Contact: 4227 Fairmount Ave, San Diego 619-283-6242 www.stmarks-cityheights.orgMembership: 25Pastor: Father Richard LeeAge: 53 Born: Leicester, EnglandFormation: University of Wales, Bangor, Wales; Episcopal Diocese of San Diego School for MinistryYears Ordained: 9San Diego Reader: How long do you …
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Stories by Joseph O'Brien
Take, Oh Take Those Lips AwayTake, oh take those lips away,That so sweetly were forsworn,And those eyes, the break of day,Lights that do mislead the morn:But my kisses bring again,Seals of love, but sealed in …
New Life Presbyterian Church of La MesaContact: 5333 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa 619.667.5999 www.newlifelamesa.orgMembership: 300Pastor: Joel WoodAge: 47Born: Lima, OHFormation: Moody Bible Institute, Chicago; Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburg, PAYears Ordained: 16San Diego Reader: What …
First United Methodist Church of EscondidoContact: 341 S. Kalmia St, Escondido 760-745-5100 www.fumcescondido.orgMembership: 500 (Attendance: 250)Pastor: Lisa PettyAge: 45Born: PowayFormation: California State University-Fullerton; Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO Years Ordained: 10San Diego Reader: Why did you …
WAV College ChurchContact: 4875 Viewridge Ave., San Diego 510-917-2093 www.wavcollege.churchMembership: 110Pastor: John KoAge: 47Born: Olney, MDFormation: University of California-Berkeley; Biola University, La MiradaYears in Full-time Ministry: 7San Diego Reader: What is your favorite subject on …
Unity San DiegoContact: 3770 Altadena Ave, San Diego 619-280-2501 Membership: 110Pastor: Karla LightnerAge: 67Born: Evanston, ILFormation: Unity Urban Ministerial School, Detroit, MIYears Ordained: 4San Diego Reader: Why did you become a minister?Pastor Karla Lightner: …
City View ChurchContact: 8404 Phyllis Pl., San Diego 858-560-1870 www.cityviewsd.comMembership: Four 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship services: English, 160; Ethiopian, 35; Swahili, 35; Spanish, 30Pastor: Chris Soto Age: 53Born: San FranciscoFormation: Bethany University, Santa Cruz Years Ordained: 30San …
Hope ChurchContact: 5651 Water St. La Mesa 619-922-1547 www.hopechurchsandiego.comAttendance: 125-150Pastor: Sean BeaudoinAge: 44 Born: San Diego Formation: 8 years in county, state, and federal prison as a six-time convicted felon; Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA; Gateway Seminary, Mill Valley; …
Mission Valley Christian FellowshipContact: 6536 Estrella Ave., San Diego 619-683-7729 www.mvcf.comMembership: 175 Pastor: Robert CobbAge: 50Born: La MesaFormation: Bible Study at Mission Valley Fellowship Years Ordained: 25San Diego Reader: What is your favorite subject on which to preach?Pastor …
Missiongathering San DiegoContact: 8693 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa 619-354-3993 www.missiongatheringsd.orgDenomination: Disciples of ChristMembership: 85 (Attendance: 30-40)Pastor: Braeden StorkersenAge: 30Born: Fullerton Formation: Antioch Bible College, Temecula; Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago; Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA; Claremont …
Christ Episcopal Church & Day SchoolContact: 1114 Ninth St., Coronado 619-435-4561 www.christchurchcoronado.orgMembership: 400 Pastor: Mother Regan M. SchutzAge: 45Born: Eugene, ORFormation: Jesuit High School, Portland, OR; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of the South-The School of Theology, …
First Unitarian Universalist Church of San DiegoContact: Hillcrest Campus—4190 Front St., San Diego; South Bay Campus—970 Broadway, Ste. 104, Chula Vista www.firstuusandiego.orgMembership: 500Lead Minister: Justine SullivanAge: 61Born: Boston, MA Formation: Boston University; Simmons College-School for Social Work, …
First Baptist Church of San DiegoContact: 5055 Governor Dr., San Diego 858-457-4827 www.fbcsd.comMembership: 55 (Attendance: 125-140)Pastor: Matthew AdrianAge: 38Born: Kansas City, MOFormation: Baptist Bible College (now Mission University), Springfield, MOYears Ordained: 17 San Diego Reader: Why did …
St. Matthew’s Episcopal ChurchContact: 521 E 8th St., National City 619-474-8916 www.stmatthewsnatlcity.orgMembership: 200 (Attendance: 40-60)Pastor: Father Roberto MaldonadoAge: 65Born: Manati, Puerto RicoFormation: University of Puerto Rico; Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico; Palmer Theological Seminary, St. Davids, …
San Diego Reader: How long do you spend preparing your sermon?Pastor Drew Davis: My sermons are topically based. I usually spend Fridays working on my sermons, but I am daily processing what my sermon will …
