There’s nowhere to eat that isn’t a fast food chain. Nowhere to get a coffee or, god forbid, a beer. Nowhere to see anything like live music.

Articles by Stuart Cardwell
San Ysidro fizzling
May 17, 2017
7500 Africans and Haitians without money or housing in Tijuana
Tijuana is no stranger to desperation. Vagrants, junkies, and deportees are ubiquitous in the streets. Stopping at traffic lights often means shooing away a sinewy street-twitch, scheming to wipe down your windshield with a filthy …
October 5, 2016
Y’all are rude
I still get all red-faced and flummoxed when I think back to the first time I ever made the mistake of holding the door open for someone in San Diego. I cannot for the life …
September 28, 2016
Stuart Caldwell opened soul-food restaurant in Tijuana
Whenever I tell someone I’m from the South, his mind — with his mouth in hot pursuit — scurries straight to assumptions about racism, deep fried fill-in-the-blanks, Paula Deen, and Confederate flags.Whenever I mention to …
April 6, 2016