Lizzie Faye
From University City (Photographer)
As a matter of fact, I probably would know. I could just sense it. I’m an investigator. There are boyfriends out there that are on your cell phone. They can see all your pictures, they can see everything you send, and they can hear every call. So, head’s up on that. It’s about $60 to get that piece of machinery and it works on anyone’s cell phone if you have their number.

Laurie Virtuoso
From Normal Heights (Teacher)
Yes. I think people know, instinctually, when things just don’t add up. I think some people deal with it, and some people don’t. And I choose to deal with it.

R.J. Sharpe
From Mira Mesa (Bartender)
Yes, of course! But how you find out...that’s the iffy part. But, still I’d want to know. It would end the relationship, period. Cheating’s just wrong.

Hollis Dixon
From North Park (Nurse)
You know, you think yes...but maybe it’s better not to know. If it was something short-lived, no disease involved, nothing like that... If it was something that was safe, one time, and over — probably not. But if it was going to be ongoing and unsafe and just ridiculous...I’d want to know.

Omar Canales
From Oceanside (Security)
Yeah. But, would I break up with them? It depends. If it was with another girl, I might be more lenient. But if it was with a guy, it’d definitely be over. If I can make my way into some girl-on-girl action, I could go with that.

Holli Mayer
From Normal Heights (Farmers' Market Vendor)
I’d want to know so I could dump their ass. I don’t tolerate cheating. That’s a breach of trust. You open up to somebody, and for them to betray you like that... Even if it was a mistake on their behalf, the moment that they decided that I wasn’t important enough to them to stay loyal...it would be heartbreaking. I wouldn’t be able to get over it.