find a charity to donate to, or buy yourself a puppy. Heck, a puppy is a great idea since you like to control stuff! But then again, puppies don't really like being controlled either, and you'll probably just end up getting bit. So I guess getting a puppy probably isn't the best idea for you . . . Maybe you should get a newspaper route? Obviously you LOVE the press. You're a terrible writer and need to NEVER write anything EVER again, but a newspaper route might be good for you. It would get you out of your hiding spot behind the computer, and doing something useful with your time. You could even go deliver pizzas, or maybe even work at McDonalds! But then again, you have to have some sort of personality for that, so it's probably not the best place for you either. So I guess the paper route is sounding pretty promising! So here's to you Ken, and your new life of delivering newspapers! May you actually eventually succeed at something! Maybe . . .— May 16, 2009 12:23 a.m.
Tick, Tick, Tick...
Part 3: The PGSORM kids got their start not just at PGSORM, but at the Jumping Turtle. The Axxys and Light Of Doom kids who were on Fox's "The Next Great American Band", they didn't just get their start at EXP Studios, they started at the Turtle. Look at As I Lay Dying, they're local, from Oceanside. They started at the Turtle too! Check out their new DVD that was released a few weeks ago; As I Lay Dying LOVES the Turtle! Look at the fans in the audience during their shows. WHY would you want to take that away?! How could you possibly do that?! You've gotta be pretty heartless to want to destroy the Jumping Turtle. There are so many fans, young and old that depend on the Turtle for their music fulfillment. WHY would you want to destroy that?! Joe Troutman's shows bring in fans from not just San Marcos and Escondido (infact, that's not even 15% of his fan base), Joe brings in fans from Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties, as well as Germany, Europe and Australia. People fly in from all over the world for some of Joe Troutman's shows, stay at nearby hotels, frequent the local businesses, and catch a few shows while they're here. WHY would you want to mess that up? You're not just taking away from the Jumping Turtle, you're hurting the entire city of San Marcos as well! The Jumping Turtle is the BEST thing to have EVER happened to this town! Countless friendships, relationships, bands, fans and life changing experiences have been born there. If the Turtle goes down, we will ALL be losing a HUGE part of ourselves, and it will be a definite blow to the community, as well at to the San Diego music scene. Joe Troutman brings so many great shows to town, being offered the shows before they even consider going to other venues such as the House of Blues or Brick By Brick. Joe Troutman is THE go-to guy here in San Diego. The ONLY shows Joe passes up, are those that are too large for the room; (ex: Mayham & Kreator). It's because of Joe Troutman and Matt Hall that the city of San Marcos is booming right now. They're bringing so many fans in to see countless shows, just to have those people support the local businesses whether it be local stores, gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc. Losing the Turtle means losing all that extra business for the city. The fans depend on the Turtle for their entertainment enjoyment. Heck, even big record labels depend on the Turtle now. Where would we all be without our CDs? Almost all record stores have gone bankrupt, and now all we're left with is big stores like Walmart, Target, Best Buy and Fries who all only carry the top 20-40 selling artists. We depend on the Turtle to bring in our favorite groups, so we can get their cds. It's either that or Itunes.— May 16, 2009 12:23 a.m.
Tick, Tick, Tick...
