Caitlin Davis
From San Diego (Sea World Employee)
Dumbledor from Harry Potter! I cried like a child, and in the movie it’s ten times worse! I cried for days, I was so broken up about it.

Jeff Rigg
From San Diego (Sea World Employee)
Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad. He was such a cool character even though he was a bad guy. He gets blown up but you see him again, like, walking, but then he just keels over and dies.

Catherine Pitt
From Oklahoma (Theater Performer)
When what’s-his-face from The Avengers died...Agent Coulson! He was such a great dude. That just broke my heart. I was laughing the whole time because he was being such a badass the whole time, but it was so sad.

Michael Dehut
From San Diego (Gamer)
Voldemort dying in Harry Potter, because he was one of my favorite characters and I secretly wanted Harry to die instead.