Greg Gret
From North Park (Sells Records)
To treat women better. I don’t make very many mistakes, but the biggest [at] this moment was when I was in fourth grade I made fun of a girl who stuck up for me.
Michael Hare
From Sacramento (Body Piercer)
Not to give up. Just, even though you make a mistake — no matter how bad it is — somebody’s made it before and you can move past it.
Sherly Antunez
From South San Diego (Student)
I learned that you have to follow the rules and to take the advice from people who’ve made the same mistakes I have. At a cheer competition I disobeyed an order and messed up the whole routine.
Denny Knox
From Ocean Beach (OB Mainstreet Executive)
In general, my biggest mistake was being so totally naive when going to college. I thought that everyone was just the way they presented themselves, but there does seem to be a dark side to some people.