Dock Totals 3/9 – 3/15: 497 anglers aboard 18 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 26 bonito, 2 calico bass, 17 halibut (24 released), 21 lingcod, 14 …
Articles by Daniel Powell
Dock Totals 3/2 – 3/8: 479 anglers aboard 20 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 9 calico bass, 20 halibut, 306 lingcod, 1 perch, 7 rock crab, …
Dock Totals 2/23 – 3/1: 571 anglers aboard 24 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 79 bocaccio, 7 calico bass, 23 halibut (to 28-pounds), 210 lingcod, 12 rock …
Totals Feb. 16-22:653 anglers aboard 32 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 79 bocaccio, 2 calico bass, 14 halibut, 19 lingcod, 60 rock crab, 980 rockfish, 160 …
Dock Totals 2/9 – 2/15: 230 anglers aboard 12 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 7 calico bass, 2 halibut, 11 rock crab, 66 sand bass, 44 …
Dock Totals 2/2 – 2/8: 426 anglers aboard 22 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 3 calico bass, 6 halibut (to 34 pounds), 12 rock crab, 390 …
Dock Totals 1/26 – 2/1: 315 anglers aboard 19 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 8 calico bass, 1 halibut, 113 sand bass, 65 sanddab, 318 sculpin, …
It wasn’t always bluefin. Albacore came first, just as A comes before B in the alphabet. Back in the ‘60s, while I was still in my single-digit years, I remember seeing long-finned albacore swimming under …
Dock Totals 1/19 – 1/25: 449 anglers aboard 21 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 9 blacksmith perch, 25 bonito, 3 halibut (9 released), 50 lingcod, 14 …