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La Jolla mega-mansion owner digs deep for Faulconer
As I and some others have all ready said, Faulconer is being BOUGHT by the wealthy GOP greed heads as part of their plan to shift California from a Blue state to a RED $tate. The current CA DEM. leadership is making it easy for them by themselves already bought off by the Powerful Utilities and many others. Note: One of the has just become come VP. and Todd G. is pushing housing for all to pay back Greedy Developers that want to DENSIFY $an Diego to better enrich themselves and the City tax role,s so they can reward each other, as our cool Quality Of Life (QOL) becomes a thing of the past, ie 80's and 90's ! I suggest State Leadership Change is more import than Climate Change, since we will not get one without the other despite all the $LICK promo's we are seeing. Wake up CA: Kevin (Trump II) Faulconer is being promoted by BIG Money and Big Media to serve them not US, just like Ted Cruz...— January 29, 2021 5:58 p.m.
Chernobyl in San Onofre?
The immediate solution is to stop burying them just above high tide line and move them across I5 to a site that is much higher yet still within San Onofre/Camp Pendleton. Moving them to a "Government Long Term" site is not going to happen for a long time if at all so waiting until that option is viable is the same as doing nothing about storing all the thin walled containers near the high water line at San Onofre. If Edison is so sure that the current plan is bulletproof then by all means post a multi-billion dollar bond against a radiation leak. Otherwise Edison is setting San Onofre up for failure in order to profit from any future radioactive problems!— August 17, 2018 12:02 p.m.
Chernobyl in San Onofre?
Yes it is true that Mike Aguirre, who with his partner Maria Severson, have gotten ratepayers a negotiated "better" partial refund. But it is also true that this settlement was done without the grass roots people being directly involved in the "negotiated settlement discussions"! That said, I and many others feel that SCE (and its 20% minor partner) SDG&E) should have paid ratepayers a much higher refund since they, the reactor operators, were directly responsible for both the design flaws of the 4 new replacement steam generators and the operator errors that caused them to fail! - The CPUC should require SCE pay for a multi-billion dollar bond against any types of radioactive damage which would insure that ratepayers and or US tax payers don't get stuck paying for any problems that occur now or sometime in the future! - Thin walled canisters are unacceptable when ratepayers are footing the bill for them since stronger canisters are not that much more expensive. Example: If you were going on a very long multi-year road trip, how many of you would buy cheap tires when for a few more dollars you could get top rated tires with a much longer mileage warranty? Said another way, SCE is trying to save money instead of looking out for its ratepayers! - Remember that if there are any future radioactive leakage issues at San Onofre, SDC will make a profit dealing with them so it is not to their advantage to push for state of the art longer lasting containers. TEPCO the operators of the reactors at Fukushima that suffered a triple meltdown on 03/11/11 are still profiting from "cleanup" and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives and probably our children lives...— August 16, 2018 8:48 a.m.
Investor-owned utilities with sky-high rates
Thank You. I thought Don might like to track that info down for another one of his great Reader articles...— August 2, 2018 7:36 p.m.
The city hall honesty test
Luna should run for Mayor!— August 1, 2018 3:52 p.m.
Investor-owned utilities with sky-high rates
Don: Any idea of how to estimate what SDG&E is ***saving per pay***. Said a better way, what are SDG&El ratepayers spending every day that we cannot lower the rates for Energy? Perhaps a FOIA request would be able to shed some bright sunlight on this ongoing ripoff. My gut says it is at least 15 to 20 percent, especially since the current tiered system is so much more expensive for everything outside the base rate. This could be huge news! Perhaps you could equate San Diego usage costs to the before and after costs of other areas in CA that have allowed Community Aggregating Energy (CAE) pricing. Thanks for considering my suggestion!— August 1, 2018 12:49 p.m.
Investor-owned utilities with sky-high rates
Thank You! FYI SDG&E is now doing their best to try and stifle the discussion RE: **Community Aggregating Energy** and have even created their own "support group" to join in the discussions which are now dragging out! WHY? **Every month there is a delay SDG&E profits greatly...**— July 24, 2018 11:34 a.m.
Investor-owned utilities with sky-high rates
Don You're San Diego's BEST man!— July 20, 2018 7 p.m.
Investor-owned utilities with sky-high rates
Expect ever more Rate payer Rip Off's as California's BIG Utilities seek to increase their bottom line by sticking it to their ratepayers! Imagine if a bill was past that would prohibit Utilities from making ratepayers libel for Utility screw-ups like San Onofre! It will never happen because: 1. The CPUC membership is selected by the Governor of CA and he has been selecting his cronies that are guaranteed to maintain the status quo. 2. These same Utilities make Huge Donations to the very elected Officials that would have to risk cutting their own donation "throats" to support such a bill... 3. The entire rate pricing system is designed to make ratepayer input not only difficult but almost impossible to understand for average ratepayer to have any meaningful input into the process. This problem is compounded by the fact that these Utilities call in all the Unions and other groups it has made donations too, so that their members appear in support of these very same rate increase's. 4. Too many of the ratepayer "Watchdog" groups have been found to really be allies of the very CPUC and the Utilities that they are supposed to be watching, because the CPUC awards payments to only those groups it "feels" are providing a public benefit.— July 20, 2018 12:32 p.m.
Appellate court tells CPUC to hand over documents
Don: The figure owed for their negligence, if I remember correctly, is about *$1800 per ratepayer* (every account holder) just so your readers have some idea as to the amount of money we are discussing here. I also believe *the Utilities were going to "finance" that with interest so everyone would end up paying an extra $11 bucks per month over the next 10+ years*, which is not trivial amount for many ratepayers!— June 23, 2018 7:39 a.m.