Victoria Forrest
From Clairemont (Student)
My cell phone. My car’s too important to me. I have a new car and it’s awesome. I’m not gonna give it up. It’s my baby!

James Tan
From Escondido (Marine)
Cell phone. Because I don’t need a phone to get from one place to another. With a car you can get from point A to point B. A cell phone won’t let you do that. Plus, you’d still have your home phone. You could get walkie-talkies!

Maegan Renae Stelfox
From La Jolla (Verizon Rep)
I’d give up my phone. You could still keep in touch with people on Facebook. It sucks to not have a car! You can’t do what you want to do unless you get rides off people. I guess I’d just get a bike or something, maybe a Vespa.

Anthony Smith
From Clairemont (Government Employee)
My cell phone. I’d keep the car. I’d rather go without the cell because the cell phone just keeps you tied down; it’s a leash to everything...junk mail, you know, responding to people.