Jenny Vearitimos
From Normal Heights (Marketing & Communications)
George Washington. No, Rocky Balboa! He’s super fierce. Did you see when he totally rocked that Russian guy even while being less well equipped and trained?

Candyce Wyche
From La Mesa (in the Navy)
Napoleon Bonaparte, because he’s a brilliant tactician so he could probably organize a strategy. Also, he’s short, so we could slip out of here pretty easily.

Elisabeth Shoemaker
From East San Diego (Retired)
Any and all of the Chargers! They’re most of them big, burly, strong men that could protect me from harm from all angles. Then I’d ask for their autographs for my collection.

Charles Akins
From South Park (SAIC Employee)
I’m not sure I’d need anybody else on my side. I think I could take everybody here while still enjoying my delicious craft beer.