Heather Kirby
From Normal Heights (Insurance)
Find my dogs! With everyone else gone or dead or whatever, there would be no traffic and plenty of parking at the beaches. That and I’d never have to pick up my dog’s poop ever again — who’s going to step in it?!

Mikey Knab
From Normal Heights (GM at Ponce's)
The first thing I would do is go to Kanye West’s house and play all his musical equipment and drive all his cars and pretty much just pretend that I’m Kanye West. If I were the last person on Earth, though, I’d be the most important person on Earth, just like Kanye thinks he is now.

Bob Pasela
From Normal Heights (Owner Sabuku Sushi)
I guess I’d go ahead and collect all the things I’ve ever wanted — who’s it going to hurt?! I guess I’d go grab every bottle of Jack and make my way to the Caribbean and drink myself silly on a beach somewhere.

Kirby Owen
From Santa Cruz (Photographer)
Walk around the streets naked. Basically just never wear clothes again. Go to the beach, jump in the water, feel the cooling sensation on all my exposed bits.