Cyndie Wiley
From La Jolla (Student)
That would be in the era of the old times, the Pride and Prejudice era. I think that’s something like the 1890s, early 1900s. Not totally fictional, I guess, but it would be fictional to travel back there.
Danny Solis
From Chula Vista (Unemployed)
Yeah, probably in the Marvel universe, just to chill with the Avengers. I really like Iron Man because he’s using the best superpower of all, money.
Ricky Solis
From Chula Vista (Underemployed)
Avatar’s universe because big, tall, awesome dragon things are flying around and everything’s blue. A key aspect would be that I’m also an Avatar, or whatever they’re called, not just a dude, ’cause I would get killed.
Alex Zasorano
From North Park (Student)
The DC Universe! ’Cause there are superheros. I’ve always wanted to live in a world with superheros, and I think it would be really cool to meet some of them.