Ramona Mainstage Nightclub
626 Main Street, Ramona, CA 92065
The Mainstage interior retains much of the original layout of the single-screen theater that operated in the locale for over 50 years, beginning in 1947; venue owners Orrin Day (a contractor) and Cheryl Day bought the building in 2002. After spending what he says was over $1 million, Day reopened it as Ramona Mainstage, a 550-capacity music venue.
In 2018, Day remodeled the venue for the third time since he took it over, building an adjacent steak house and a BBQ restaurant, and turning the concession area next to the stage into a bar, so the venue could continue to be all ages while still serving liquor.
Upcoming Events
Whey Jennings
Strange Days and Stone Horse
Michael Monroe
Moonshine Bandits
Creed Fisher and Lane Smith
Jimmy’s Buffet
Tennessee Jet
Pat Travers
Fair Warning: The Van Halen Experience
The Lowdown Drifters
The Pretenders