The Only Way to Walk Across the Border in Five Minutes It is with some reluctance that I write about my recent acquisition of the SENTRI border-crossing card because, well, I got a good thing …

Articles by T.B. Beaudeau
Richard Ruiz, a member of the Xolos, Tijuana’s championship soccer team, has been accused of sexual harassment by a young woman. Joshua Ábrego, a former Xolos team member who was present when the incident allegedly …
The new border station in San Ysidro is nearing completion. Here is a series of photos showing the new station and some of its features.
On January 7, a Texas man wanted on various skipped warrants was apprehended while flipping hamburguesas at a shop in the Tijuana neighborhood of Las Playas. Gilbert Sanchez Jr., 44 years of age and from …
A 28-year-old woman of meager circumstances gave birth to a child in the Tijuana River canal on Monday, December 2. The woman was first observed in a pool of blood. An informant tipped off police …
José Manuel Rodríguez Lozano, 25, was detained last week in Tijuana’s Zona Norte as a presumed member of a group of kidnappers that had been terrorizing people trying to cross the border. According to Tijuana's …
An information center for people deported from the United States was erected at the base of the giant arch in Tijuana earlier this week. The center — located in the historic center of Tijuana, at …
A man was shot to death at Tijuana’s Zona Norte flea market at about 1:30 in the afternoon on October 30. The market, "el sobre ruedas" (“on wheels”), as it is known, is located at …
Ever since the “shutdown” of the U.S. government, maquiladoras have experienced plenty of extra expenditures, including fuel costs, keeping vehicles in “overnight” lots, and fines for delivering merchandise late. Gabriel Merino Fausto, president of a …