Summit Unitarian Universalist FellowshipContact: 8778 Cottonwood Ave., Santee 619-562-0833 www.summituuf.orgMembership: 100Pastor: KC Marie Pendell Age: 34Born: Orange County, CAFormation: Chapman University, Orange; Meadville-Lombard Theological School, Chicago Ordination: in processSan Diego Reader: What’s the mission of your church?Pastor KC …
The property line melts into forest, its late winter browns speakAn unknown beast’s pelt; felled oaks hunch over like sleeping bears While beech and birch extend into ugly candid possum hair,And elms and maples muster into …
Plymouth ChurchContact: 2717 University Ave., San Diego 105 Pastor: Michael GonzalesAge: 45 Born: SangerFormation: University of San Diego; Fordham University, NY Years Ordained: 11 San Diego Reader: What’s the mission of your church?Pastor Michael Gonzales: Plymouth is a place …
Pilgrim Progressive Baptist ChurchContact: 4995 A St., San Diego, 619-264-3369, [email protected]: 500 (attendance: 200-300)Pastor: Donnell TownsendAge: 63Born: Tupelo, MSFormation: U.S. Navy, Corpsman; Anderson University, Anderson, INYears Ordained: 19 San Diego Reader: Why did you become a …
Lifepoint ChurchContact: 5480 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa (619) 776-9834 www.lifepointsd.comMembership: 100Pastor: Tony Orlando Age: 50Born: La MesaFormation: Bethany College (closed in 2011), Santa Cruz Years Ordained: 17 San Diego Reader: What’s your favorite subject on which to preach?Pastor …
Clairemont Lutheran ChurchContact: 4271 Clairemont Mesa Blvd,San Diego, 858-273-7423 www.clairemontlc.orgMembership: 130 in person/40 onlinePastor: Cyndi JonesAge: 72Born: Terra Haute, INFormation: University of California-San Diego; Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA; Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MNYears Ordained: 4.5San …
St. Mark’s United Methodist ChurchContact: 3502 Clairemont Dr., San Diego 626-714-8097Membership: 350Pastor: Darin ArntsonAge: 40Born: San DiegoFormation: University of California-Irvine; Candler School of Theology, Altanta, GAYears Ordained: 7San Diego Reader: What is your favorite subject on …
…et nihil mihi deerit.The living room is over-heated, like a gaping kitchen oven-door,Long past the payoff in savory odors resulting from bowls of color.The back parlor launches its many campaigns of hushed conversation.Sunlight glistens farewells …
New Song Community ChurchContact: 3985 Mission Ave., Oceanside 760-560-5000 (Carlsbad Campus: 3780 Pio Pico Dr., Carlsbad) www.newsongchurch.comMembership: 800Pastor: Hal SeedAge: 66Born: Santa BarbaraFormation: Wheaton College, Denver Seminary, Littleton, CO; Fuller Seminary, PasadenaYears Ordained: 38San Diego Reader: …
Neighbors ChurchContact: 4672 35th St, San Diego [email protected] www.sdneighbors.churchMembership: 150Lead Pastor: Dan Braga (and Alexa Braga) Age: 46Born: Gooding, IDFormation: Western Seminary, Portland, ORYears Ordained: 24San Diego Reader: What is your favorite subject on which to preach?Pastor …
New Seasons Transformation ChurchContact: 2300 Bancroft Dr., Spring Valley, 619-775-2994, www.nscsv.orgMembership: 600+Pastor: Bishop A.B. Vines Age: 58Born: Bronx, NYFormation: Point Loma Nazarene University; Andersonville Theological Seminary, Camilla, GA; Cornell University, Ithaca, NYYears Ordained: 28San Diego Reader: What’s …
Coastlands Community ChurchContact: 3552 College Ave., San Diego; 619-630-8315; www.thecoastlandchurch.netMembership: 120Pastor: Jacob McDonnellAge: 41Born: Ferguson, MOFormation: St. Louis Christian College, St. Louis, MO (since closed); University of Missouri-St. Louis; California State University-East Bay; Biola University-Talbot School …
Faith Lutheran ChurchContact: 700 E. Bobier Dr., Vista 760-724-7700 www.faithvista.orgMembership: 200Pastor: Paul MartinAge: 61Born: PomonaFormation: California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks; Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. Years Ordained: 11San Diego Reader: What is your main concern as member …
Horizon SouthBay Church Contact: 3737 Sweetwater Rd., National City, 619-500-2663, Membership: 100+ Pastor: Eric Martin Age: 51 Born: Charleston, SC Formation: San Diego State University; Horizon Christian Fellowship-School of Evangelism, San Diego Years Ordained: …
Mailbox Sestina So, here’s the edge of summer’s moment, cutting deep Into protracted memories like sharpened blades of grass You’d again taken for granted, cow-spittle-glazed, And cutting open the crickets’ measured elegy— Their legworks’ liquid …
Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista Contact: 276 F St., Chula Vista 619-223-8986 Membership: 120 (Attendance 60) Pastor: Victoria Freiheit Age: 84 Born: San Diego Formation: San Diego State University; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, …
