Dec. 6, 2001A CONVERSATION WITH THE AUTHOR: On the Monday morning that Mr. Naipaul and I began our conversation, he was in a Chicago hotel room. By that morning he had been in the United …

In 1985, Judith Moore, a Berkeley writer, was brought to San Diego to write feature stories for the Reader. In 1986, Moore began to take on the role of senior editor. Moore conducted and wrote a weekly interview with renowned writers.
Her own books include The Left Coast of Paradise: California and the American Heart (1987), Never Eat Your Heart Out (1997), and Fat Girl: A True Story (2006). Judith Moore was awarded two NEA Fellowships for literature. In 1995, she received a Guggenheim Fellowship. She died in 2007.
Some of her early Reader stories included:
Mananimal (philosophizing about the San Diego Zoo — Moore's first story written for the Reader, Jan. 27, 1983)
The Girls of Summer (interviews with teenagers on the beach, Aug. 28, 1986)
Angel of the Apocalypse (Herbert Marcuse's years at UCSD, Sept. 11, 1986)
Her Little Girl (Moore's grandmother, Aug. 27, 1987)
In the Beauty of the Lilies (interview with John Updike, Feb. 29, 1996)
How Far We Came To Be Here and How Much Along the Way We Lost (Thanksgiving dinner, Nov. 26, 1997)
Articles by Judith Moore (RIP)
A whole different story if I'd been white Golden Age Garden Apartments (740 South 36th Street), built in 1983, has 76 apartments on its four floors. Requirements for obtaining an apartment here are that one …
How Do You Keep Warm at Night? If you think of the homeless at all — aside from how to avoid them or that daily mini-moral crisis as to whether to give them spare change …
Homeless plans for Thanksgiving On a warm autumn afternoon, a homeless man lies against a wall on First Avenue just south of Ash Street. He's sharing a bottle of cheap vodka with an older homeless …
What distinguishes San Diego landscape to paintersIn Coronado one day, after lunch with a friend, he went into a CD shop while his friend waited outside on a bench. When Crooks came out, he noticed …
La Jolla 1962 Dressed in long trousers and boat shoes and a white Lacoste tennis shirt, I accompanied Toby across Vista del Mar and Neptune Place to the Pump House and down concrete steps to …
San Diego's best tomato breeds: Better Boys, Early Girls, Yellow Taxis The ripe round red tomato sitting on the kitchen table is alive and busy. While we are asking, “How shall I eat it?” the …
I ran drugs for Uncle Sam . Fifty-two-year old Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, who has lived in the San Diego area off and on since 1976, has decided to come forward with the details of his …
Huero walks On July 2, 1988, at 2:30 a.m., Rudolpho “Nene” Rios was shot twice in the head while he was in the 2000 block of National Avenue, at Chicano Park. He died two days …