Joshua Arriaga
From San Diego (Student)
I’d probably want to be a really smart thinker because as I answer this my brain is...slowly...processing. I would want to upload the entire internet to my brain becoming some kind of brainiac. Wait...no, all the internet in my brain always, that would be terrible.

Darri Major
From San Diego (Cosplaying Student)
I would really want to be the world’s best video-game player. My favorite game is Kingdom Hearts 2 but I can’t play it anymore because my favorite character died but it’s such a good game I want to be able to play it again.

Sara Ramos
From San Diego (Student)
I would be a tai chi master. It’s a very useful and blissful pastime. It incorporates a lot of martial arts poses, which would be handy for taking pictures.

Ashley Lepet
From San Diego (Cosplayer)
Probably I’d just want to be really good at what I favor; that is, I would like to be really good at playing guitar behind my head. I guess just being a great musician would be perfect.