Tom Cartwright
From Webster (Hotel Hospitality)
Not having God in our lives. Can you imagine if God took His presence from us? His spirit from us? We were just talking about that the other day.

Margarite Triemstra
From Carmel Valley (Taste of Wine TV)
When the airplane is landing. I remember coming home to San Diego — the rain was pouring and we came over the water. We landed the opposite way. The plane was shaking. My whole body just kind of drained. And ever since then I get a little nervous.

Linda Rendon
From Chula Vista (Unemployed)
What makes me nervous are things I don’t have control over. Like the government.

Al Berges
From Chula Vista (Unemployed)
Public speaking. I have to do it for work and stuff, and it’s kind of scary for me to talk in front of other people.

Austin Reese
From North Park (Fisherman)
I get nervous before I give a girl a first kiss. Hella nervous!