Lighthouse Bible Church Contact: 4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego Membership: 500 (attendance: 650) Pastor: Patrick Cho Age: 45 Born: Chicago Formation: University of California San Diego; The Masters Seminary, Sun Valley Years Ordained: …
San Diego sides with Carmel Partners in Rolando project The Boulevard at 63rd, formerly known as Centrepoint Luxury Apartments from developer Carmel Partners, has been at the center of a controversy that so far has …
Coastal Vineyard Contact: 5663 Balboa Ave. #605, San Diego ( Sunday gatherings: 10 am at Kavod Charter School, 6991 Balboa Ave.) 858-456-5045 Membership: 70 Pastor: Michelle Wilson Age: 53 Born: Lawrence, KS Formation: University …
Calvary Chapel Escondido Contact: 2245 E Valley Pkwy, Escondido 760-487-8098 Membership: 100 Pastor: Rick Greene Age: 44 Born: Oceanside Formation: Marietta Calvary Bible College Years Ordained: 14 San Diego Reader: How long do you …
Tifereth Israel Synagogue Contact: 6660 Cowles Mountain Blvd., San Carlos 619-697-6001 Membership: 240 Pastor: Rabbi Mathew Marko Age: 56 Born: Brooklyn, NY Formation: University of Florida, Gainesville Years Ordained: 7 San Diego Reader: What is …
SD.Church Contact: 13223-1 Black Mountain Rd., Suite 433, San Diego 619-280-2999 Membership: 1100 Pastor: Joseph Silipo Age: 62 Born: Pittsburgh Formation: University of Cincinnati, OH Years Ordained: 39 San Diego Reader: What’s your favorite …
Oceanside First Presbyterian Contact: 2001 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside 760-757-3560 Membership: 300 Pastor: Mike Killeen Age: 54 Born: Marina del Rey Formation: California State University-Northridge, Los Angeles; California State University- Dominguez Hills, Carson; …
Hilltop Baptist Church Contact: 740 Hilltop Dr., Chula Vista 619-422-7246 Weekly Attendance: 50 Pastor: Walt Hatch Age: 61 Born: El Cajon Formation: Pacific Coast Baptist College, San Dimas (now Heartland Baptist Bible College, Oklahoma …
Fraternal Spiritualist Fellowship Church Contact: 4720 Kensington Dr., San Diego 619-281-4557 Membership: 75 Pastor: Kimberly Hicks Age: 50 Born: Phoenix, AZ Formation: University of Phoenix; Fraternal Spiritualist Fellowship Church Years Ordained: 7 San Diego …
The Light Church Contact: 831 3rd St., Encinitas 760-975-2403, Attendance: 700-800 “on any given Sunday.” Associate Pastor: Stevy York Age: 29 Born: Escondido Formation: Biola University, La Mirada Years Ordained: 8 San Diego Reader: …
Kadampa Meditation Center San Diego Contact: 3502 Adams Ave, San Diego 619-230-5832 Membership: 70 Resident Teacher (Gen): Kelsang Lhadron Age: 49 Born: Chattanooga, TN Formation: Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Kadampa Meditation Center, Glen Spey, …
Canyon View Church of Christ Contact: 4292 Balboa Ave., San Diego 858-273-5140 Membership: 200+ Pulpit Minister: Barry Day Age: 59 Born: San Diego Formation: Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock, TX; Amridge University, Montgomery, AL …
White Christmas Forecasters generally consider a white Christmas to be an inch of snow on the ground or an inch falling that day. -News Item But along the river bottoms, snow found no place, When …
Anchor Baptist Church Contact: 8245 Ronson Road, Suite D, San Diego 619-804-3413 Membership: 45 Pastor: David Cajiuat Age: 55 Born: Bajuio, Philippines. Formation: Ambassador Baptist College, Shelby, North Carolina Years Ordained: 15 San Diego …
First Christian Church of Ramona Contact: 1970 Vermont St., Ramona 760-789-2371 Membership: 45-50 Pastor: Johnny Diaz Age: 38 Born: Santa Ana Formation: Vanguard University, Costa Mesa Years Ordained: 5 San Diego Reader: How long …
Resurrection Presbyterian Church Contact: 320 Date St., San Diego, CA 92101 Membership: 100+ Pastor: Robert Novak Age: 57 Born: La Mesa Formation: Southern California Seminary, El Cajon; Westminster Seminary, Escondido; Years Ordained: 9 San …
Morning Star Lutheran Church Contact: 12821 Ha Hana Road, Lakeside, CA 619-443-6032 Membership: 60 Pastor: Richard Ross Age: 62 Born: Tacoma, WA Formation: Lutheran Bible Institute, Seattle; North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene, ID; Oregon …
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Contact: 580 Hilltop Dr., Chula Vista 619 427-5515 Membership: 190 Pastor: Karla Halvorson Age: 54 Born: St. Paul, MN Formation: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Lutheran Bible Institute, Issaquah, WA; Pacific …
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church Contact: 4175 Poplar St., San Diego 858-837-9270 Membership: 200 families Pastor: Father Anthony Bahou Age: 56 Born: Damascus, Syria Formation: University of Hawaii, Honolulu; Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu; Holy …