RESULTS, sort of.…
Another crook gets away with it because it’s OPM. And, Collins forfeits none of his pension because his attorney and the DA negotiate felonies down to a misdemeanor. Who says crime doesn’t pay. White collar crime pays very well, and in this case $185k a year for the rest of this crook’s life. — April 25, 2018 3:13 p.m.
District Attorney yet to file charges against former Poway Schools chief
RESULTS, sort of.… Another crook gets away with it because it’s OPM. And, Collins forfeits none of his pension because his attorney and the DA negotiate felonies down to a misdemeanor. Who says crime doesn’t pay. White collar crime pays very well, and in this case $185k a year for the rest of this crook’s life.— April 25, 2018 3:13 p.m.
Bruce Henderson sues City over his firing
Wait, isn’t that exactly what this story says, Henderson is suing for discrimination? If your theory is “at will” employees can be terminated for a host of reasons not relating to job performance, without risk, then we have slid way down a very slippery slope. Sadly, discrimination is typically well camouflaged by those who practice it. Henderson is an intelligent and articulate person, who is making an argument before a court of law, that he, and his peers, were discriminated against. He is following the procedures established by his former employer to settle a grievance, or a perceived wrong. If the argument has merit, then he, and the others should be compensated for the discriminatory behavior of the defendant. If not, then the Court should penalize him with paying the defendant’s and Court’s costs. No one, in my opinion, should get away with discriminatory practices, so it’s up to Mr. Henderson to prove it, or the City to settle with him and his peers.— April 24, 2018 8:44 a.m.
Ace friend seeks Horton Plaza deal
Isn’t the Mayor looking for low income housing sites?— April 21, 2018 4 p.m.
Ace friend seeks Horton Plaza deal
Just like every politician....Tell a lie over and over and people will believe it’s the truth.— April 21, 2018 3:51 p.m.
Cate hits up city workers, pays another fine
Everyone one knows “combing” merely rearranges while culling removes. If Mr. Cate or is staff is just combing through these lists they have no intention of removing anything or anyone. Honestly, what politician removes names of potential source of free money to feed their campaign? But every politician hates getting caught!— April 17, 2018 5:54 p.m.
Papa Doug won’t get Bahamas job
Even with going to who ever rated that school as worst, Cohen passed his bar exam. Considering the fail rate of those who go to “better” or the “best” law schools, says something about Cohen’s intelligence.— April 15, 2018 6:43 a.m.
Papa Doug won’t get Bahamas job
Sorry Don but it was Bill Clinton, not Lewinsky, who got Clinton impeached. Had he just done two things; kept his private parts private, and then not lied about not keeping his private parts private he would never been impeached. Sadly the country is so polarized by partisan politics and hyper partisan politicians who do what’s best for themselves instead of doing what’s best for the country. The death of civility is killing the Country. Today it’s worse than in Clinton’s era. And, who really suffers? The whole country does as this endless political theater goes on and on. All fed by the other intensely hyper partisans - so called journalist. The ones, in my opinion, who used to investigate and then report facts but now just tell us what to think and how to feel about it. Nowadays with the Internet and 24hour cable, biased news, no, it’s not really news. It’s tabloid like opinion masquerading as news. Where the sharp focus between news and opinion pieces has been blurred or completely obliterated. It’s where “blogs” are taken as fact, by the ignorant masses, when most blogs are works of fiction. We live in a time where Facebook, of all places or websites, is the place where most people get “the news” that really isn’t news. Whether it’s for television ratings, or Internet clicks, all for money, we rarely get just “news” facts free from radical opinion from either “side of the aisle”. Oh how I miss those boring days where we just learned the the facts of the news.— April 15, 2018 6:32 a.m.
Chicken Pie Shop 80 years later
Wholesome food, wonderfully prepared by honest hard working people. Been eating there or bringing it home since the late sixties and now I’m in my sixties. 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔— April 12, 2018 9:17 a.m.
"Are you kidding me? It's a cow pasture."
An example of America’s Finest City and its ***TOTAL*** lack of leadership. Disgraceful is the ONLY word to describe City Management.— April 9, 2018 3:46 p.m.
Tijuana does Hollywood… again
Love ❤️ it! But you left out the word UNTREATED or RAW in front of the word sewage.— April 7, 2018 11:09 a.m.