Cut and paste Decline's head onto this guy and PRESTO!
Final destination.
Say it ain't so, Pee Wee!
If a movie critic's head explodes in an empty theater, will it make a noise?
The real Lee, taking a schvitz
I'm not gonna hit ya!...I'M NOT GONNA HIT YA!....Like HELL I'm not!!
"And awaaay we go!"
Courtesy of
When the tomb was open, many of the mummified sarcophaguses were looked upon by Western …
Hint hint hint
Any relation?
You've Been Incarcerated, Charlie Brown!
Burgess and Bubo
Mr. Rogers / John Cusack
Circa 1981
Hang Tsen!
Two page ad ... not too shabby!
Still has that dry ice smell...
And your answer is....?