John S.
From Mission Valley (Student)
Quitting my last job. I worked there for almost seven years. The last three years, I took promotions that were rotating shifts, and it was just getting to me. I had to make a decision: my health or the money. I chose my health.

Dylan Ciabatti
From RIverside (Politicl Activist)
Moving to America. I moved here from Switzerland 11 years ago. We landed in San Francisco, then stayed in San Luis Obispo for a little while, then moved down here to Southern California. I’m a Californian now way more than I am a Swiss kid!

Erik Ortega
From City Heights (Student)
When I started going to church — St. Alban’s, over there by El Cajon. My friend’s mom recommended it to me because every day I would go to parties and all that. She said I should start going to church. At first I didn’t like it; I was falling asleep. But then I started getting into it.

Don McKenzie
From Clairemont (Senior Care)
Becoming a father back in 1989. I didn’t think my life would change, but it does. You start thinking about other things when you have a baby. You change some of your plans and goals. Being a dad is a responsibility; you have to live up to it. I changed as soon as she was born. Once you see your baby for the first time, it just happens.