Jeffery Jones
From Los Angeles (Security)
Helping people, man! I’d help some of these homeless people here in San Diego. I wouldn’t just hand them money, obviously; I’d dedicate myself to being a job creator. Find work for each and every person in need, based on their talents.

Joel Goetzinger
From San Diego (Owner of Flight Action Sports)
The first thing that comes to my mind would be charities and doing good things with it. I’d like to live comfortably but at the same time I’d like to give back for the blessings in my life. Why not give it to the church or orphanages or building houses in Tijuana?

Jason Lane
From Golden Hill (Marketing)
Traveling! Around the world, plus one. First stop would be New Zealand, second stop would be Portugal, and, thirdly, I’d go to Sri Lanka. With unlimited funds, I’d just keep it going.

Nathan Lang
From East County (Beer Enthusiast)
I would devote my life to jam bands. A lot of music, a lot of fun, cultural indifference, and unity. Just rocking out and not caring about anybody else’s hang-ups.