Katie McCanna
From Normal Heights (Marketing)
Books! They don’t smell the same and you can’t write in them and it’s just not the same experience if it’s not on paper. Maybe if they came out with a waterproof e-reader I could get into it. Like, reading in the bath’s kind of irritating. So, maybe if they had a waterproof one — with Smell-a-vision so that old book smell just shoots right out of there. Aromatherapy reader.
Juan-Carlos Cerda
From Chula Vista (Respiratory Therapist)
It has to be a book. I’ve got the Amazon Kindle app on my phone, but I much prefer to have the actual physical book in my hand.
Jessie Valdez
From National City (Distributor)
Books. I’ve tried an e-reader, but I don’t like it. It’s too black-and-white.
Terry Tyler
From Central San Diego (Student)
Books. I just don’t like the idea of reading off a machine. I want to be a page-turner.