After Ozzy Osbourne was fired from Black Sabbath in 1979, he launched one of the most successful solo careers in music history. The stories of his rock-star antics — snorting ants, licking up his own …
Articles by Jake Peterson
They call it the Funkiest Disco Day on Earth. In 2008, The Mustache Bash started growing its upper-lip hair with a core group of San Diego State University pals. Eleven pals to be exact. Opposed …
Valentine’s Day came and went. The origins of this chocolatey, flowery holiday remain unclear to your humble correspondent. But one old tale about the Hallmark holiday claims that drunk and naked male Romans used to …
One night a few years ago, while under the influence of well tequila at Til-Two, I had a moment with a friendly security guard. We were cool with each other right up to the point …
Like many artists, singer/songwriter Anna May had to leave home in order to find her way. Like Beat icon Jack Kerouac of On the Road fame, whom she cites as an influence (along with Bob Dylan, Jim …
Video:GONZO: P.O.D. performing "Alive" at Harley-Davidson parking lot charity gigIt happened, and then it didn’t: the social media platform TikTok was banned in the U.S., then it was restored. When I opened the app the …
Gainesville, Florida has The Fest. Birmingham, Alabama lays claim to Furnace Fest. Vegas holds down Punk Rock Bowling. Now, with the Punk Rock Rodeo, San Diego is getting its own larger-scale punk rock festival. Although …
Two days after we got a new (old) President, I found myself back Downtown to check out a new live music space called The Beat. Despite all the noise leading up to the voting, the …
The last time Michael Tiernan released an album was just before the pandemic hit in 2020. Before that, the San Diego based musician wrote music that was mostly about his life experiences, including surviving cancer …