Part 2: There are so many bands who have gotten their start at the Turtle. The Paul Green School Of Rock Music (PGSORM) loves the place! The Turtle gives those kids a good, clean, real live venue to play at, where they're safe. The kids can rock out on stage while their parents kick back with a beer, and their friends enjoy a delicious pizza. PGSORM feels like the Turtle is their home. In a recent e-mail from Ron Weaver, the General Manager of PGSORM, to all the parents, Ron says: "I’m going to tell you something about the Jumping Turtle and now I’m serious. I’ve gotten to know Joe Troutman and his crew over there and you know what? Regardless of what you think of the theme for the venue (Heavy Metal/Punk music), they run a clean shop. Their security staff are tops and they don’t allow any nonsense in their establishment. There’s no under-age drinking or anything of the sort tolerated in that place. No citations either! Clean show and no reasons to shut them down except that someone doesn’t like what they do. It’s my opinion that the kids that go to that venue and go crazy in the mosh pit may very well be out getting into trouble if they didn’t have the Jumping Turtle. Have you ever watched a mosh pit? Believe it or not there’s an etiquette to it and they only get so rough. It’s just how they blow off steam; It’s as simple as that. I don’t know about you, but I fear for my vehicle on the street if these kids lose the JT. Let them blow off steam at the JT or possibly find my vehicle and blow off some steam on it… you choose. . . The Jumping Turtle loves PGSORM Vista and I think I can speak for everyone here, PGSORM Vista loves the Turtle. The owner introduced us to Joe Troutman and told Joe to give us a chance in the venue. That’s where it all started. We had to earn our right to be in that venue and we did just that. We had to prove that we could control the students and put on a worthy show. So far it has been a fantastic business relationship and I think we can all see the benefits of playing there. For me, it’s a wonderful thing to do business with people I like and I‘d like to continue doing business with Joe Troutman and the Jumping Turtle. Where do you think we got all the guest speakers…? Joe Troutman is doing great things for the school and I implore you to help me help the Turtle! The Jumping Turtle is an extension of what I offer at my school. It’s become a part of the experience and I’m not going to give it up without a fight."— May 16, 2009 12:22 a.m.
Tick, Tick, Tick...
Of course "conflict of interest" means NOTHING to Ken! There are several articles right here on the internet that can fully attest to that! All Ken cares about is putting the Turtle out of business. He doesn't give a damn how many people he's hurting. He doesn't care that he's not just hurting Matt, Laura and Joe, but Phil, Ryan, Michelle, TC and everyone else at the club. Ken doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself! As far as Sulo's security comments go, Sulo, have you been to the Turtle lately? There is a brand new security crew there, completely different from even a year ago. It's an entirely new staff, who are all damn good at their jobs! There haven't been any incidents they haven't handled. There aren't any under-age drinking problems at all! The Turtle needs to stay all ages, it's in everyone's best interest.— May 16, 2009 12:21 a.m.
Worst of the Worst
Ken Leighton, once again you are a lieing piece of crap!!! This entire article is a bunch of crap!!! Mr. Leighton has spent the past few months doing everything he possibly can to put the Jumping Turtle out of business. But you know what Ken, YOU'RE FAILING!!! How dare you attack the Jumping Turtle! How can you possibly say such cruel things?! You are a miserable jealous piece of crap, and you deserve to know it! San Diego deserves to know the truth about you! You are jealous of The Jumping Turtle and desperately trying to put them out of business, in hopes of making your own crappy dive bar "better". News Flash! IT AIN'T HAPPENING!!!!!!! Ken, no one likes a liar! Stop calling the cops and wasting my hard earned tax dollars on your false reports! The cops have better things to do like busting REAL criminals, than making a stop by the Turtle to harass Joe Troutman and Matt Hall. I don't pay my taxes for you to waste on your own pathetic agenda! In fact, I hope the next call to the cops that you place, lands you behind bars! And you know what? I hope that you end up in a cell with Bubba for a VERY long time! NOTHING in the above article is at all true! DO NOT believe a single word that Ken Leighton says! He's a lieing piece of crap, and needs to be stopped! Mr. Leighton, you need to stop your evil tirade right now and issue an apology to both Matt Hall, Joe Troutman, AND all the bands and fans who frequent The Jumping Turtle, for all your incessant lies, and false accusations. You also then need to fork over some money to the San Marcos Sheriff's department to cover all the massive expenses they've incurred because of your excessive amount of calls and all their wasted time. You should probably fork over some donuts too, as a nice gesture! Next, you need to IMMEDIATELY resign from the San Diego Reader, and NEVER WRITE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Ken Leighton, you are a lieing, jealous, no good piece of crap and you WILL BE STOPPED!!!— May 14, 2009 1:23 a.m.