When I turned 16 years old, my dad strongly urged me to find a part-time job. This was also happening to most of my buddies. The problem was that none of us wanted to work. …
Articles by Jerry Olivas
I was surprised there weren’t more passengers on the truck trailer car, because I had seen plenty of people around the freight yard. Maybe they were headed west instead of east, or perhaps north or …
One morning, after surfing at Imperial Beach, my friends and I were hanging out and bragging about one thing or another. Someone shared a story they had heard about how easy it was to catch …
A powerful blow to the side of my head sent me sprawling on the sidewalk. Then a strong hand seized the back of my pants and lifted me up from the sidewalk. About that time, …
They were just the sort of charter passengers we liked: out-of-town landlubbers who paid in advance and didn’t ask questions. We planned to take them to Islas Todos Santos, two uninhabited islands off the coast …