Agua Caliente County Park
Driving Directions: (Agua Caliente County Park) From the north, take SR-78 through Julian to Scissors Crossing and take S-2 (Great Overland Stage Route of 1849) south toward Ocotillo 22.2 miles to the entrance of Agua Caliente County Park. From the south take I-8 east and exit at Ocotillo. Take S-2 north and drive 26.7 miles to the entrance of Agua Caliente County Park, being careful to turn south from S-2 into the park entrance near the airstrip. Facilities available. Park across from the ranger pay station (day use parking is $3 per vehicle). Or, park on the side street just east of the Agua Caliente Springs General Store and walk into the park—this will add 1 mile to the round trip. Do not park in the General Store’s small parking lot. If you use the General Store’s restrooms, be nice and buy something at the store, or use the restrooms inside the park.